Originally Posted by
I sure as hell didn't start this thread but I damn well will finish it. Your bashing for steroid abuse? He was a bi product of our society..and his fame pales in comparison to the abuse of professional body building and fame associated with it but its accepted right cause they made a arena for themselves called themselves Olympians and call themselves pro's???? I laugh at that then. He had access to them, he used them and thats what happened. How many people go to the supermarket, drug store or news stand and see all the mags with steroid abuse all over the stand covered with guys using and abusing drugs..might as well call the big guys here abusers then too. He in no way cause massive influx of steroid abuse as you call it compared to the world of professional bodybuilding and its mass hysteria.
Then you call me hypocritical? You dont know anything about me, I wish I had-had someone tell me when I was 19 not to use steroids like we have here now, but I didn't and I wish I never touched them when I was younger and I paid the price at that time. So yea I can and have every right to warn people about it. Furthermore, show me one thread or post were I idolize him? I said I liked him, he seemed like a cool guy who enjoyed life. If thats idolization to you, then you have a slanted point of view.
And Im not backing down to some guy who know one knows and is going to bash him with his wrong and slanted point of view and has no idea what reality is..which is he no different than anyone else here or any in so called professional in bodybuilding. I didn't know Zyzz but if I had I would have told him the same thing I tell young people wait till your older, but thats not the story. Kids dont run to go use steroids cause of Zyzz, they run to go use them cause of Yates, Arnold, Ronnie, Heath, Flex, Shawn, And Melvin and every future and current bb on every mag stand in the nation.