How's things going tr?
Beard coming along nicely?
Speaking of big cocks. I have a Three foot tall white rooster sittin on my kitchen counter. I bought it just so I could show everyone my "big white cock"
not really.... some white dudes are huge. If I were as big as some i've seen, I'd be filing a disability claim and start drawing benefits. gravity pulling on that thing all the time would give a bloke a horrible back ache
going well... pharm supplies are starting to come in,
and the beard, if I pull it taught, is pushing maybe 3/4". I was thinking it was longer, but naaa...
woman keeps asking me if i'm going to shave it off when i come home on leave this may.... "I've never fukked a bearded bloke before"
so I tell her neither have I =)
and then I say if I shave my beard it puts me at risk since without the beard I stick out more.
fuk it! seldom do I get the chance in the commercial world, and I'm going to take full advantage of this opportunity
Dont worry Roman i keep bumping the Zyzz thread for you.
ya, I noticed.
I've been meaning to thank you for that too...... really
Good to hear. I can't take neck hair once it starts getting long. I keep a goatee but have to keep my neck trimmed.
yeah, the sh1t is really coming in thick on my neck... had the barber shave it off two weeks ago, but the damm weeds keep coming back!
my goatee comes in thin for some reason. and I played a horn for 8 years, so right above my lip all the follicles rubbed off and nothing grows.
a reverse hitler? huh.... well, in a way, yeah, I guess you could call it that. fairly thin, about as thick as my nose septum, which is basically the area that would fit in the mouthpiece of my horn.
reverse hitler... that's funny
only counts if you have a beard everywhere else though.. cant do a reverse hitler with only a goatee..
i used to rock a flavor saver.. the little bit of hair under your lower lip.. had a goatee that was about two inches long before too.. but at the age of 27(28 in 3 weeks) i still can not grow a full beard.. my cheeks just don't fill in properly.. maybe i am part asian or something?? i dunno
tell ya a little secret. I was about 30 before I even thought about growing a beard. Now at 49, I finally have a full beard that grows in thick. I bet by the time I'm 55, I'll be mostly gray.
Went shopping today.... picked up some kickass polished leather coats. 2 for $130. one black, one brown. both are same style. Professional, yet sporty at the same time and wide shoulders. And it has an insert that zips up all around the neck almost like a turtle neck, but made of leather as well. It really looks sharp! And I picked up a big chunk of polished lapice for $10. Lapice is a bright blue stone similar to marble and is found all over the place.
Went suit shopping a week ago. Picked out the shop where I want my suits custom made. get this.... custom suits, fabric and stitching of my choice.... $50. I'll probably get 4 or 5.
and check this out. you know Danner boots? combat hikers...Brown with black trim... goes over the ankle....manufactured in Portland , Oregon.... vibram soles and and gortex.... sells for $230 back home, right? Try I paid $35! So I'm going to really load up on a bunch of crap here and start sending it back home.....
[I edited this section due to advice of others.... the implication was that I was offering something that could get me in trouble... I wasn't, but would rather avoid the whole thing since there might be some confusion]
Last edited by Times Roman; 03-04-2011 at 12:27 PM.
I think I said goodnight Roman 45 minutes ago, and I'm still here.
For reals this time...
.....g'night Roman
Are you still here ?
no, I'm not here.... I'm still in bed asleep
Sleep well.
how well can you sleep without the obligatory six Chinese girls?
^^Is that you TR?? beard is coming in nicely..
as for the cheap clothes.. when i went to turkey it was the same story.. a lot of textiles come from the middle east so it is cheap cheap cheap...
Also.. any chance you saw Angelina Jolie there?? she was in Kabul last week
that's me mate. took a chance and flashed my ugly mug... hope it doesn't scare off the few ladies we do have here on the board
kind of a strange pic, it appears i have a gut, which i don't, or I do, but very small for a bloke almost 50, and it definately doesn't stick out like that. it was snowing rigth then, and someone threw me a scarf to put on to give me the tribal look
and the beard is actually fuller than what it appears
oh well, never been photogenic
and yes. In fact, Angelina Jolie did show up knocking on my door that night wearing a teddy and carrying a bottle of champagne just for the two of us...
....imagine my disappointment when I woke up and she wasn't there.... no empty champagne bottle, no panties strewn about the room, just me and the other half of my unslept bed
so.....what cha think?
yer cute! but not in THAT avi! =)
laugh my asss off darlin
looks like someone took a graphitti pen and did some improvements. could use some larget chest muscles though
Can you go a little more into your military story about releasing stress ?
^ I knew you'd come sniffing around eventually on that one. One things for sure,,,,, you ARE predictble. =)
but unfortunately, as far as homo eroticism goes, that's pretty much it. Sorry it wasn't more interesting? =(
just lie to you in great detail?
ok.... lessee here... the moment Joe said that to me, I immediately had one of those epiphany moments and suddenly realized I had it all wrong from the start.... then something happened. I looked at him again and noticed the strength in his forearms, his biceps seemed larger, and suddenly in my minds eye they were wrapped around me, gently yet firmly, and I could feel his warmth radiating from his chest. His embrace was electric, and it started in my chest, but slowly worked it's way down south, as if gravity somehow tugged on this feeling.... mean something like that?
You been outed.
yer a sneaky little turd... you know that, right?
I have way too much time on my hands. Gym time. Talk to you later haha
I admit... ya got me good there bloke! In fact, if we were close by, I'd buy you a round at the pub and we'd laugh it up over beers!
AAHHHH TR.. come on man.. can't be falling for DSM's antics THAT easily.. haha
it was late and I was tired. Plus I've been doing a wee bit of writing lately. But yeah, yer right. DSM's always coming up with squirley sh1t, so I shoulda known better. But I'm not homophobic, and ya can call me what ya like.... just dont' call me Late For Dinner =)
Hi Roman.
oh, so you think i'm one of the team now?
you crack me up
I'm outta here mates... beat! Playing footsie with Kawi has got my heart rate up so I now need to sleep it off
night! =)
Thursday night party on the roof! Yer all invited!!!!
Went down to Fat Mans and picked up 10kg of TBones, 10Kg of Filet, 5kg of boneless skinless chicken breast, plus we have about 5kg of Australian links. I am your master chef for the evening, tell me how you like your steak grilled, and I'll have it ready for you pronto!
Plus I have a 6 bottles of hard liquor, 6 bottles of red wine, and a case of beer......
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