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    gbrice75's Avatar
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    My lifts are on par with women... UGH!

    I'll start by saying i'm a weak mofo. Now that we have that out of the way, you won't question why I lift what I lift.

    I usually dead 275lbs for reps - I went with 315 once but it was too heavy to do for effective reps IMO. I know that's pathetic compared to what 95% of you can deadlift, but what can I say... i'm working on it.

    Anyway, I decided to do rack pulls the other day instead of deads, because my hams were shot. I loaded it with 315 since the range of motion is about 2/3rds that of deads (and the easier 2/3rds). I was sick, on 2 hours of sleep, and had already done several sets of pull ups. I was able to rep 10 with good form.

    So I was all full of myself (you'd never know it though), went home later that night and Youtubed 'Rack Pulls 315' - the first 3 fvcking results were all women!!! WTF!!! And i'm not talkin about some big ass gnarly gangly lookin women on AAS - i'm talkin regular looking women! Needless to say, I felt like shit.

    I did rack pulls again today and HAD to beat 315... went straight to 405 and repped it for 6 clean w/ good form. I know that's still weak compared to most of you, but at least i'm beating MOST women now!

    Let the gbrice ass raping ensue.

  2. #2
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    You will be happy to know if you youtube it now, only the first one is a girl

  3. #3
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Lmao. It's not what you can lift but what you look like you can lift. Unless your a powerlifter or lifting next to a girl. Then you have to lift more than her lol.

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say 315 is weak at all. Remember the amount of strength has to do with your weight vs lifted weight. If a 300lb guys does 315 on deads I say that's weak. If someone is 150-160 and does 315 dead that's pretty good. Numbers aren't perfect but you see where I am going.

    Are you sure the weight in the video were real ? There are a lot of fakes out there.

    Even if it is still real who cares, can she pee standing up? You win !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    You will be happy to know if you youtube it now, only the first one is a girl
    Lmao!!! I'll have to post mine, knock her down another!

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Lmao. It's not what you can lift but what you look like you can lift. Unless your a powerlifter or lifting next to a girl. Then you have to lift more than her lol.
    lol this is true bro! It just gets frustrating when I read post after post (fvck of Vettewreck!) about how much people are lifting, and i'm sitting here with kiddie weights lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I wouldn't say 315 is weak at all. Remember the amount of strength has to do with your weight vs lifted weight. If a 300lb guys does 315 on deads I say that's weak. If someone is 150-160 and does 315 dead that's pretty good. Numbers aren't perfect but you see where I am going.

    Are you sure the weight in the video were real ? There are a lot of fakes out there.

    Even if it is still real who cares, can she pee standing up? You win !
    I hear you. I'm 190lbs, so I feel like 315 on rack pulls is pretty weak. If i'm wrong, great! At least my new lift is 405... gotta shoot for 10 clean on that though.

    I can't be certain the vids/weights were real, but shame on them if not!

    Lmao at the last one - true, but does the fact that I sit most of the time to avoid making a ton of noise and mess count against me????

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I hear you. I'm 190lbs, so I feel like 315 on rack pulls is pretty weak. If i'm wrong, great! At least my new lift is 405... gotta shoot for 10 clean on that though.

    I can't be certain the vids/weights were real, but shame on them if not!

    Lmao at the last one - true, but does the fact that I sit most of the time to avoid making a ton of noise and mess count against me????
    yes, that is the gayest excuse ever !

  8. #8
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Lmao at peeing sitting down... And at dsm's remark

    Do you really sit down to pee?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    yes, that is the gayest excuse ever !
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Lmao at peeing sitting down... And at dsm's remark

    Do you really sit down to pee?
    Fvck me, I guess it's too late to retract my statement. Uhh, I was just kidding?

    I don't ALWAYS sit down! But in the middle of the night I try not to wake the wife (yep, I'm with girl, fvck you all!) and our bathroom is like RIGHT THERE - so I sit to keep it quiet lol! Other times I just get annoyed with the mess, pissing on my feet, on the shower curtain, etc. Don't tell me the beginning of your stream doesn't go awry sometimes!!!

  10. #10
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    As long as this doesn't happen you're good

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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    As long as this doesn't happen you're good

    Lmao now THAT'S fvcked up, nevermind me sitting to pee! What's worse, she appears to be hot!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Fvck me, I guess it's too late to retract my statement. Uhh, I was just kidding?

    I don't ALWAYS sit down! But in the middle of the night I try not to wake the wife (yep, I'm with girl, fvck you all!) and our bathroom is like RIGHT THERE - so I sit to keep it quiet lol! Other times I just get annoyed with the mess, pissing on my feet, on the shower curtain, etc. Don't tell me the beginning of your stream doesn't go awry sometimes!!!

  13. #13
    Standby's Avatar
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    oh man this is a great thread

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    With one sentence, i've completely destroyed my rep here at AR!!!

    lol I love how the thread has completely derailed from the topic of my weak lifts to how I negotiate urinating!

  15. #15
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    You have never bulked, always been on low cals and worried about the fat levels...therefore you have not built any power base.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    With one sentence, i've completely destroyed my rep here at AR!!!

    lol I love how the thread has completely derailed from the topic of my weak lifts to how I negotiate urinating!

  17. #17
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    About 40 percent of adult Japanese men sit on the toilet to urinate — a staggering figure almost three times the number recorded in 1999 — according to a survey by Western-style toilet manufacturer Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.
    The survey of 518 men and an identical number of women whose ages ranged from their 30s to 50s showed that the younger the man, the more likely he is to sit down while peeing instead of the traditional method of standing up.
    The 40 percent of men who sit while urinating is almost three times more than the 15 percent of men who did so when the company first started surveying toilet habits in 1999.
    “Women hate it when urine sprays, so there appears to be an increasing number who are asking men to sit down on the toilet when they have to go,” a Matsushita Electric Works spokesman said.
    Update: Fuji TV news did an in-depth report on this crucial news story, preparing some graphs to illustrate what’s going on.

    The above graph shows that only 15% of Japanese men urinated while sitting down back in 1999, with the trend increasing up to nearly half of all men in 2007!

    This other graph shows the results of a survey given to married men and women. 53% of women thought their husbands peed sitting down, while 27% of men admitted that they sat down to urinate. This would seem to confirm the theory that women want their husbands to sit down instead of stand.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post

    You have never bulked, always been on low cals and worried about the fat levels...therefore you have not built any power base.
    THIS ^^^ is so true and I know is my problem. Man, i'm sitting at 12-13% but still show years of bodily abuse - i.e. loose skin, still have the love handles and flab over my stomach, man tits, etc. I'd love to be eating for gains, trust me, but I don't think my body has made the turnaround enough yet where I won't quickly put fat back on.

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post

    Lmao what u tryin ta say about Terraj!!!???

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    About 40 percent of adult Japanese men sit on the toilet to urinate — a staggering figure almost three times the number recorded in 1999 — according to a survey by Western-style toilet manufacturer Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.
    The survey of 518 men and an identical number of women whose ages ranged from their 30s to 50s showed that the younger the man, the more likely he is to sit down while peeing instead of the traditional method of standing up.
    The 40 percent of men who sit while urinating is almost three times more than the 15 percent of men who did so when the company first started surveying toilet habits in 1999.
    “Women hate it when urine sprays, so there appears to be an increasing number who are asking men to sit down on the toilet when they have to go,” a Matsushita Electric Works spokesman said.
    Update: Fuji TV news did an in-depth report on this crucial news story, preparing some graphs to illustrate what’s going on.

    The above graph shows that only 15% of Japanese men urinated while sitting down back in 1999, with the trend increasing up to nearly half of all men in 2007!

    This other graph shows the results of a survey given to married men and women. 53% of women thought their husbands peed sitting down, while 27% of men admitted that they sat down to urinate. This would seem to confirm the theory that women want their husbands to sit down instead of stand.
    See? So actually, this makes me a real ladies man. Be careful, because I might steal all your girls when I reveal to them that i'm a squatter! lol

  19. #19
    Scabtree's Avatar
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    I feel for ya bro. I've got bad aim in the vertical position. And I'm not Japanese.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    See? So actually, this makes me a real ladies man. Be careful, because I might steal all your girls when I reveal to them that i'm a squatter! lol
    Haha I just never thought about peeing while sitting down unless in pooping too. I grew up peeing outside and feel peeing on the floor sometimes is part of being a man. There's nothing wrong with being metro tho. I hear that's in now..... Hahahaha ok I've given you enough shit now.

    My stepdad used to always say: don't be like maw don't be like sis, lift the lid before you piss...,

  21. #21
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    They got real nice heated seats over here Bro....I just got off one

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PastorDwanye View Post
    I feel for ya bro. I've got bad aim in the vertical position. And I'm not Japanese.
    lol I knew I wasn't alone!

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Haha I just never thought about peeing while sitting down unless in pooping too. I grew up peeing outside and feel peeing on the floor sometimes is part of being a man. There's nothing wrong with being metro tho. I hear that's in now..... Hahahaha ok I've given you enough shit now.

    My stepdad used to always say: don't be like maw don't be like sis, lift the lid before you piss...,
    lol np bro, I have a thick skin. We break balls in work all day long.

    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    They got real nice heated seats over here Bro....I just got off one
    Good point! This fvcking cold is enough to get me back to standing real quick!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post

  24. #24
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  25. #25
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    WOW really? Dammit GB!

    Even DSM is calling you gay now.

  26. #26
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    [QUOTE=gbrice75;5466786]Fvck me, I guess it's too late to retract my statement. Uhh, I was just kidding?
    l you
    I don't ALWAYS sit down! But in the middle of the night I try not to wake the wife (yep, I'm with girl, fvck you all!) and our bathroom is like RIGHT THERE - so I sit to keep it quiet lol! Other times I just get annoyed with the mess, pissing on my feet, on the shower curtain, etc. Don't tell me the beginning of your stream doesn't go awry sometimes!!![/QUOTE

    Wait til you get to be over 50 and have prostrate removed then sitting down is the only way.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    WOW really? Dammit GB!

    Even DSM is calling you gay now.
    Lmao! Sorry to let you down bro! Yea, DSM is calling me gay, and Shol'va hasn't caught on to the thread yet obviously!

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Fvck me, I guess it's too late to retract my statement. Uhh, I was just kidding?
    l you
    I don't ALWAYS sit down! But in the middle of the night I try not to wake the wife (yep, I'm with girl, fvck you all!) and our bathroom is like RIGHT THERE - so I sit to keep it quiet lol! Other times I just get annoyed with the mess, pissing on my feet, on the shower curtain, etc. Don't tell me the beginning of your stream doesn't go awry sometimes!!![/QUOTE

    Wait til you get to be over 50 and have prostrate removed then sitting down is the only way.
    Well, I guess it'll be old hat for me by then!

  28. #28
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    I just got back to the gym after four years off (back injury) and I am using itty bitty baby don't feel bad about your 315 deadlift.

  29. #29
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    when i was 160lbs i was dlifting 462 competitively. i didnt have any great genetics, if i could do it i cant see why you cant. if you want bigger numbers you need to strength train

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I just got back to the gym after four years off (back injury) and I am using itty bitty baby don't feel bad about your 315 deadlift.
    Thanks bro, and congrats on being back!

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    when i was 160lbs i was dlifting 462 competitively. i didnt have any great genetics, if i could do it i cant see why you cant. if you want bigger numbers you need to strength train
    I'm 190lbs, and like I said I did hit 405 for 6 but that was with rack pulls - I doubt I could DL that for 1. Tomorrow is back day though, I might give it a shot!

    When you say competitively - was that a 1RM?

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    [QUOTE=gbrice75;5468077]Thanks bro, and congrats on being back!

    I'm 190lbs, and like I said I did hit 405 for 6 but that was with rack pulls - I doubt I could DL that for 1. Tomorrow is back day though, I might give it a shot!

    When you say competitively - was that a 1RM?[QUOTE]

    yeah, that was my 1st comp aged 19 (would have been pulling 418lb x 6 in those days) , i maxed out at 528lb@ 75kgs class before skipping up to 90kgs class, quitting smoking put weight and muscle on me fast hence the big jump in comp weight class

    just build it up gradually, low reps big weight, i was a very scrawny kid when i started and have gone on to pull 594lbs
    Last edited by dec11; 12-22-2010 at 08:04 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Lmao!!!! Great, now I got Nark's attention too! The smidge of respect he might have had for me just went.... down the toilet =\

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Lmao!!!! Great, now I got Nark's attention too! The smidge of respect he might have had for me just went.... down the toilet =\
    ...that you were sitting on while taking a pee.

  36. #36
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I usually dead 275lbs for reps - I went with 315 once but it was too heavy to do for effective reps IMO. I know that's pathetic compared to what 95% of you can deadlift
    Dont sweat it bro. I probably cant dead lift 225. Dead serious. I dont do them at all. And I could care less. IMO, I think deadlifts are worthless and only a matter of time before you (in general) hurt yourself. Theres far more other things Id rather do to increase strength than bending over and lifting weight off the floor. If you think about it that way, mechanically speaking for how a humans body works, it just isnt smart. But of course, thats just MY personal opinion.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Dont sweat it bro. I probably cant dead lift 225. Dead serious. I dont do them at all. And I could care less. IMO, I think deadlifts are worthless and only a matter of time before you (in general) hurt yourself. Theres far more other things Id rather do to increase strength than bending over and lifting weight off the floor. If you think about it that way, mechanically speaking for how a humans body works, it just isnt smart. But of course, thats just MY personal opinion.
    Vette - I appreciate your support! BUT I must say i've never heard this opinion on deads before, it's usually quite the contrary! I'm just bracing myself for the inevitable flaming...

    Honestly, when I think about it, it's one of the most practical movements you can make with your body. Unless something falls on top of you, I see no use for a press movement. Curls, etc all seem unnatural - but deads... well we DO lift things off of the ground. Also the fact that it uses SO much muscle, almost the entire body from legs right up through the forearms, back, traps... just seems like a must-do.

  38. #38
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    I don't deadlift over 400 lbs. My 1rm is probably a little above 400. I do deads but would rather go higher reps than injure myself. I do 8-12 reps on each set.

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    Deads have added 2" to my penis.
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
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    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos;5468***
    Deads have added 2" to my penis.
    Lmao!!! Damn, I knew it was an effective exercise, but who would have thought!

    Great, just what a brotha needs, more penis size. Can a white boy get in on that? =P

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