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Thread: Might be a dad

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    see stack it cant get me prego cause im on the pill, he wears a condom. i take the morning after pill every morning. and once a week i stick a coat hanger in there and give er a good turn just incase
    You know I don't like it when you refer to my penis as a coat hanger. I can't help it I'm cursed!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    You know I don't like it when you refer to my penis as a coat hanger. I can't help it I'm curved!

    anyways, please for the love of god don't be a dead beat dad. i see it all to often down here in the south. i've dated 2 girls with kids and im only 20. if sh!t hits the fan between you two find a way to be there for your kid.

  3. #43
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    fatty dont let anyone else scare u. I have seen 19 yrs old fathers who are really good and known personally 46 yrs old fathers who are assholes. IMO age got nothing to do with it as long as you realize that no parties no getting drunk till he/she old enough. As i said before u wanna ask particular question PM me and I will help you as much as I can.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladyblahblah View Post
    You're right, Fattymcbutter. No need to play "shoulda, woulda, coulda". What's done has been done and you sound as though you are genuinely happy. All the best to you and your girl and congratulations!

    Fatty's gonna be a Daddy!!!

    Hey!....there are no guarantees about anything in life. Joy is what it is about. And if this news brought you JOY then relish in this JOY OF LIFE and meanwhile keep your lady happy. Happy wife, happy life. And I know you are not married....yet, but still the same. Keep her happy and joy will stay in your heart.

  5. #45
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    ^ and when that don't work, there is always a good single malt bourbon that has been in the freezer for a few hours? (j/k)

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Am I the only one with a head on my shoulders here?

    Great Idea! You are 18 (maybe 19), still in college with little to no income (guess), and now you want to quit(?) school and go work for a shipping company to start saving for a baby that you had with someone that you have been dating (not married) for how long? I would advise a 16 year old to take steroids before I told an 18 year old without a job to have a baby. At least one of them is only hurting themself...
    couldnt of said it better

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good short term plan but it usually fails. now is the time to continue concentrating on your CAREER, not just a job so you can more securely define the future and not just the next paycheck.

    Having a kid does not mean your future plans, dreams or goals have to change. Did you think you would NEVER have a kid? It only means you have added responsibility now so instead of worry if you have enough money to get a nice apartment or other stuff your kid wont give a damn about finish school, work on the career so when it comes time for college you have the money, you will be able to buy a house sometime soon and when it comes time to retire your kid wont have to watch mom and dad on SSI (if there is such a thing then) or state assistance trying to figure out how to survive month by month.

    If there is some should have, would have, could have it's never to late until it's to late depending on where you live and what your beliefs are.

    Congratulation and good luck but keep focused the long haul.

    BTW since you where on cycle or have been dont forget to get the paternity test done. Yeah yeah I know no need for that. It's funny reading all the stories of people who had to have a DNA match test done with them and their kids later in life due to??? only to find out, nope, he/she was not your kid and they had NO idea.... LOL

    Yes, I have had it done.
    I feel like everybody is taking that one post wrong I said lol, I was strictly speaking about a better job for the summer and to continue with in school next semester lol by no means am I dropping out. That pretty much isnt an option for me. I should have like 35-40 hours of credit i think at the end of this semester at school which is ahead of most freshman for sure, but I think this whole thing will actually give me more motivation in school and help me to hurry up and finish up. I am on track to becoming an RN right now. So I definately have plans that I am sticking to. I am going to be switching schools, but it isnt to any lesser of a school necessarily just one that will be less expensive and closer to home.

    But thanks for the good wishes man, just letting you know I am still sticking to the same general plan, just making a few little changes because this is a huge step in life and I wanna be the best I can be at it.

    Also about the paternity test lol, I really am not worried about that whatsoever. I mean I know alot of guys on here have been screwed over and stuff which would suck. And I know everybody says you never know, your girl could have cheated. But there are those few people in life that you can truly trust with all your heart, and she is one of them. I know that isnt the case for everyone, but for me it is. So you do present a good point on that, however I do not feel the need lol

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    I understand where you would be coming from Twist BEFORE she was pregnant coming from an advice standpoint, however it is reality now so none of that really matters. And also I never said a word about quitting school. The baby obviously is priority #1 but that doesnt mean I am dropping out of school. I dont even consider that an option.
    Also I never said I didnt have a job. I haven't been without a job for more than a month or two since I was 16 not saying I have made a ton of money by any means but I still have some sort of income at least. The shipping company idea was me thinking outloud, just trying to find a job paying more than what I am making now. Starting at $13 an hour sounds much better than sticking with a minimum wage job with no chance of a raise.

    I am just trying to find a better job so that I can still go to class and work as much as possible throughout. But I finish school in roughly 3 weeks for the summer. I have several yards that I will be mowing this summer, and with the income from a normal job stacked on top of that i will be able to save quite a bit before the baby gets here. Assuming 7 months, if I work 40 hours a week at $13 an hour, without taking out taxes that will be roughly 500 a week plus the income from doing yard work in the mornings so I think I should be able to save in the area of 8-10,000 for when the baby comes at least. I will more than likely save my entire paycheck and just use the yard money for gas and everything day to day you know. That should help me to save a good bit for the 3 of us. Also I have a good bit of my money invested currently that if I ever needed I could take out. Not many people my age can actually say that lol.

    But anyways I understand what you meant Twist I just think its a little late for all that, and sorry for the long post but I think that should help explain my plan a little better and let you know I do have my head screwed on right lol
    its never too late but if i could turn back time the one thing i regret the most is not staying in school what ever you do get an education in 10 years that lil 13 an hour is not goin too support a family you need too focus on getting an education and a real job if you are goin too have a kid at this age you are goin too need alot help but thats what family is for gl

  9. #49
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    Thanks for the good wishes and support everybody.

    And for everyone basically saying that this is stupid, I understand and respect what you are saying and I do agree that it is better to wait until you have everything in order and are completely prepared for a baby, however it is too late now. I couldnt be happier now, I am so excited about it all and will be the best dad and husband I can be. I had intended on marrying my girl anyways so its not like I am going to be "stuck" with her. She is who I truly want to be with. I know stuff happens and everything but forget that. I refuse to go down that path and will never be a dead beat father. I will do whatever it takes to keep us happy and there lol.

    But seriously I understand where everybody is coming from saying that its bad and I respect your opinions

  10. #50
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    Congratulations and best of luck!

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Thanks for the good wishes and support everybody.

    And for everyone basically saying that this is stupid, I understand and respect what you are saying and I do agree that it is better to wait until you have everything in order and are completely prepared for a baby, however it is too late now. I couldnt be happier now, I am so excited about it all and will be the best dad and husband I can be. I had intended on marrying my girl anyways so its not like I am going to be "stuck" with her. She is who I truly want to be with. I know stuff happens and everything but forget that. I refuse to go down that path and will never be a dead beat father. I will do whatever it takes to keep us happy and there lol.

    But seriously I understand where everybody is coming from saying that its bad and I respect your opinions
    Congrats on the baby but just remember that if things get rough dsm will buy it from you...

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100 View Post
    couldnt of said it better
    Unless she's still on her parents health insurance, he should thank all of us since that will be another "single mother" having her baby on medicaid's dime, no offence meant to the op, just be sure to vote democrat.

  13. #53
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    She is still on her parents, medicaid isnt happening, lol and I'm a Republican....I hope that cleared things up haha

  14. #54
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    looks like you both have a positive attitude towards this so it will turn out to be a great experience. Congrats mang

  15. #55
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    good luck

  16. #56
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    Thanks KP and Hit. I wish I could skip alot of the BS classes in school and get right into my nursing classes so I could hurry up with school. My plan is a couple years in the ER and then look into specializing in the nursing field. That could double my salary basically depending on the field I went into. Also my girl is going to a technical type school I believe so that she will be able to make pretty good money as well so together I think its gonna be hard and stressful but we can make it happen. The baby and us as a family is priority number 1 no matter what. But school is our next most important priority. Both of our families wont let us not finish school. Its basically a requirement lol, but I am glad because it will definately benefit us so much more in the long run

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Thanks for the good wishes and support everybody.

    And for everyone basically saying that this is stupid, I understand and respect what you are saying and I do agree that it is better to wait until you have everything in order and are completely prepared for a baby, however it is too late now. I couldnt be happier now, I am so excited about it all and will be the best dad and husband I can be. I had intended on marrying my girl anyways so its not like I am going to be "stuck" with her. She is who I truly want to be with. I know stuff happens and everything but forget that. I refuse to go down that path and will never be a dead beat father. I will do whatever it takes to keep us happy and there lol.

    But seriously I understand where everybody is coming from saying that its bad and I respect your opinions
    Don´t agree with such narrow minded views.
    The most perfect time for u to have a child is right now, because thats whats happening. It´s that simple.
    Things always happen for the better. Thinking something happen for the worse, is just the Ego playing a trick on you. The concept that something is going "wrong" in you life, is purely a state of mind, nothing else.

    And college education......I should write an essay on it...hehe.
    Such bullshit.
    College prepares you for a life as an employee with a nice retirement package to look forward to at the age of 60. (In a nutshell)
    I know Americans especially will disagree strongly, that´s because they are so conditioned by the US society of education=success=$=happiness.
    What we all are looking for is freedom. Freedom, again, is a state of mind, but money is also a factor, buying freedom from an employer, alarm clock, commuting, and basically, being at a certain place at a certain time, which is against core human nature. **********, creative thinking will give u that $ to buy you freedom, not college.
    And here on the flip side, the US is in the forefront of rewarding innovation.
    Don´t follow the sheep heard through those college doors, just because that´s what u supposed to do.

    U and your GF just got together and initiated the creation of another human being, only u and her could create this, out of 5 billion people. That´s fooking (dec) amazing!!
    DNA is like a time machine, the features of the Baby has already been determined, not one slight detail is left to chance.
    Right now millions of atoms are at work creating your baby. Some starting at what will become arms, eyes, brain, toes...and with incredible precision that makes the moonwalk, or supercomputers fade in comparison.
    Education, age, money, car, apartment, job...bla bla bla
    Don´t let any of that take away the beauty of this moment. Enjoy the mindblowing creation taking place right now. Show this fascination to your wife and watch her light up.
    Life is dynamic, plan only just enough, tomorrow is a brand new day, but it´s not here yet.

  18. #58
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    First Timer, I like the way you talk man. Lol for real, I mean I know I am already really excited about everything, but that kinda stuff makes me even happier and more excited for real. I cant wait to get that first ultrasound picture.

    And about the college stuff you are right. And I do have an entrepreneurial type mind and outlook which could help me alot, however I just really don't know where to begin. Because I just can't take any kind of big risks until I am better positioned financially. What I have invested in the stock market I am hoping will come through for me but there is no telling. I wish I could make a living off it, I love that stuff and actually am pretty talented with alot of it. I dont really want to do it as a job though, its something I enjoy for myself for personal gain but not something I would want to be doing for other people and risking their money.

    One reason I am going with nursing is I really like to be in the middle of the action you know, I dont want to be sitting at a desk because I get bored really easily. I want to be up and at em. So school is still gonna be my best bet I am sure, unless you have any ideas on something else to do? And I am not being sarcastic lol I really am open.

    I also need to add, I actually cant stand school lol. I have always done really well, but I have ADD bad and have the hardest time focusing. Its gotten much worse in college and it makes my classes so much harder. But i just gotta suck it up I guess. I should be getting medicine for it before next semester though so that will help me maintain some better grades
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 04-11-2011 at 03:51 PM.

  19. #59
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    Are any of you guys nurses? I am trying to figure out what to do. I am on track to getting my BSN, however I was reading about 2 year programs to become an RN and you basically make the same money. But I didnt know if the 2 year program would keep me from advancing in the future or eventually specializing? I just wanna hurry up and finish school lol

  20. #60
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    First of congrats.
    Secondly, kmow the two year program will not delay you. The two year is your associate in nursing. The Bachelors would be your next degree and you make more money then as an RN. Yes you can still specialize as well. The best part about the bachelors is you can earn it online through an acredited nursing school which is good when just having a baby.
    So you are good to go as long as you are able to still pay for school or get some grants or loans. I would stay away from loans myself but that is just me.

  21. #61
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    So your saying you think it would be better to get my associates right now so I can start making real money alot sooner and then work on moving on up?

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    So your saying you think it would be better to get my associates right now so I can start making real money alot sooner and then work on moving on up?

    The chance of you leaving to have the kid and returning back to school is probably 2 or 3%. I've seen countless people stop schooling and not return and now have put themselves in a spot where they can't return. Get your associates and then get a job.

    It may be a little but more of a struggle but you'll have this kid forever so keep it's future in mind.

  23. #63
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    Well no matter what I am gonna stay in school, I am just trying to decide between doing the associates or bachelors. But honestly, I just realized, I have almost all the credits I need to get into a normal nursing school. I need to take anatomy and physiology and maybe 1 or 2 more classes and then I will be good to go. So I might stick with my BSN afterall since it really is going to be about the same amount of school as it would for my associates. Because either way I need those classes to get into either program, and it will be the same amount of nursing classes almost so that might be the better route.

    I am gonna have to think on this. Going ahead and getting my BSN might take me an extra semester I am thinking but then again if I go ahead and do it now then if I want to specialize later I can jump right into it instead of having to go back for my BSN then to specialize.

    I gotta think lol

  24. #64
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    Scratch that I think it will take 2 extra semesters afterall. Now it is seeming better to just go for the associates for now

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Don't be sorry for me man, nothing but happiness here

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by first timer 42 View Post
    don´t agree with such narrow minded views.
    The most perfect time for u to have a child is right now, because thats whats happening. It´s that simple.
    Things always happen for the better. Thinking something happen for the worse, is just the ego playing a trick on you. The concept that something is going "wrong" in you life, is purely a state of mind, nothing else.

    And college education......i should write an essay on it...hehe.
    Such bullshit.
    College prepares you for a life as an employee with a nice retirement package to look forward to at the age of 60. (in a nutshell)
    i know americans especially will disagree strongly, that´s because they are so conditioned by the us society of education=success=$=happiness.
    What we all are looking for is freedom. Freedom, again, is a state of mind, but money is also a factor, buying freedom from an employer, alarm clock, commuting, and basically, being at a certain place at a certain time, which is against core human nature. **********, creative thinking will give u that $ to buy you freedom, not college.
    And here on the flip side, the us is in the forefront of rewarding innovation.
    Don´t follow the sheep heard through those college doors, just because that´s what u supposed to do.

    U and your gf just got together and initiated the creation of another human being, only u and her could create this, out of 5 billion people. That´s fooking (dec) amazing!!
    Dna is like a time machine, the features of the baby has already been determined, not one slight detail is left to chance.
    Right now millions of atoms are at work creating your baby. Some starting at what will become arms, eyes, brain, toes...and with incredible precision that makes the moonwalk, or supercomputers fade in comparison.
    Education, age, money, car, apartment, job...bla bla bla
    don´t let any of that take away the beauty of this moment. Enjoy the mindblowing creation taking place right now. Show this fascination to your wife and watch her light up.
    Life is dynamic, plan only just enough, tomorrow is a brand new day, but it´s not here yet.
    Beautiful!!! Simply lovely First Timer~

  27. #67
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    Lol thanks for that Stevey, and I couldnt agree more Slimmer Me

  28. #68
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    ^^ I remember 13 years ago, my woman told me she was preggers, AND she was very worried...."What are we going to do"? Financially, we were barely making it.

    So I say, what do you mean what are we going to do? We have this baby, and we manage! I think she may have been hinting at the "A" word. Now she denies it of course. but I would never let something silly like finances get in the way of bringing a baby into the world. I may not intentionally persue it, but won't avoid it either.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^^ I remember 13 years ago, my woman told me she was preggers, AND she was very worried...."What are we going to do"? Financially, we were barely making it.

    So I say, what do you mean what are we going to do? We have this baby, and we manage! I think she may have been hinting at the "A" word. Now she denies it of course. but I would never let something silly like finances get in the way of bringing a baby into the world. I may not intentionally persue it, but won't avoid it either.
    me and your woman would have got "A"long very well

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^^ I remember 13 years ago, my woman told me she was preggers, AND she was very worried...."What are we going to do"? Financially, we were barely making it.

    So I say, what do you mean what are we going to do? We have this baby, and we manage! I think she may have been hinting at the "A" word. Now she denies it of course. but I would never let something silly like finances get in the way of bringing a baby into the world. I may not intentionally persue it, but won't avoid it either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    me and your woman would have got "A"long very well

    i was like that when I was getting married and my dad (God rest his soul) told me not to worry your wife and kid bring you more money I guarantee .....that was enough for me to not to worry and he was 100% right. (my dad was hardly wrong)

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    fatty dont let anyone else scare u. I have seen 19 yrs old fathers who are really good and known personally 46 yrs old fathers who are assholes. IMO age got nothing to do with it as long as you realize that no parties no getting drunk till he/she old enough. As i said before u wanna ask particular question PM me and I will help you as much as I can.
    That's because the 19 year olds are newbies and have not experienced anything yet. The 45 year olds kids are 16/17 and they are ready to kick them to the curb and have been through all the BS for 15+ years, had to stay with the same loud mouth fat b*tch who gained 80 lbs after having the kid for 16 years and ready to end it all. LOL

    All babies are perfect because they dont do anything but eat and poop. It's all over once they start walking and talking and as long as you are married you will always be wrong about the decisions you make. BTW it takes about 4-6 months for the wife/mother to loose all the baby fat and be back in fighting condition looking like she did before having the kid. That is 4-6 months after you split up. hahahahaha

    Do we have you worried yet?

    fattymcbutterpants BTW I hear SlimmerMe was going to PM you about hooking up until this whole baby thing happened.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-12-2011 at 09:33 AM.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i was like that when I was getting married and my dad (God rest his soul) told me not to worry your wife and kid bring you more money I guarantee .....that was enough for me to not to worry and he was 100% right. (my dad was hardly wrong)
    i understand what your saying and trust me i get it. just i couldnt deal with it. just the other day chick was like you dont need a condom i laughed and said oh yes i do and she got offended started telling me she was on the pill and i said good now we are double protected. then i had to tell her to shut up because she was wasting her breathe the domer was staying on

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's because the 19 year olds are newbies and have not experienced anything yet. The 45 year olds kids are 16/17 and they are ready to kick them to the curb and have been through all the BS for 15+ years, had to stay with the same loud mouth fat b*tch who gained 80 lbs after having the kid for 16 years and ready to end it all. LOL

    All babies are perfect because they dont do anything but eat and poop. It's all over once they start walking and talking and as long as you are married you will always be wrong about the decisions you make. BTW it takes about 4-6 months for the wife/mother to loose all the baby fat and be back in fighting condition looking like she did before having the kid. That is 4-6 months after you split up. hahahahaha

    Do we have you worried yet?

    fattymcbutterpants BTW I hear SlimmerMe was going to PM you about hooking up until this whole baby thing happened.
    epic hahahahaha

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's because the 19 year olds are newbies and have not experienced anything yet. The 45 year olds kids are 16/17 and they are ready to kick them to the curb and have been through all the BS for 15+ years, had to stay with the same loud mouth fat b*tch who gained 80 lbs after having the kid for 16 years and ready to end it all. LOL

    All babies are perfect because they dont do anything but eat and poop. It's all over once they start walking and talking and as long as you are married you will always be wrong about the decisions you make. BTW it takes about 4-6 months for the wife/mother to loose all the baby fat and be back in fighting condition looking like she did before having the kid. That is 4-6 months after you split up. hahahahaha

    Do we have you worried yet?
    Been there, and have friends, and a brother living that existence for decades, bless their souls.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's because the 19 year olds are newbies and have not experienced anything yet. The 45 year olds kids are 16/17 and they are ready to kick them to the curb and have been through all the BS for 15+ years, had to stay with the same loud mouth fat b*tch who gained 80 lbs after having the kid for 16 years and ready to end it all. LOL

    All babies are perfect because they dont do anything but eat and poop. It's all over once they start walking and talking and as long as you are married you will always be wrong about the decisions you make. BTW it takes about 4-6 months for the wife/mother to loose all the baby fat and be back in fighting condition looking like she did before having the kid. That is 4-6 months after you split up. hahahahaha

    Do we have you worried yet?

    fattymcbutterpants BTW I hear SlimmerMe was going to PM you about hooking up until this whole baby thing happened.
    lol funny but i already have one and loving no matter what u say u cant make me worried.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i understand what your saying and trust me i get it. just i couldnt deal with it. just the other day chick was like you dont need a condom i laughed and said oh yes i do and she got offended started telling me she was on the pill and i said good now we are double protected. then i had to tell her to shut up because she was wasting her breathe the domer was staying on
    That's more than just a little scary. It's like some women they get that time for a baby thing in thier head and all common sense goes out the window. Wait, I didnt mean to misspeak and suggest they have common sense.... ;P You know what I mean.

    I have had a couple try similar but more just trying to jump on before it went on, straight from the mouth to mounting. You have to be persistent and it's hard sometimes when the little head is doing all the thinking.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i understand what your saying and trust me i get it. just i couldnt deal with it. just the other day chick was like you dont need a condom i laughed and said oh yes i do and she got offended started telling me she was on the pill and i said good now we are double protected. then i had to tell her to shut up because she was wasting her breathe the domer was staying on
    marrying someone because u knocked her up is totally different then being married /in a serious relationship and then deciding to have a baby and I agree with u in wrapping it up...good for you

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's more than just a little scary. It's like some women they get that time for a baby thing in thier head and all common sense goes out the window. Wait, I didnt mean to misspeak and suggest they have common sense.... ;P You know what I mean.

    I have had a couple try similar but more just trying to jump on before it went on, straight from the mouth to mounting. You have to be persistent and it's hard sometimes when the little head is doing all the thinking.
    haha she tried the mouth to jumping on it bs i wasnt having it. lifted her off me and she was like what the hell are you doing hahaha

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    marrying someone because u knocked her up is totally different then being married /in a serious relationship and then deciding to have a baby and I agree with u in wrapping it up...good for you
    ya what your saying is right bring married cause you love each other then deciding a baby is one thing.

  40. #80
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    Mar 2008
    Thanks guys, I feel like half of you all are trying to scare me but idc so shush your face haha. But no really I mean I am not near as worried as you all are making this out to be, honestly I am nothing but happiness. The only thing I am worried about is ensuring I have the proper finances and making sure our baby is healthy. And making sure I keep my girl happy too. I wanna be with her so its not like I am gonna be stuck or something lol.

    And trust me I am not worried about her getting fat and staying fat lol, she had a great body before and I think thats the main thing she is worried about is not getting fat while she is pregnant. Once I am home from school she wants us to start working out together, and I know once the baby gets here she will definately be working out lots lol she isnt the type to sit around and be lazy. So I think I am gonna be good to go lol

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