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Thread: Please read- reckless?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Please read- reckless?

    Here is the deal guys, I finished my cycle and pct. My wife and I have been talking about babies and we are ready to have one. However...financially we are in no way able to take care of a child and provide a nice life like we have now. In a year from now this will be different. So.... Im thinking about jumping back on cycle to suppress some of the natural test levels to lessen the odds some. Im not sure if and how this can effect me in the long run. So here is my specific question; Can I go back on cycle and try to shut down hpta? I ran my pct for 6 weeks, just off. Ill try to keep up on this but its pretty important for me to get some input here. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    So you are asking if you should use Steroids as a birth control? Lol

    How about you talk to your wife and work out a plan....

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil_herc81 View Post
    Here is the deal guys, I finished my cycle and pct. My wife and I have been talking about babies and we are ready to have one. However...financially we are in no way able to take care of a child and provide a nice life like we have now. In a year from now this will be different. So.... Im thinking about jumping back on cycle to suppress some of the natural test levels to lessen the odds some. Im not sure if and how this can effect me in the long run. So here is my specific question; Can I go back on cycle and try to shut down hpta? I ran my pct for 6 weeks, just off. Ill try to keep up on this but its pretty important for me to get some input here. Thanks.
    Not a great idea at all.

    Plenty of guys, including myself, have gotten their wives/girlfriends pregnant on cycle.

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You will get her pregnant while on cycle. It has happened to us. Steroids does not work as a birth control.

  5. #5
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    I don't even get the thought process behind this. Are you simply trying to kill 2 birds with one stone? Are you figuring you can jump on a cycle, make some gains and have the added benefit of birth control? Or, is it the other way around?

    If it's the latter - try condoms. =)

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    Pin it to win it!

  7. #7
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Ok, can someone tell me why women aren't on the pill in the states? In Canada, as soon as girls turn 13-14 they go on birth control. Most women like it cause it regulates their periods. Why is it such a big deal in the states?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Ok, can someone tell me why women aren't on the pill in the states? In Canada, as soon as girls turn 13-14 they go on birth control. Most women like it cause it regulates their periods. Why is it such a big deal in the states?
    They think it makes them fat

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Ok, can someone tell me why women aren't on the pill in the states? In Canada, as soon as girls turn 13-14 they go on birth control. Most women like it cause it regulates their periods. Why is it such a big deal in the states?
    There are negative side effects for the pill for some women. That and this thing called equal rights that we have to women a while back.

  10. #10
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    Dude just pull out. I always do. Im more of a "visual show" kinda guy anyways. lol

  11. #11
    D.Pump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Ok, can someone tell me why women aren't on the pill in the states? In Canada, as soon as girls turn 13-14 they go on birth control. Most women like it cause it regulates their periods. Why is it such a big deal in the states?
    Most girls are... However IMO its not a good thing because all the chicks piss it out and there are traces of the hormones in drinking water which is believed to have contributed to the dramatic decrease in sperm count/quality of men in the last 50 years not to mention that there are long term effects for women who take the hormones continuously for years on end.

  12. #12
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    I laugh when I hear a mate say they don't want kids for financial reasons. and that's a shame. financially, it's never really a good time. when my woman came up preggers 12+ years ago, we were flat broke. Serious! She was all nervous, unsure, and asked what we should do. I just gave her a big hug and kiss and told her that we were of course having this baby... no two ways about it. And you know, we somehow did survive.

    If you are correct when you say "we are ready to have one", then have one for christs sake! Unless there is some other underlying issue you two have yet to resolve?

  13. #13
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    Im kinda in the middle, we both want kids, we are both ready to have children together. She came off the pill in August so that "when it happens it happens". She just graduated high school, oohhhh. Nah she just graduated 2 weeks ago from college and just got a decent job. We have been living off a low income for 4 years and have plenty of catch up to do not too much but within a year we can be debt free. The baby is a big deal to her since we lost one a couple years ago she has been hurting for a second chance. I love my wife and I dont want to make her sad by telling her we need to wait. If I find a way to..... as I said suppress my boys the likelihood would be less, I think. I have not made this decision yet I wanted to see what can come out of it if I were to jump back on and run for a hot minute. Again I have not done this nor decided to. Im weighing the odds. BTW. Thanks for the input

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Dude just pull out. I always do. Im more of a "visual show" kinda guy anyways. lol
    Nice, lol. Normally this is the format just not with her. I used to disrespect a lot of women sexually so I make sure not to do those things to my wife. The couple times I did do this I felt like she was a hooker and not a respectable woman.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Dude just pull out. I always do. Im more of a "visual show" kinda guy anyways. lol
    I actually read in like Condomworld magazine (some condom magazine I dont remember) that its 94% effective to pull out if done properly.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    I actually read in like Condomworld magazine (some condom magazine I dont remember) that its 94% effective to pull out if done properly.
    lol...condom world magazine?

  17. #17
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    lol, thats great! Im looking that up right now.

  18. #18
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    Pulling out is very effective, so far 100% for me.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    lol...condom world magazine?
    haha, it was some condom based publication that did only studies on sex and sexual aids/protection. it was a 10 or 12 year study. I heard about it on a local radio show the same week, they were talking about it.

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