Originally Posted by
I usually stay out of this (what I consider) childish bullshit smearing, and if I'm being completely honest Bear (to the chagrin of my fellow staff, or not), I consider you a fairly sharp, intelligent, witty guy (not that you care what my opinion of you is, but I digress...), regardless of your reputation around here. But bro... c'mon. Calling BG "small" isn't lending to this impression, at all. Have you actually seen his pics?
What constitutes "small" in your eyes? He's 5'7 - so yea, he's relatively short. In that regard, I guess you could say he's "small". From the standpoint of physique and muscular development though - you've gotta be fcking kidding me. The guy has competed (successfully) and lives the lifestyle of a bodybuilder, which is no small (no pun) feat. Idk man... anybody 5'7 and (well) over 200lbs @ roughly 10% bodyfat isn't small in my book.
If you wanna call me small, I'd accept that. I'd be the first to point it out. I'm taller than BG, fatter, and lighter. By all counts, I'm "small" and would never insult people who live the lifestyle by calling myself a bodybuilder. BG is most definitely a bodybuilder, and far from small. /endrant
My .02