When I first started it was Big Kev...he was a mod or vet can't remember. I think he was banned for scamming.
When I first started it was Big Kev...he was a mod or vet can't remember. I think he was banned for scamming.
Who remembers Logan?
just to keep it all on one thread.. here is what Vette said and what Admin said in response. (taken from other thread)
VETTEWRECK: Heres exactly what happend, I sold to ONE person on the board. I had several people asking me for prices and such and I responded. It was a mistake and against my better judgment but oh well, I messed up and broke 1 rule in 7 years being here. NEVER did I scam anyone or even that 1 person I sold to. Hell, I even took the payment by paypal. Ive been in talks with Admin the past few days about stating my case and saying that a ban for life is a bit over the top considering ive never broken a rule in 7 years. He said he would let me know and bam, he banned me again. Its kinda rediculous now if you ask me. If I had scammed someone I would see a ban for life, but selling to 1 board member in the past several weeks and not to anyone else (even though I did quote prices) and I have never had a single issue in 7 years and NEVER sold to anyone else is way over the top. No reason to ban for life for 1 broken rule in 7 years. A temporary ban is far more appropriate then if it was done again, then yes, a ban for life but no way on a first offense. Hell, even a prison inmate gets a second chance. But no, never did I scam someone but I guess its the fact that i sold and brewed. Mistake but oh well live and learn.ADMIN: As stated and by his own admission he DID sell to at least one member and used our pm system to do so which does put all of us in danger... he also DID send prices and lists to more than one member on this board... just because they chose not to buy does not mean he would not have sold to them had they decided to purchase and had not sent a source check to myself as well as others... which then alerts us to check farther... and boom it was over... they all get mad when we catch them... and want sympathy... be real... He has been here 7 years he should know the rules better than anyone else... simple as that...
As many have stated some have been suspended... and have come back with never another problem... it is life we have rules in place for a reason and I uphold them the best I can now if I were to look the other way for him I would haft to go back and unban several that are gone for the same reasons... does not matter if the were here 7 days or 7 years rules are still the same... bad judgment calls are just that... however they still have the same conclusion...
Also the reason why your other account was banned is you did break the rules and I did look over the latest pm that I was sent as a source check in which that person was also planning to buy from you had I told them you were good to go... (note: I have never said he would or has scammed anyone) Now that person did admit that they pm'd you first and asked you what brand you used... not for a list not for a source just what brand and your sent back that you could help them out and so on and so forth... and that was not the only other member that asked about you... so yes more than one was about to be on the hook...
its your avatar picture man you just look like trouble...... lol
latest ban
member: muscle dysmorphia (better read as brain dysmorphia)
reason: idiot to myself and other ppl on the board and took to threatening me by pm
result: bye bye!!! lol
^^ haha,
why is everyone hating on you dec11
Dec, your name has appeared many times in this thread...what do you think and will you change the way u handle othera in the future?
(above statement said in the best possible news reporter voice) lol
What happened to the thread that was titled something about why Americans should be protesting in the street. I am pretty sure I saw it yesterday.. did the whole thing end up in the graveyard? It definitely belonged there, what a piece of work that guy was.
I remember he was posting up pics of his progress that had clearly been photoshopped. He then started another board and was trying to recruit and i think scam many members here. I do know he had a few respected members that he brought in to his whole scam and they ended up going down with him
I'm sorry but I find vettes excuse about only "selling once" ridiculous. I think admin knew that too. So your quoting prices to other people, because you only sold one time right? It makes no logical sense. I can understand maybe helping a friend out on the forum, but when people start messaging you and you give them prices thats a completely different story. If you only plan on helping a friend out once time, then tell the strangers who message you to "fvck off".
Its almost like he's trying to make it sound like he was coerced into selling or something. I do give him respect for admitting to it, but I think he was selectively showing a tiny bit of honesty, hoping it would float over the rest of his lies. Obviously I cant prove anything. But EVERY SINGLE TIME you see cops stopping people on the streets and finding drugs its the most common excuse used by people. "I swear this was my first time I don't know what I'm doing blah blah". That tends to only piss off cops that much more, so I can imagine what admin was thinking.
adios to arsetwat hehehehehe
another one bites the dust
BadBarbie = was 17 years old and giving bad advice as well as seling on the board via pms *admin*
TJM7275 (RIP)
I tried to make ridicule of his baiting posts and tried to walk away but then when I came back and saw him making fun of dead american soldiers and laughing about beheading americans and smelling their blood, thats when I got serious on my last post to and about him. I'm glad admin deleted the entire event. Yeah we shouldn't get sucked into these troll traps but crap happens and some troll will post something that is just so outrageous or offensive that it is too hard not to respond. so much for my self control. I get a D-
Always wondered why Skyler disappeared.
I liked the kid personally. I think he was dealing with some major personal issues that boiled over into his everyday life. He also was banned from at least one other forum at about the same time. He also was dealing with PTSD issues as well. Hope he gets his life on track and learns to deal with stuff better. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. On a side note he is also a candidate for roid rage. If he ever crosses the line with his anger and follows through with his confrontation of people to the point of physical violence and ends up in trouble and they find out he is on steroids, this will be another black eye for steroid users. Hopefully this scenario never materializes.
Last edited by Shol'va; 02-08-2011 at 11:56 PM.
just read the last skyler post and ............... wow dude is out there, wish i coulda got to know him seemed like a peaceful gent. and btw its pretty tough to show emotion in words like he did. a regular edgar allen poe if you ask me.......
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