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  1. #1
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    The full video of RAW FOOTAGE of praying protesters being attacked on Mubarak's order

  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
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    And this was one of the most advanced civilised societies in the world at one stage.

  3. #3
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    unreal.. we give over a billion dollars annually to the Egyptian government.. Mubarak is a dictator that he is not taking actions in the best interest of his people and therefore we should not support him any longer.

  4. #4
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Yeah it's amazing here we are with multitrillion dollar debt and yet we still fork over billions to countries that hate our guts...Who the hell is crazy? Us or Them?

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    US again is not crazy. I said it in the other thread this negative propaganist bs you are spreading around here is as much nonsense as the own point you're trying to prove. If you hate the US so much which is becoming so obvious from all your posts MOVE OUT. I love the people like michael moore who commonly complain "I hate this country but I'm not leaving". Yeh so what you're gonna keep making your movies untill your rich then leave right? I'm also getting tired of the general lack of patriotism I see on this forum, mainly by people with very limited views on whats actually going on.

    We give them money so they don't attack israel. Its as simple as that. We need israel and we happen to fund a lot of countries that "hate our guts". But if we stopped funding egypt trust and believe they would be heading right to israel to lead another holocaust murdering jews by the thousands. If you were jewish I don't think you'd even be asking that question. We have many powerful jews over here in politics and maybe its wrong, but we're trying to maintain peace for our OWN interests, not egypts. I'd personally think it would be crazier not to pay them, I think US is much smarter than you think. Because otherwise we'd be paying our military to be in too many places at once. So we keep them hush hush untill resources are freed up, and then continue on bringing "liberalism" to a bunch of people who'd rather kill each other.

    But rather than label it crazy, what I'll say is go live in egypt or israel for a few years, study history and politics, then come back and tell me US is still crazy. You'll see very quickly US is likely one of the sanest countries in the world. Just because you don't understand every single facet of politics there is to understand doesn't mean we automatically are crazy.

  6. #6
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    First and foremost I love this country for all the good bad and ugly, America is still the greatest country on earth. Maybe I used too harsh a word here as crazy and got you all riled up but believe me I dont like politics and I'm not a member of any major political party...I'm a Democrat.....

  7. #7
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Bojangles69;5506846]US again is not crazy. I said it in the other thread this negative propaganist bs you are spreading around here is as much nonsense as the own point you're trying to prove. If you hate the US so much which is becoming so obvious from all your posts MOVE OUT.

    Are you sure you haven't mistaken my posts with someone elses? I dont recall being anti american on here.

  8. #8
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Yeh hey look man I'm not trying to get a rise out of you or even argue with you for that matter. I talk shit about america myself from time to time, I just saw this post you made and then this one I read 2 days ago:

    I have to walk away from the tv so many times because of issues like this. I dont blame one side or the other...I blame them both. We have to face the facts that our politicians over the years have become so greedy and corrupt that they have sold our country out and continue to do so at an alarming rate. I've said this before but think about it. When it takes 300 million dollars to get elected president and the job itself only pays approx 400 thou a year but they leave office mulitimillionaires, and it takes millions also to get elected to congress and the senate when they only pay approx 120 to 160 thou a year but yet again they retire multimillionaires. Not only that but who in their right mind would want to fork out all that cash to get elected to a meanial paying job like that if the rewards werent so high. Unfortuately instead of doing the greater good for America and Americans it has shifted to all about greed. Even all of our national secrets are for sale for the right amount of cash. Case in point look no further than Chinas new aircraft. It is the spitting image our our latest ones. And their submarines are identical to ours also. And it just get worse. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but our country is being sold for a song and a dance. Rome is burning while Nero fiddles. Sorry for the depressing post guys.

    .. and thought it was really just negative and off center really. I responded about the whole "selling out" concept and problems with china
    that are just as bad if not worse than ours.
    My point in the thread was that whole "selling out" thing started in the days of reagan. Shit we even have a word for it called "reaganomics". He managed
    to do some very impressive things in office, but he also managed to raise the US debt from 900billion to 2.8trillion just while he was in office.

    Reagan believed debt could be eradicated by low taxes and high spending on defense, a recipe for disaster as we see today. The problem is people who
    came in after him only looked at the few impressive things he was able to do, reduce poverty, provide a much higher employment rate, median family income increased... people saw this, saw the debt, and rather than raise taxes to pay the debt at that time (like many economists believe should have happened) they began to do exactly what reagan did. Borrow money to pay off debts, and spend more money so america could raise productivity to the
    point where one day they could pay back their debts.

    No fvcking way. Reagan is an idiot and after he left office imo the US was quite simply fvcked. The people who inherited office after him, look at the debt,
    look how severe it is/was. I think at that time politicians realized intuitively the only way out of this was to go default, or declare bankruptcy, and I'm pretty
    sure a lot of them already realized thats where we were heading.
    Just the way I see it honestly, many politicians recently have been standing on a sinking ship, what is the point of following the rules and regulations of that ship if one day that ship is very likely to sink? If you look at the system by design, theres many problems with it. We need a new political system
    entirely and the great default/depression will be the way that happens.

    Although I've gotten a bit off topic here. I only saw you write 2 things so no its not a huge deal and if it angers you that I responded that way I apologize.
    But you CAN find a lot of good things about america is you look hard enough. And you can also take some very bad things and view them in an objective
    light thats not really positive or negative, it really is what it is. We're on a sinking ship. Let politicians pay each other off and start bearing firearms if they think killing each other will get us out of debt. But I really think everyones trying to grab as much gold as they can before it goes down.

    And I really don't see an "easy" way out. The natural course of bankruptcy and hyperinflation is on its way. I don't see a single politician stopping whats
    about to happen regardless of what they do. So really, let them all play halo 3 and snort lines off a prostitutes ass while the country goes down. The
    shady behavoir you're witnessing at this point is more a symptom of inevitablity and logic imo then politicians wanting to save an already dead system.
    I'm sure I'm seeming just as negative as you, but even when I view the second depression I don't get down about it. Its the only way I see america
    changing for something better in the future.

    And seriously man rip on US for all I care. It is somewhat deserved I suppose, but I still don't think its crazy to pay Egypt because we need israel a lot
    more than we need that money imo. Spreading democracy can lead to more people investing in US, and who knows if even that will put a dent in the debt, but we can't really just stop trying all together.

    Either way blame it all on reagan. =]

  9. #9
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Its all good Bo I just need to quit watching all that news on Fox. It always fires me up.

  10. #10
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    /\ Yeh man seriously CNN is so much better lol. I remember reading a write up not too long ago about how its actually perfectly legal for the news
    to deliberately lie or distort news on a television broadcast. I think CNN is suppose to be less obvious in their political affiliations but truth is it and
    FOX are among the worst I can think of. MSNBC just sits a bit better with me for whatever reason.

    And I should note I've been real sensitive about americans hating america because it seems almost fashionable lately and at this point I can only see it
    getting worse in the future. Its really hard at times to fight the urge myself but we need to be strong/optimistic now more than ever. One thing I think
    about a lot is how ironic it is that our obsession with power is the exact thing that may one day cripple us. Reagan started it by spending more money
    than we had on defense, and bush really just finished his job imo.
    Now we have one of the strongest/best defenses in the world (some say the best), and nothing left thats even worth defending.

    see I can't even be optimistic about it when I try. Fvck this I'm just gonna start playing halo and eating mickey ds like the rest of the country, maybe
    that'll make me happy lolz.

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