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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Making a comeback?

    Has anyone left the nutrition/training lifestyle for an extended period of time, gotten so out of shape that you fell into depression then came back?

    I've honestly been away for the last 2yrs and it's gotten to the point that i've lost complete control of my self from a fitness perspective. I am going to start training again tomorrow and I can only imagine how tough it is going to be. I would appreciate any support or encouragement. I'm gonna need it.

    I need to weigh in and formulate my diet but i've come to the crossroad, I either continue down my current path or I turn this back around. I think I prefer to look and feel better for a change.

    This site use to be a place of positive encouragement, i'd like to think that remains. Jesus, this is going to be tough. Gonna go buy protein etc tomorrow..I thought i'd start in Januray but I just want to get going.
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  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    HERE's to THE NEW YOU!

  3. #3
    Waynes's Avatar
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    Hey Muri,
    Im new to the forum and new to AAS. I SINCERELY WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!

  4. #4
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Yup, I'm in the same boat. I've gone off and on many times. I just started up again a few weeks ago.... time to do work, ninja!

  5. #5
    terraj's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, but for you to come back here it will require you using your old Avi.

  6. #6
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Yup, I'm in the same boat. I've gone off and on many times. I just started up again a few weeks ago.... time to do work, ninja!
    I have been chasing my tail as well but this last year i've had absolutely no consistency in training/diet. I bet I weigh 240lbs if not more
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  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I was out for the better half of this year. In January I decided I was going to take 2 weeks off to rest and get some remodelling done around the house. 2 weeks turned to 3, then 4 then two months and before I knew it I was out for 6 months and looked like I had never worked out. I went to the dr and had my test levels checked and with the drs help and the help of a few members here I started a good trt plan. It took me another month or so before I made it back to training and a little longer to settle back into a strict diet. I've gained most of my size back ( thank god for muscle memory) and I feel better than ever. Get through those first couple weeks and you'll be gtg. It's getting back into the mindset that's the hard part.

    Good luck Murillo and stay motivated.

  8. #8
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Yeh me too I haven't gone this long w/out working out since I was born.

    I stopped back in June for no real reason at all other then the fact that it felt good to not be worrying about diet/lifting 24/7.
    I actually liked it a lot, and then within a week I hated myself for it. It took about 2 months before I was able to be happy
    eating the regular foods avg folk do. Then I wound up putting on 30lbs, looked in the mirror one day and realized it was just not
    The real reason I did it I believe is because I was begining to think I had OCD and couldn't be confident not being in excellent shape
    year round. I really started to view working out/eating clean as a massive insecurity. And I told myself I wouldn't get back into
    it till I was able to be happy having a little gut. Long story short I DID get happier, and eventually forgot altogether about diet
    working out. I had took about 6 months off, then told myself "ok now I'm gonna start working out, but only 3-4 days a week. I don't
    wanna get back into the 6 days a week obsessive lifestyle I was in before" So now I work out 3-4 days a week, feel better than
    I've felt in a loooong time, and decided its alright to be overly obsessive about something that is for the most part HEALTHY.

    But for no other reason in the world, I've decided to get back into it for the psychological benefits. I'm sooo much more ambitious,
    energetic and happy when I'm consistently exercising, and when I wasn't although I was still able to be content I didn't feel like
    the "normal me". Whatever you do don't beat yourself up over it, do it at your pace and do it however it makes you happy.

  9. #9
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    You hit the nail on the head Bojangles...I remember when I first stopped. It came from several changes that occured in my life, a personal issue and I received a significant career bump which has led to better quality of life albeit more responsibilities. I'm no longer the sheep at work that comes in and does his work then leaves. I am connected to my work 24x7. I began to feel that it was time for me to enjoy regular life and to not worry so much about looking in shape, constant cooking, dieting. I began going to lunch, eating out and enjoying more time doing other things besides dieting and training. My professional life was in good condition while my personal life was spiriling downward into self pity and depression. I would come on here searching for positive things only to never really find any of the old feelings this place brought me in the past. I eventually stopped logging on or even visiting this site. Trust me, I am no "Vet" here..i'm not sure what I have to offer at this point? I really need some help getting out of this hole and need positive reinforcement. Sure, i've looked for "answers" as i've called them over the last two years. I've gotten my test levels checked, was told they were good. I then moved on to anti-depressants, tried those for about a month and think its all bullshit and just an excuse. I've been full of excuses for 2yrs; "its my job", "its low test", "i'm getting older and need to enjoy life", "i have so many responsbilities", "there is more to life than working out". You name it, and i've said it pretty much.

    One problem (i think it is a problem) is that my personality is "black or white", there is no grey or middle area with me. It is all or nothing. I am either focused on something (as i was in the past) or I am not at all (present). I tried to "dabble" with moderate workouts and eating 2-3 times a day of whatever I wanted and it simply does not work for me. I am not even looking to get shredded or ripped, it is not about that. It is about being comfortable mentally and physically. It's really hard to judge at what point that would be but I know that today at 239.6lbs that this is not working for me.

    I am leaving now to go buy some basic supps. I have a calendar hung and ready to track my progress. I am going to take this one day at a time and no longer focus on the "what could be", "what ifs" when it comes to working out and eventually getting results. This is going to be tough, this I do know.
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  10. #10
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I have been out of the gym for four years. Before that I was on a weight loss kick after a divorce and became anorexic. So, I was down to 160 pounds and then hurt my back. I started eating again thanks to my girlfriend (now my wife), but had back pain every time I tried to get back to the gym. Thank god for muscle memory because I put some of my muscle back on despite not lifting. Now, four years later, I started TRT and couldn't stand the thought of injecting test and NOT lifting. I started back to the gym a little over a week ago and so far it is frickin' great. Barring another back flair up I have no doubt I will be fit and muscular again soon.

    The only problem I am having is dealing with baby weights. It is an ego hit. But I need to keep it light and strict to make sure my back is OK.

    I feel like going to the gym again is the best Christmas present I received. I am sure you will feel the same.

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I am actually pretty embarrased to go to a gym to workout. I guess I need to get over that huh?
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  12. #12
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    muriloninja im in the same boat mate i plan to get back into it on the first
    iv been laid up for close to a year not wanting to work out after i tore muscle above and below my knee cap during training at my mma school
    lol i couldnt walk right for the longest time it really got to the point i stopped even coming in here

    but i plan to start back up i already bought all my supps even bought some h-drol m-drol halovar and xtren
    to help give me that lil edge i picked them 4 because they worked for me in the past
    im still not going to work my legs under a full load even tho the doc said i could by now cause they dont know much lol

  13. #13
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I am actually pretty embarrased to go to a gym to workout. I guess I need to get over that huh?
    Remember this:
    Goddamit! Get your ass in the gym and pick something up!

    Focus Focus Focus! Make time for the gym. You get your ass back in there for a couple of weeks nice and steady and you'll remember why your there. Then it'll become routine.

    And Turn your phone OFF till your done training.
    Last edited by -Ender-; 12-27-2010 at 03:16 PM.

  14. #14
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Man I know, I have enough weights in my garage to get started...I can bench, squat and do back here but i'm telling you i'm so far gone i'd be embarrased to be in a gym working out. I'd go in the morning but I always loved AM cardio and PM workouts.
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  15. #15
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Be like the old nike ad...just do it. And dont make a new years resolution to do so, start before even if you just go a couple of times a week for starters it will get you back into the groove.

  16. #16
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    i myself cant workout at home iv tried but i never seem to push myself as hard as when i know someone could be looking

  17. #17
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I did my first real weight training session in February of 1988. Nearly 23 years later I have taken two weeks off from the gym. One week after a lower back surgery and another week after I had my neck fused. Even during that short amount of off time I was getting treadmill time in. Never has felt like work to me, to this day I look forward to my gym time and have the "I get to workout" not the "I have to workout" mindset.

  18. #18
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    If you have enough equipment to bench, squat, and hit back; then you have enough to do bi's and tri's, and some shoulders.
    Sounds like a month or two in the garage and you'll be more comfortable with the gym idea.

    You working out today?

  19. #19
    desizon is offline Associate Member
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    Just get your ass back in there!!! Muscle memory will amaze you..

  20. #20
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I'll be doing chest in a few hours. If I don't report back, you'll know I had a stroke and died. I did 45m cardio this AM. I still need to nail down a diet, I am going to use this week to get going and get the diet down. I don't want to wait until Januray 1st, this is not a new years resolution. This is getting back to my old self. One day at a time...
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I'll be doing chest in a few hours. If I don't report back, you'll know I had a stroke and died. I did 45m cardio this AM. I still need to nail down a diet, I am going to use this week to get going and get the diet down. I don't want to wait until Januray 1st, this is not a new years resolution. This is getting back to my old self. One day at a time...
    Now your talking! don't overtrain right out of the gate either. It'll be counter productive. Just work for the pump.

  22. #22
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    come on Ninja, you got this.

  23. #23
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I'll be doing chest in a few hours. If I don't report back, you'll know I had a stroke and died.
    Take it easy in the beginning so you can move two days later.

  24. #24
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Don't expect to much out of yourself at first. Your lifts will be significantly weaker so don't let that discourage you.

  25. #25
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Take it easy in the beginning so you can move two days later.
    Trust me, I have already planned to squat quarters only. ha I've had a few leg days over the last year (like I said, i'd try to workout some) and I am telling you I would be in honest to God true pain, damn near gave me a headache my legs were so sore. I just got done with chest, or shall I say I grabbed some dumbbells and made pressing movements with them? It's gonna be a while before I get in the groove. Having a PWO now..need to start planning my diet...but I pulled out an old one from a long time ago and this weeks will look something like

    2 Scoops ON Whey w/ 1 Tbsp Flax 345kCals 15g Fat 2g Carb 46g Pro

    Tuna w/ 1 Tbsp Mayo 250kCals 13.5g Fat 0g Carb 32.5g Pro

    6oz Chicken w/ Green Veggies and 2 Tbsp Natty PB 390kCals 20.5g Fat 6g Carb 41g Pro

    5 Whites, 1 Tbsp Macadaia Nut Oil 245kCals 13.5g Fat 1.7g Carb 30g Pro


    2 Scoops ON Whey, 3 Tbsp Dex 328kCals 1g Fat 30.8g Carb 46g Pro

    6oz Chicken w/ .5 Cup Oats 330kCals 7.5g Fat 27g Carb 38g Pro

    2 Scoops ON Whey w/ 1 Tbsp Flax 345kCals 15g Fat 2g Carb 46g Pro

    2233kCals 86g Fat 69.5g Carb 279.5g Pro

    I just know from previous experience that looks like shit, but damn its a start I guess. Would love some assistance in tearing it apart. I know from the past I seem to be carb sensitive and don't need a ton but I would think around 100g ED would be better, I just don't know. I feel clueless anymore about this stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Don't expect to much out of yourself at first. Your lifts will be significantly weaker so don't let that discourage you.
    For sure they are/will be. I've never been a meathead that screams about numbers or cared about lifting a mountain. One thing that I have not forgotten is proper form, the weight will come through time and consistency and is currently of no importance. I need to focus on proper form and breathing right now, trust me i'm was huffing and puffing and was downright pathetic tonight.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 12-27-2010 at 06:47 PM.
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  26. #26
    Sage's Avatar
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    motivation: spring break p*ussy. start lifting.

  27. #27
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    sounds great nuttgrabber. you're moving!

  28. #28
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sage View Post
    motivation: spring break p*ussy. start lifting.
    I prefer personal happiness and self being...but thanks.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I prefer personal happiness and self being...but thanks.
    What kind of response was that soldier, seriously!?! Now get back to the gym and do the 6 hours arm workout from the Muscle and Fitness magazine

  30. #30
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Has anyone left the nutrition/training lifestyle for an extended period of time, gotten so out of shape that you fell into depression then came back?

    I've honestly been away for the last 2yrs and it's gotten to the point that i've lost complete control of my self from a fitness perspective. I am going to start training again tomorrow and I can only imagine how tough it is going to be. I would appreciate any support or encouragement. I'm gonna need it.

    I need to weigh in and formulate my diet but i've come to the crossroad, I either continue down my current path or I turn this back around. I think I prefer to look and feel better for a change.

    This site use to be a place of positive encouragement, i'd like to think that remains. Jesus, this is going to be tough. Gonna go buy protein etc tomorrow..I thought i'd start in Januray but I just want to get going.
    same boat man...I'm at the point that I am going to have to get back into shape enough to NOT embarress my old BJJ trainer at a new dojo :|

  31. #31
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Has anyone left the nutrition/training lifestyle for an extended period of time, gotten so out of shape that you fell into depression then came back?

    I've honestly been away for the last 2yrs and it's gotten to the point that i've lost complete control of my self from a fitness perspective. I am going to start training again tomorrow and I can only imagine how tough it is going to be. I would appreciate any support or encouragement. I'm gonna need it.

    I need to weigh in and formulate my diet but i've come to the crossroad, I either continue down my current path or I turn this back around. I think I prefer to look and feel better for a change.

    This site use to be a place of positive encouragement, i'd like to think that remains. Jesus, this is going to be tough. Gonna go buy protein etc tomorrow..I thought i'd start in Januray but I just want to get going.
    When people are at their lowest is when i usually take advantage of them. Want to come over and on a diet plan...

  32. #32
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    same boat man...I'm at the point that I am going to have to get back into shape enough to NOT embarress my old BJJ trainer at a new dojo :|
    Guess what homie? I started back to training BJJ last year..haven't been in a few months but I have to admit. I've still got my skills.
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    When people are at their lowest is when i usually take advantage of them. Want to come over and on a diet plan...
    Sure, why the hell not. I'm so depressed i'd turn long enough to get out of this rut.
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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Sure, why the hell not. I'm so depressed i'd turn long enough to get out of this rut.
    Ok then. i'll be seeing you this friday night. I also have you "diet clothing" for when you come over.

    Don't worry i washed it since Stackit used it last.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 12-28-2010 at 06:14 PM.

  35. #35
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Whilst funny, please don't stink up my thread. At least remove the pic please. Oh, see you on Friday.
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  37. #37
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Alright bi's and tri's 2 many more to go? I'm thinking 728 days to go before I look good.
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  38. #38
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    How would you feel about posting some current pics for critique?

  39. #39
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Alright bi's and tri's 2 many more to go? I'm thinking 728 days to go before I look good.
    ah hell, you'll be there faster than that!

    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    How would you feel about posting some current pics for critique?
    sheesh mini! that's brutal. i didn't know you even had it in

  40. #40
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    How would you feel about posting some current pics for critique?

    I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a brush fire!
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