my first bike yamaha v-star classic only a 650 since it is my first bike. what do you all think. NO i didn't want to buy a harley because of price and cost to maintain.
my first bike yamaha v-star classic only a 650 since it is my first bike. what do you all think. NO i didn't want to buy a harley because of price and cost to maintain.
looks a little different because of new pipes and big air kit. Also has back rest and racks for saddle bags and windshield
I prefer crotch rockets but it´s a beauty bro![]()
Should of bought a Harley! Best thing I ever did....but, now Iwant a custom! It's opening up a flood gate because you want to customize the hell out of your bike. I'd throw some V&H pipes on there and make it loud! Good Luck and Watch out for all the A$$Holes on the road! Besafe bro!
nice bike, tho i agree with palme....rockets are more my size![]()
That bike is schweeet!! There is no way in hell that I would pay the kind of money it takes to get a harley. You're simply paying for a name! Granted Harley's are awesome bikes, but to me just way too much money. If I ever bought a bike it would be simply because I enjoy riding. Nice bike bro. Tell me how it rides cause I am looking to buy one this summer!![]()
Nice Ride! You will have lots of fun on that scooter. And I agree, Harley makes a great bike, but you pay dearly for that name. I ride a Shadow Spirit 1100, most comfortable cruiser I have ever ridden.
a vstar is a good bike some of my friends have some but they cant handle my ninja
I dream of a Triumph Daytona 955i or a Suzuki Katana
one day.
Nice ride Cal!![]()
I likey!
Beautiful bike my friend!!
Excellent bike for cruising bro. Very comfortable and smooth. I have a Yamaha myself; '01 R1, and a '96 Honda 900RR. Ride smart and safe.
nice bike..i have a 2002 GSXR1000.
all tricked out by velocity racing.
turbo,lowered,air shifter,5" extended swing arm, major engine work..all the goodies..runs mid to low eights in the quarter..
Last edited by razor67; 03-03-2003 at 08:14 PM.
Very nice bike,I traded in my GSXR last year for a 2002 Honda 919.
jammergsxr, nice bike, we saw one yesterday with a silver mat paint hob on it and wow do they ever look slick.
Yeah thats the new smoke color for the 2003 models.Thats the only colors they come in,asphalt and smoke (In the U.S.anyways).
i was real close to getting either a honda f4i or the yamaha R6 but decided to get a cruiser for my first bike. I think by winter or fall of this year I'll trade it in for a crotch rocketMaybe get both
I miss my rocket. the one thing I noticed is that I get more satisfaction customizing the damn things than I do paying for them![]()
I've currently got an R1 but am thinkin it's almost time to make the leap and pick up a busa!!!
Now ya just need to get yer ass to bike week...not that gas prices are helping anyone get down here though...damn iraqi's
I wish I could get off of work but that won't happen.![]()
I like the cruisers myself, I would love to get a Harley - but they are too damn expensive and would take a good salesman to convince me to get itI love how the Honda Valykrie just spews engine parts out the sides too!
I am considering about letting my car pay off and getting a bike rather than selling it for another car... well see...
Vegas gets to 120 degrees frequently in the summer... and I hear it makes for a rather uncomfortable ride. But there is virtually no time during the winter you can't ride.
Two on my wish list:
The Harley V-Rod:
Add the monster Honda Valkyrie:
I have a 2001 Sporty and I'm going Sicko with it....
99" Conversion or 1200
200mm Rear with new swing arm of course
new metal
wide glide front
Or..I save it build a custom myself frm a basketcase, which is what I want to do. I've been sketching and drawing ideas and when it's done F* Me! 127" with Baker 6spd with Right side drive!
But first is Raking the frame and fattening up the ass of my baby!
As far as a harley goes, i'd go custom from scratch for the same price as a Deuce or a FXD . Saves money and you get what you want, not to mention the after market parts are Awesome!
But until then it's gonna be 54 today so for the 1st time in a month I will ride!
Live to Ride!
My wife and I just picked up a sport bike to share as our first bike 2 days ago. 2000 ninja 500ex. We got our licenses last season and now want a bike for this season before we buy our own bikes.
Okay that didn't work. I was wondering how you guys post more then one picture in the same post, cause you can only "browse" for one picture and select only one at a time.
You use the img tags and grab the images from a remote server. Open the image in a new window and then paste the url inside the ing tags...Originally posted by Terinox
Okay that didn't work. I was wondering how you guys post more then one picture in the same post, cause you can only "browse" for one picture and select only one at a time.
For example:
... is placed in the img tags. You can use as many as you want in one post... ( actually I think there is a limit to img's used including smilies - but it's a lot)...
Oh okay, so it's just like linking it from another page then. I thought it was an upload directly from your hard drive. Thnx for clearing that upOriginally posted by Warrior
You use the img tags and grab the images from a remote server. Open the image in a new window and then paste the url inside the ing tags...
For example:
... is placed in the img tags. You can use as many as you want in one post... ( actually I think there is a limit to img's used including smilies - but it's a lot)...![]()
you gonna become a pimp with all that pussy. we'll have to call you the my little pony pimp
You mean "my little pony princess pimp" ???
You sick suck bastards!!!
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