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  1. #1
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    Haven't posted since Nov...but I just had to show you guys this

    So I'm sitting at home last night with my gf watching TV...and I get a text message from my younger sister...

    Jenny: Hey would you be able to get two cycles of winstrome? My friend is looking for it

    Me: There's no such thing as "winstrome" tell your friend to do some research before he starts injecting hormones into his body

    Jenny: Sorry it's winstrol

    Me: What he's asking for doesn't make sense. What does his "cycle" consist of?

    Me: He needs to read

    Jenny: Google it

    Me: Google why doing winstrol by itself is a terrible idea

    Jenny: He works for a hospital he knows wat he's talking about

    Me: Then why is he asking me?

    Jenny: Cuz he can't get it duhh lol

    Me: Lol your friend is a retard and I want no part of what he's doing

    Jenny: He knows what's he's doing he already has the other shit to mix it

    Me: Tell him I said good luck

    Jenny: Trust me he's not stupid at all

    Me: Then he'll be fine without my input

    Jenny: Yea he will be str8 I was just helping u make some money

    Me: I'm cool...thanks

    My sister has a very long list of bad character judgments in her very short I find it hilarious that she says "trust me he's not stupid at all"...I also thought the "He works for a hospital he knows wat he's talking about" was great, as if working at a hospital somehow qualifies you for anything related to AAS, or just anything in general. Good times. I also find it funny that my sister has somehow got in her head that I'm a dealer of gear??? The only gear I've ever touched was for my own use. *sigh* these days
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 02-07-2011 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i hope you deleted all those texts after that conversation.. the fact that 90% of people doing steroids now a day s have no idea what they are doing with the internet being around for almost two decades still baffles me.. it takes 10 minutes of research to know that doing winny alone is stupid.. yet no one takes the time to look into these things anymore..

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Jenny: Yea he will be str8 I was just helping u make some money
    Crazy. Might as well have said "I was just helping expose you to the possibility of jail for selling gear to a stranger". It is the same as getting a text saying "I have some friends looking for some Meth, do you want to make some money?" Correct answer: "uh, are you talking to me on a cell phone? Prank caller, prank caller."
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 02-07-2011 at 01:16 PM.

  4. #4
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    When my ex found out I was on trt she said something to a guy at her work. The guy told her that I was going to get bitch tits and my penis was gonna shrink and a whole list of other things. She's like he said there's other ways to get your test back up. So I rambled off every way that I know there is and told her how I had tried all of them. I then asked which one of those ways did he suggest. She's like none of em but I'm not telling you cuz you're an asshole. That right there said he mentioned one I had. Then I asked who this guy is. She says he's a chiropractor and he learned this stuff in school lmao. I told her that's bullshit and if he was taught anything that he would know the dosages I was taking would only bring me up to natural levels. I told her that he and everyother guy had just of good of a chance at waking up with bitch tits as I did if what he said was true. The guy isn't big but has a decent build so I told her to ask him what his last cycle was and if he knew what pct is. I know this guy had to of juiced to bring up all this stuff and then used school as a out to why he knew it.

    She asked him and she said he just gave her a surprised look and changed the subject. He never said shit about my trt again. Ofcourse my ex still believed everything he said was true. Afterall he is a chiropractic student lol

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