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  1. #1
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Girlfriend dramas

    Hello brothers!

    first off, i was just going over my profile and looked at some of the terrible threads i have made. Due to this website i have come such a long way, in reguards especially to dieting and workout techniques, you guys even saved my ass on a deca only cycle, for which i am...forever in you guys' debt haha. the information, help, and brotherhood, and the community of this sight motivates me more and more every time ive signed on. the brotherhood of our passion truely calls itself home here. thankyou so, so much. and no, im not pouring my heart because of a dodgy pct, i just really wanted to share with you guys, what this all means to me.

    ANYWAY, onto my little dilemma. my girlfriend says she'll leave me if i ever juice again, due to a few bouts of anger, which of course got blamed on the gear. i just want to know if anyone on here has the same problem, and what should i do? i definetely don't want to lie to her, i dont want to leave her, but i do want to juice. even if i was to go behind her back wouldnt it be notiecable with the ol' backne and puffy face?? PLEASE HELP

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Ask yourself what means more to you, your girlfriend or your juice ?

  3. #3
    chi's Avatar
    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    post a pic so we can tell you if she is worth leaving

  4. #4
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    shes a 10/10 but it doesnt matter, she is very loyal and i wouldnt leave her to juice. do you think i could pull it off? keep it hush hush to everyone and maybe I'd go under the radar? really frustrating me!! yeah dsm thats how it seems, as good, or bad as this sounds i love them both equally...

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OIDEEBOSS View Post
    shes a 10/10 but it doesnt matter, she is very loyal and i wouldnt leave her to juice. do you think i could pull it off? keep it hush hush to everyone and maybe I'd go under the radar? really frustrating me!! yeah dsm thats how it seems, as good, or bad as this sounds i love them both equally...
    Im sure she would be so flattered to hear this.

  6. #6
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    oh well its true. she even freaks out about clen now. yes it was a bad fight. regretfull sh!t. i've tried to educate her on everything and she just wont warm to it..i can be the sneakyest c*nt i think i could get away with it.. do you think i should just go for it dsm?

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Either hide it or forget it. Very few significant others should ever know you use. They will always blame arguments on it. Go get some oil based prohormone from gnc and put it where she can see it. Blame the acne on that.

  8. #8
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    good idea man. done! you really think most people don't tell their partner though?

  9. #9
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Very few people tell them. Most here have learned the hard way (your way lol)

    My ex wasn't even ok with me being on trt.... I told her to fvck off

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OIDEEBOSS View Post
    good idea man. done! you really think most people don't tell their partner though?
    Most don't tell them a lot of stuff. It's no wonder the divorce rate is so high.

  11. #11
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
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    I've told a few girls and I've always ended up regretting it. I just don't like lying. If you don't have a problem with it just run an AI and go about business as usual.

  12. #12
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    yeah, well i guess girls will come and go, this is my passion and the lifestyle i love. under the radar i go. thanks guys!

  13. #13
    OIDEEBOSS's Avatar
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    yeah the lieng part of it doesnt sit well with me either dude. but fvck it

  14. #14
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Ditch the Bitch!

  15. #15
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Either hide it or forget it. Very few significant others should ever know you use. They will always blame arguments on it. Go get some oil based prohormone from gnc and put it where she can see it. Blame the acne on that.
    ^^^This. if she catches you i doubt she will leave you anyways.. as we all know it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission

  16. #16
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Ah that would have been too easy to fix.

    You clench on to a kitchen chair with your mouth as you swing it back and forth while pounding your chest than scream at the top of your lungs
    "steroids don't make me angry bitch, YOU DO!"

    But srs. You really should hide that shit from everyone you know. Anytime I cycle not a single soul in this world knows about it. Its none of anyones
    business because unless your gf is willing to exhaust countless hours/days/weeks researching this shit she doesn't exactly has the right to an opinion.
    Any opinion she has will have been media manipulated.

    So don't feel bad, just hide it.

  17. #17
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OIDEEBOSS View Post
    shes a 10/10 but it doesnt matter, she is very loyal and i wouldnt leave her to juice. do you think i could pull it off? keep it hush hush to everyone and maybe I'd go under the radar? really frustrating me!! yeah dsm thats how it seems, as good, or bad as this sounds i love them both equally...
    Number 1 do you live together? If not then hiding it would be no prob. If you do live together, its still really not a problem imo.

    Its very simple to hide bro. For me, I have a safe I keep behind the furnace where its literally impossible to walk behind. The only way to reach the
    safe is to reach under the furnace with a stick and push it out to the side. Its far from any sort of heat, all the way in the back of the room and
    can't be seen whether your sitting or standing.

    I only hide it from my brother, as I live with him. He goes to work usually 2 hours earlier than me. I take the safe out after I shower, pin myself,
    wrap the needle in papertowels, then push it to the bottom of the garbage or if theres an open container in the garbage I try to stash it even
    further and turn it upside down or w/e. Just so theres no chance of seeing the syringes when he throws shit away. I also took upon the habit
    of taking the trash out just for that reason.
    But even the way I do it is not top notch security and he never knows shit.

    I find the hardest part about it is if you have any sort of moral issues lying to people. I don't. Its my life and I'm not harming a single person so
    theres no problem. If I was younger though I might feel more guilty just because I was naive about things. But if you make up your mind you're
    going to hide it, just do it. Don't make a big fuss over it. Its extremely easy to hide, I mean there is guys who have been cycling their whole lives
    and likely not told anyone.

    If you don't live together I wouldn't even say this is a question, just hide it.
    If you do live together, its like something you think about for 2 seconds... then you still just hide it lol.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-20-2011 at 01:21 PM.

  18. #18
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Relationships are based on compatibility, not hotness. Your steroid use makes you incompatible, and increases the chances of breaking up. Whether it be because you defy her, or lie to her, it will eventually go bad. No offense, but she basically said you were an ass, you are lucky she blamed it on your cycle rather than thinking you are an ass all the time.

    If you are truly only like that on cycle, well then I don't blame her for not wanting you to be like that.

    I know you already decided to lie. Just throwing the big picture out there.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 02-20-2011 at 01:27 PM.

  19. #19
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    /\ Comptability is about 100% based on perception. People will look for comptabilities second, after attraction is established first. And they will look for them in a way that suits their tastes.

    Like if a girl is attracted to a guy first, she can view his sensitivity as being smart... like her, or if shes not attracted to him view his sensitivity as being a pvssy. Truth is woman see things however it suits them. Thats why I always focus on attraction first. And its not as broad a category as people think. Most men and women are attracted to very similar overarching evolutionary principles.

    Anyway. Vegas makes a good point about the ass remark. There is a chance that you are really just an ass and she saw this as a great opportunity or excuse to do something shes already been contemplating. I find anytime a girl tries breaking up with their bf, you'll find they've usually been thinking about it for a looong time. If steroids DO make you an ass, again like Vegas said, then hiding them really won't do you any good. But steroids make me more enjoyable to be around lol, so I can't say I feel your pain. Only explanation you gave us was "a few bouts of anger". Then I'll ask her and she'll say "he spun kicked me in the face" on 13 different occassions.

    Anyway, g/luck either way.

  20. #20
    songdog's Avatar
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    My wife tryed that when I was on tren .I just told her if she didnt argue there wouldnt be a issue..End of conversaion.

  21. #21
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Here is an idea. Since you first started juicing at 19 which was in 2008
    Why not take a 4 or 5 year break? Then when your body is actually ready she will trust you again and then you can address with her openly.

  22. #22
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Here is an idea. Since you first started juicing at 19 which was in 2008
    Why not take a 4 or 5 year break? Then when your body is actually ready she will trust you again and then you can address with her openly.
    Great idea Tigershark .... well said

  23. #23
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    If shes a 10/10 and loyal well they are rare usually they are crazy lol not worth a little mass for you girl she obviously likes you how you are so i wouldn't do it...

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