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  1. #1
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Relationship Question related to AAS use

    So I have been with my girl now for almost 2 years i think . I have been on and off cycles through out that time. She has no idea that I use AAS. I keep b12 around and say thats what I inject, so when she has found needles or n e thing in the past I can relate it all back to the b-12.

    I think we might be together for a while. Should I:

    A) Tell Her
    B) Never tell her and just keep rolling
    C) kinda like B, Just keep going til she catches me and then tell her
    D) If She catches me, continue to deny it and never tell her (Im considering D)

    I don't think she would care TBH(She has fake knockers, so @ the end of the day we both have as the shrinks say Īmage Issues, or whatever you wanna classify it as) .. But I feel like its my little secret. Only 2 of my friends know. And you all of course. Lots of people assume, but fuk them, I deny it because its none of their Biz. I am not the biggest individual by any means but I am not the smallest either

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
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    If you wanna keep it from all of her friends and family then keep it from her. Just stick with your story of b12

  3. #3
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    If you wanna keep it from all of her friends and family then keep it from her. Just stick with your story of b12
    Lol, Do you know my girlfriend
    (That crossed my mind 2)
    Haha, or all these B!tches exactly the same

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
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    Don't tell her.

    Women are vindictive and will use something like that against you in a second.

    god help you if you get into a fight, she'll be saying you're having "roid rage "

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    NO point bringing it up if its not asked... if it does get asked, its your decision to lie or not...

    Im open about my use, its no big deal really... its like saying you drink or smoke but with less body damage if done properly

  6. #6
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    Lol, Do you know my girlfriend
    (That crossed my mind 2)
    Haha, or all these B!tches exactly the same
    yeah she just left she wanted me to tell you she'd be home soon.

    There all the same. Even the ones who can keep a secret will still tell her best friend who normally is a loudmouth whore that will tell the world.

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    NO point bringing it up if its not asked... if it does get asked, its your decision to lie or not...

    Im open about my use, its no big deal really... its like saying you drink or smoke but with less body damage if done properly
    Except that, in the States at least, it's illegal.

    And if some gf gets pissed she can raise all kinds of problems for you.

  8. #8
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Except that, in the States at least, it's illegal.

    And if some gf gets pissed she can raise all kinds of problems for you.
    theres solutions to that as well

  9. #9
    Brewster's Avatar
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    I feel what you all are saying... Thats why I have been keeping it my little secret. It will have to remain that way forever.
    She jokingly brings it up, and then I jokingly reply its cause im on steroids .

    And KP I will show you the picture of her from when she did not Iron my briefs properly. She foled them sideways and Ironed them, She wont be making that mistake again.. Picture below

  10. #10
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    I feel what you all are saying... Thats why I have been keeping it my little secret. It will have to remain that way forever.
    She jokingly brings it up, and then I jokingly reply its cause im on steroids .

    And KP I will show you the picture of her from when she did not Iron my briefs properly. She foled them sideways and Ironed them, She wont be making that mistake again.. Picture below

    ok, thats not funny man!!!!


    you didnt even take away her ability to talk on the cell phone?

  11. #11
    Rodax is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah I really wouldn't tell her. And at least this way, if you decide to tell her everything later you weren't lying you were omitting part of the truth. It's not like she asked if you were injecting anything else. Women can be vindictive in a fight and roids can be a strong weapon in say court or even with cops because if they take a look at you and you look like a roider, then they figure you probably rage like one too and after that, it's just a slippery slope of credibility loss.

  12. #12
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    for 2 years? and you really think she believes the B-12?

    Girls are snoops. Natural snoops, natural detectives. I would take it to Vegas she already knows what you are doing. And if she doesn't? Then you have a non-snooping girl which is one in a million.

  13. #13
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Anyone else notice all these wife beaters are left handed???

  14. #14
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Anyone else notice all these wife beaters are left handed???
    No they just turn in that direction generally

  15. #15
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    seriosuly, women believe what they want to beleive regardless of what the truth is, they will ignore it and substitute it with their own.
    Last edited by MACHINE5150; 12-21-2010 at 05:58 AM.

  16. #16
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Anyone else notice all these wife beaters are left handed???
    wrong, they be using the "pimp hand" foo

  17. #17
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    for 2 years? and you really think she believes the B-12?

    Girls are snoops. Natural snoops, natural detectives. I would take it to Vegas she already knows what you are doing. And if she doesn't? Then you have a non-snooping girl which is one in a million.
    I agree,
    But We dont rele live together.

    She can snoop all she wants all my AAS is in a lockbox. She will never find the key and has never asked whats inside.. All I keep out is syringes in a drawer with B12

  18. #18
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    No they just turn in that direction generally
    yeah that's what she told the judge.. haha

    OJ would get off with that defense why can't I???

  19. #19
    Brewster's Avatar
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    machiene... Lol, that was a good change of words

  20. #20
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    HEY MACHINE!!! I did not say that! Please....i do not want those words in my quote! that is not kosher to do....

  21. #21
    Rodax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    yeah that's what she told the judge.. haha

    OJ would get off with that defense why can't I???
    only in the criminal case, the civil case not so much lol!

  22. #22
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    HEY MACHINE!!! I did not say that! Please....i do not want those words in my quote! that is not kosher to do....
    sorry slim.. took it down

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    sorry slim.. took it down
    THANK YOU! you are a stand up man! I appreciate it....really do.

  24. #24
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    So I have been with my girl now for almost 2 years i think . I have been on and off cycles through out that time. She has no idea that I use AAS. I keep b12 around and say thats what I inject, so when she has found needles or n e thing in the past I can relate it all back to the b-12.

    I think we might be together for a while. Should I:

    A) Tell Her
    B) Never tell her and just keep rolling
    C) kinda like B, Just keep going til she catches me and then tell her
    D) If She catches me, continue to deny it and never tell her (Im considering D)

    I don't think she would care TBH(She has fake knockers, so @ the end of the day we both have as the shrinks say Īmage Issues, or whatever you wanna classify it as) .. But I feel like its my little secret. Only 2 of my friends know. And you all of course. Lots of people assume, but fuk them, I deny it because its none of their Biz. I am not the biggest individual by any means but I am not the smallest either
    Unless she's on the sauce too, keep your mouth shut.

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    Anyone who thinks that there's no place for secrets, does not live in the real world IMHO.
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
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  25. #25
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    Unless she's on the sauce too, keep your mouth shut.

    We all have secrets...and with good reason.

    Anyone who thinks that there's no place for secrets, does not live in the real world IMHO.
    Well put..
    I was planning on not saying anything.
    Now after all the posts Im still not going to say anything and I wont lose a second of sleep thinking about it.

  26. #26
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    ^^Good man.

    The only person who you can guarantee will keep your secrets is yourself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  27. #27
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    I dont get how u guys can keep i from ur GF's and partners

    Im open about it to my GF and some of my m8's...

    In the UK its not agains the law so i dont think its a big deal

    I could not keep it from my partner tho

  28. #28
    Twist's Avatar
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    my gf takes hgh...

  29. #29
    Brewster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    my gf takes hgh...
    thank you for sharing

  30. #30
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    I was always open when I did them years back. But as of right now, I am on nothing but protein and creatine.

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