so i went to the store and saw a bunch of 1" thick steaks for sale.. like 12 quid a kg or something.. which is cheap but not really cheao since top sirloin is usually around 18 euro a kg.. anyways.. it said "aged 21 days for added tenderness and flavor"... i was like sweet.. i eat tons of red meat so this will be a good deal.. i bought 3kgs of it.. Oh yeah.. it didn;t say what type of cut it was it just said aged beef.. but it looked good.. nice and lean anyways.. well i just cooked one and i can't fing stand it.. gotta chew each bite like 100 times... so here is my question.. any of you guys ever do the Bruce Lee style protein shakes?? i was thinking like maybe i will just throw my mash potatoes and steak in the blender.. throw in some steak sauce and blend it up and then eat it with a spoon?? is this nasty.. i don't want to do it unless it is good.. figured i could just mince the rest of the steaks if they aren't good.. ideas appreciated.