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Thread: Might be a dad

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    First Timer, I like the way you talk man. Lol for real, I mean I know I am already really excited about everything, but that kinda stuff makes me even happier and more excited for real. I cant wait to get that first ultrasound picture.

    And about the college stuff you are right. And I do have an entrepreneurial type mind and outlook which could help me alot, however I just really don't know where to begin. Because I just can't take any kind of big risks until I am better positioned financially. What I have invested in the stock market I am hoping will come through for me but there is no telling. I wish I could make a living off it, I love that stuff and actually am pretty talented with alot of it. I dont really want to do it as a job though, its something I enjoy for myself for personal gain but not something I would want to be doing for other people and risking their money.

    One reason I am going with nursing is I really like to be in the middle of the action you know, I dont want to be sitting at a desk because I get bored really easily. I want to be up and at em. So school is still gonna be my best bet I am sure, unless you have any ideas on something else to do? And I am not being sarcastic lol I really am open.

    I also need to add, I actually cant stand school lol. I have always done really well, but I have ADD bad and have the hardest time focusing. Its gotten much worse in college and it makes my classes so much harder. But i just gotta suck it up I guess. I should be getting medicine for it before next semester though so that will help me maintain some better grades
    We are all so differently wired, so what works for others may not work for you.

    Rule number 1 is to find out what u enjoy. And filter out all advise, your Dad´s footsteps, and most importantly, the almighty dollar. When u do something with a passion, money will come.

    Rule number 2, be in touch with yourself, and as soon as you feel a path is not satisfying you, not superficially, but on a deeper level; change course. Doesen´t matter what age you are, or how long you´ve been on the current path.

    We change. What u feel is right at 20, will be something different at 30; so make a change. You´ll regret u didn´t, when you´re 40.

    Sounds from your replies here, u have a really good head on your shoulders....and at 18 years of age.
    I sense a humble confidence, and a future loving Dad and husband, which are awesome human qualities. Build on that further, and teach those around you by example

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Thanks guys, I feel like half of you all are trying to scare me but idc so shush your face haha. But no really I mean I am not near as worried as you all are making this out to be, honestly I am nothing but happiness. The only thing I am worried about is ensuring I have the proper finances and making sure our baby is healthy. And making sure I keep my girl happy too. I wanna be with her so its not like I am gonna be stuck or something lol.

    And trust me I am not worried about her getting fat and staying fat lol, she had a great body before and I think thats the main thing she is worried about is not getting fat while she is pregnant. Once I am home from school she wants us to start working out together, and I know once the baby gets here she will definately be working out lots lol she isnt the type to sit around and be lazy. So I think I am gonna be good to go lol
    im not trying to scared you man im just saying how i would be. if your happy good for you! but i will say one thing... it was nice having you on the board while it lasted im just playing with ya

  3. #83
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    IF it's true, congrats man! We're expecting our first in October... should be interesting to say the least!!

  4. #84
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    Thanks first timer, I am really trying to figure out a good solid plan for now that I will stick to as far as a job and school and everything go. Haha maybe I should get into day trading like some of you all lol. I really am so excited about everything though. I stayed up late lastnight looking up all the stuff we are gonna have to buy and everything. I am sure when she has a baby shower that we will get alot of stuff, but still I would like to have enough money for just in case and just to help keep things from being as stressful financially. I am pretty sure if I have around $8,000 sitting in a checking account the day the baby is born I will feel pretty secure. I just think thats kinda gonna be the goal, and my girl will be putting money in too because we both work so we can make it happen.

    Standby I was thinking about that the other night, I'd say when that time comes I might be a little busy to be getting on here much lol.

    And Gbrice, 2 tests said positive. We are gonna go to the doctor around the beginning of May I believe so I just hope everything is fine still then you know.

    Oh and just to clarify for everyone I can't remember if I already have said this or not. But I had already intended on asking her to marry me before any of this happened so I will still be sticking to that plan. I am not sure what we will do about when we do all that stuff of course, but I am sticking with that decision. I love this girl to death and plan on being with her till the end. The way I see it, if you both go into everything with the outlook of divorce IS NOT an option, then you can make it happen. You just have to be willing to work for it.

    But back to everything First Timer, I really need to work on a good solid plan for the day I tell my parents. I mean I already have alot figured out but still just trying to figure out school and work and everything just so I can be the man with a plan lol

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Thanks guys, I feel like half of you all are trying to scare me but idc so shush your face haha. But no really I mean I am not near as worried as you all are making this out to be, honestly I am nothing but happiness. The only thing I am worried about is ensuring I have the proper finances and making sure our baby is healthy. And making sure I keep my girl happy too. I wanna be with her so its not like I am gonna be stuck or something lol.

    And trust me I am not worried about her getting fat and staying fat lol, she had a great body before and I think thats the main thing she is worried about is not getting fat while she is pregnant. Once I am home from school she wants us to start working out together, and I know once the baby gets here she will definately be working out lots lol she isnt the type to sit around and be lazy. So I think I am gonna be good to go lol

    Show me anyone who said yeah I know/think my wife will get fat and stay fat after having a kid. LOL You are young. You may get lucky and it all works out. It's good to always have a positive attitude but one thing you will learn eventually, when a girl/woman becomes a mother everything changes. Not for ALL of them but most of them. Part of it is biological/chemical/hormonal or??? but many/most of them there is some switch that turns on and they become a completely different person.

    I have been lucky with my women. I'm not saying these things because it happened to me. I'm saying these things because I have seen it happen first had to so many of my friends, co-workers and others. Women are a completely different animal than men. We may have some physical characteristics and seem to have similar brain function but more times than not something can happen in a womans life like childbirth that can change everything in ways that guys will never understand. Dont kid yourself saying/thinking you get it or know it can happen but.... You can know someone for years and you will swear they have been possessed or they are pod people because of the drastic change. LOL

    Yeah I'm having fun playn you but at the same time I'm telling the truth 100%. Wishing you the best of luck and it all goes well but keep an open mind and watch out for the signs/clues so maybe you can do something about it before it's to late.

  6. #86
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    As far as the weight gain, the positive is we are young so I am sure her body will recover much better than someone older lol. But I appreciate the advice man, hopefully I will just get lucky haha

  7. #87
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    I think, most of the time, you can tell by her lifestyle before she has a Baby.
    If she is into "body is her temple", healthy eating, exercise, she will more than likely stay fit during and after.
    Mine did aerobics, and long walks into 3´rd semester, and weeks after birth, she was back to pre pregnancy.
    This is how I´ve seen my friends wives as well.

    Your culture has a lot to do with it. You live in the land of the obese, and crap food is so cheep and available to you. When the cravings from pregnancy set in, they have to be strong, there is crap on every corner, no matter which state or city u live in.

    I see u live in TN; Shoney´s and Golden Corral breakfast/dinner buffets ...mmmmmmm....hehe
    Actually my baby was born in TN, in a small town up in the Smokey´s, with beautiful surroundings on a July day, where we befriended some of the nicest, welcoming, Americans I´ve met in my 18 years in the US. And as a comment to previous post, we had nutti´n. I pulled in $1000/month, so we received food stamps, and med care through "Tinn Care" (TN welfare). But the beauty of that moment was so powerful, it was no space for any concern about the future. We just allowed ourselves to be carefree and happy.

    Lovebyts, I do however have experience, and seen through my friends how women change once the relationship becomes exclusive or steady, by a promise, agreement or a ring. I have had my share of so many controlling women, as well as watching my friends GF´s and wives.
    I´m puzzled by why women, once they have locked down a guy, feel the need to tell him how to dress, talk, interact at parties, which friend he can/can´t have, spend to much time in the gym, drink/eat too much of this or that, sleep to much, relax too much, work too much, making him get rid of his toys, and on and on and on...

    Very often things that pleases the Man, seems to be a threat. Maybe she looks at the Jet ski, Corvette, or gym sessions as competition. Maybe she wants to be the only source of pleasure for the Man. I see this throughout many western/1´st world countries, so it´s not culturally based.

    One example out of many; I´ve always enjoyed a cup of coffee in the morning, and it really bothered my last GF, as she had the idea that coffee is really bad for us, toxic. She nagged so much, I started to feel anxiety when I brewed my cup, and several times I had to just pass by Starbucks, even though I really felt like having my Grande-skim-2 pump-no whipped White Chocolate Mocha.
    Let me now add that, I don´t drink alcohol, smoke, do drugs, work out every day, and eat/drink very healthy, along with being a caring, romantic, attentive Boyfriend.
    U think I can enjoy a God damn cup of coffee in the morning?...U think!!??....AFTER giving her her morning orgasm, and get´n up before her, to prepare breakfast for us??...U think??...hehe

    I thought at first, it´s the way I choose women, since I tend to go for the "hotblooded" ones, and I thought since they come from close to the Equator, it made them a little crazy, but I see the same from my friend´s European and American wives.

    Most of the times I see the Men turn into puppets. I, and those who can´t live such an existence, remove ourselves from the relationship. I have yet to meet a woman who let me just be who I am. I haven´t had many relationships, but those I had, came from the US, Brazil, Morocco, Persia. Mostly women who come from women suppressed countries. Maybe when they escape, and experience freedom in the US, they feel they need to "get back at" Men, so they find me...LOL.

    Maybe we can hear from some of the women here, what happens to them once they have entered a relationship, if they can relate. Maybe we can learn something.
    Last edited by Flier; 04-13-2011 at 04:10 AM.

  8. #88
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    ^^^ I could write a book on this topic.


    The woman has picked the wrong man. When we do not stay true to our authentic self, we become bossy hoping you will change.
    And remember, females do the picking. It is in our DNA to pick the best match so when we do not pick the best match? We try to fix you to suit our needs.

    Plus: once the man gets the girl and stops his pursuit and gets complacent, this only exacerbates the problem so it all magnifies and gets worse and worse until the 2 people have to wake up and realize it is not working and move on.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    ^^^ I could write a book on this topic.


    The woman has picked the wrong man. When we do not stay true to our authentic self, we become bossy hoping you will change.
    And remember, females do the picking. It is in our DNA to pick the best match so when we do not pick the best match? We try to fix you to suit our needs.

    Plus: once the man gets the girl and stops his pursuit and gets complacent, this only exacerbates the problem so it all magnifies and gets worse and worse until the 2 people have to wake up and realize it is not working and move on.
    I agree with what you´re saying. I do feel picked, and sometimes wonder why me, and not one of the other guys, when she obviously could pick anyone. I may come across as easy to "mold".
    Many did write books on it, and we would all be so much better off if we did some reading on understanding each other
    I reflected over this and laughed at myself when buying my Dog. I bought several books on "how to" regarding dogs, but I haven´t read 1 book on "how to" regarding women.
    I´ve been wanting to read the Venus/March by Dr Gray for so long, just don´t get around to it.

  10. #90
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    The venus book and....this one below for anyone who is serious and not just looking for a romp

    "For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women"

    by: Feldhahn

  11. #91
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    Well my girl I can honestly say is cool as hell, I mean I know things of course can change. But I really know I love her when I want to bring her with me when I hang out with my guy friends and she can hang with us all and have fun. And we both enjoy all the little stuff together too like cooking together at night and everything and just all kinds of stuff. So hopefully not much of what you all are saying will happen haha

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    The venus book and....this one below for anyone who is serious and not just looking for a romp

    "For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women"

    by: Feldhahn
    Have a short list I´m gonna order from Amazon next week or so, I´ll add it.
    About time I (try to) figure you people out...hehe

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Well my girl I can honestly say is cool as hell, I mean I know things of course can change. But I really know I love her when I want to bring her with me when I hang out with my guy friends and she can hang with us all and have fun. And we both enjoy all the little stuff together too like cooking together at night and everything and just all kinds of stuff. So hopefully not much of what you all are saying will happen haha
    No need to have any negative thoughts at all. This is an exciting time for your lives so relish in this. Stay in joy. Keep her in joy. And it will all work out.

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Have a short list I´m gonna order from Amazon next week or so, I´ll add it.
    About time I (try to) figure you people out...hehe
    Great....and if you read the reverse version, the one for women, it might help you justify what this one says about us. I read both of them. If I had not read the female version, I might not have "bought" into the male version. So.....perhaps a gift to a female friend after you read it. They are FAST reads. Very simple and to the point and very spot on.

  14. #94
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    as glad as i am that your actually happy about this, i cant seem to not think about how i would feel. so for you i leave this for future advice

  15. #95
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    Haha thanks standby

  16. #96
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    I am officially a senior member now haha about time

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    I am officially a senior member now haha about time
    Then you are definitely ready for fatherhood.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    I am officially a senior member now haha about time
    now that there is something we all can be happy about!

  19. #99
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    Yep I think you guys are right, I am officially ready now lol

  20. #100
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    ^^^ there have been many children born into this world with very young parents. Happens every single second. Babies are raised in hammocks in many places. And to be honest they are happier it seems.

    If you want all the men out there to not raise a baby then I suppose ALL of you have to keep your darn pants on. It takes 2 you know. And fattymcbutterpants is stepping up to the plate and I admire him for this.

    There is no formula. NONE. I have friends who got pregnant very early and they are happier than a lot who waited.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackHappy View Post
    18 is too young to have kids and I'm not sure why people make such a big fuss over abortion.
    You just grew up yourself a few years ago and this is the part of your life where you're suppose to build a foundation, go to school, develop a career and save money so 5-10 years down the road you can have kids.

    I've seen people in your position succeed, I've also seen people fail. The mother/father breaks up, one of them is so financially stressed they start drinking, then before you know it the kids taken away by the state and has noone to care for it.

    I really don't understand why you would want to take on a responsibility like that. Just to see if you can? Were you planning on having kids (at 18)? If not, is it really that big a deal to admit it was an "accident"? Its not selfish it would be less selfish than taking a baby into this world that you can barely provide for.
    I take having kids as a very serious thing. People should be required to have a license to have children, and should need to pass a test. I see far too many bad parents in this world who just couldn't have an abortion like they should have.

    Do you *really* want to have this kid? Be honest. How are you so relaxed about it? Its your first kid and you've admitted your not even sure if you can provide for it. That would make me very worried. Fear helps us survive lets not forget. I had a part time job at 18 and went to college but could barely afford my insurance, rent, nevermind paying back loans for school.

    All I ask is that you consider it with a clear logical mind. Don't feel obligated like you have to have the kid just because thats how other people think. And don't try to act strong just because you think theres no way out of it (not saying thats what you're doing but people do it).

    And lastly, go watch "16 and pregnant" on MTV. 18 is only 2 years later, and when they come back to most of these kids lives their lives are an utter mess. Crying, fighting, financial problems. Most of them try to stay positive just like you. But the stress and time gets to most young parents and chances are sooner than later. You need more than a level head on your shoulders to be having kids at that age imo.
    i got what you are trying to say but If someone already made a decision to become a parent there is nothing you or I can do about it. My only concern is/was just make sure they should grow up to make u feel proud. Thats it thats all

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackHappy View Post
    18 is too young to have kids and I'm not sure why people make such a big fuss over abortion.
    You just grew up yourself a few years ago and this is the part of your life where you're suppose to build a foundation, go to school, develop a career and save money so 5-10 years down the road you can have kids.

    I've seen people in your position succeed, I've also seen people fail. The mother/father breaks up, one of them is so financially stressed they start drinking, then before you know it the kids taken away by the state and has noone to care for it.

    I really don't understand why you would want to take on a responsibility like that. Just to see if you can? Were you planning on having kids (at 18)? If not, is it really that big a deal to admit it was an "accident"? Its not selfish it would be less selfish than taking a baby into this world that you can barely provide for.
    I take having kids as a very serious thing. People should be required to have a license to have children, and should need to pass a test. I see far too many bad parents in this world who just couldn't have an abortion like they should have.

    Do you *really* want to have this kid? Be honest. How are you so relaxed about it? Its your first kid and you've admitted your not even sure if you can provide for it. That would make me very worried. Fear helps us survive lets not forget. I had a part time job at 18 and went to college but could barely afford my insurance, rent, nevermind paying back loans for school.

    All I ask is that you consider it with a clear logical mind. Don't feel obligated like you have to have the kid just because thats how other people think. And don't try to act strong just because you think theres no way out of it (not saying thats what you're doing but people do it).

    And lastly, go watch "16 and pregnant" on MTV. 18 is only 2 years later, and when they come back to most of these kids lives their lives are an utter mess. Crying, fighting, financial problems. Most of them try to stay positive just like you. But the stress and time gets to most young parents and chances are sooner than later. You need more than a level head on your shoulders to be having kids at that age imo.
    Wow.....there is so much to roast here, I don´t know where to begin.
    Let me just comment on your first paragraph.
    Men like you, have told others how to live their lives for millenniums.
    Some men has actually written books on how others should live their lives....seriously.
    One book was put together by men with huge egos with inspiration from a great man who lived 2000 years ago, who was greatly misrepresented.
    These men suppressed large groups of people, and suppressed women, just because they were women, and actually burned them on open fire because they expressed themselves.
    Another book was written on how other people should live by a mad man about 80 years ago, and close to 15,000,000 lives later he finally took his own life.

    The idea of one human telling another human on how that human should live, conduct, think, act, can be extremely dangerous, as u see, but to be less dramatic, it´s just plain unnecessary.
    It always start with one Man, but spreads like cancer.
    Celebrate another humans decisions instead of judging.

  23. #103
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    If its a boy and you can't handle the pressure ill trade you for an Ipad 2.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackHappy View Post
    Me asking him if he genuinely wants to have a kid is not me telling him how to live his life.
    I have no idea how that long paranoid tirade is even relevant to this discussion all I was doing was making him aware of certain tendencies and trends. And you seem like you have a serious issue with authority figures.

    A cop telling you not to drink and drive is a cop looking out for your health and wellbeing. But I'm sure you'd say thats just another useless asshole trying to run peoples lives.
    Doctors and psychologists don't recommend kids having kids for a reason. He's 18 and although you can call him an adult by law, he is going through a very experimental phase of his life. Lots of transitions and changes, very little stability or emotional resilience (for most not all).

    Did you know that marraiges between the ages of 18-26 have an 80% chance of divorce? Marraiges 26+ its a much much lower rate. Age does have an effect on many different things in life. For the most part unless you are filthy rich I'd say the majority of people his age having kids are going to sacrifice a lot more than they initially bargained for.
    And slimmerme are you that proud just because he's "stepping up to the plate"? I consider that a genetic obligation by default. How he actually takes care of his kids will effect whether or not I'm proud of his parenting abilities. And I'd be just as proud if he was having an abortion. If its what he genuinely wants, then yes absolutely I'm proud for him.

    Yet another side of me asks "how can he even know he wants a child at 18?". He really has no idea what to expect or what he's really up against.
    My only point is this. I see lots of people strugging to raise children, but it always seems the ones who struggle the hardest are the young ones... or the drug addicts. I wish him the best, I really do, but I don't want him to assume that its going to be like raising a puppy. Kids shit themselves, scream endlessly in the middle of the night, require lots of food and diapers, full time attention which will rob lots of resources for making money. And if you put them in day care it costs more than what he's getting paid right now.

    My only point is think and plan, not "live your life this way". If thats what you took from it well thats unfortunate imo.
    YEP! More than a lot of men do. So to answer you question: YES I am proud of him for stepping up to the plate to honor this upcoming child; plus it is out of his heart and his free will. Nobody is forcing him. He loves this mother-to-be and they both want this baby so why not share in their joy? None of us have any idea how life will turn out. Not one single one of us. So why not support him instead of all of this "chicken little" attitude

  25. #105
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    I just got off work and gotta eat, workout, and do some homework due at midnight. SmackHappy I am about to Smack you for all that. But really at 12ish I will be back on to respond to all this

  26. #106
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    I am a young father(married) however I love everything about it. I graduated college(not long before the 1st came). We are all ready planning our second. I say congrats on wanting to be a dad and not just a father.

    If you keep a positive attitude and actually follow through with your plans you will do alright.

    I am a male nurse. If you are put between a 2 year Rn and a 4 year Rn. The 4 year Rn will win everytime. Most schools however have some kind of program in place to take a 2 year Rn to a 4 Year Rn.

    I would say either go straight for your 4 year cause it ends up being quicker(in the long run) however if you feel that is not a possibility then take the 2 year Rn. That way you can complete your lpn and perhaps persue your Rn part time before moving onto the 4 year Rn.

    Children are a blessing and you will get as much as you give.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackHappy View Post
    18 is too young to have kids and I'm not sure why people make such a big fuss over abortion.
    You just grew up yourself a few years ago and this is the part of your life where you're suppose to build a foundation, go to school, develop a career and save money so 5-10 years down the road you can have kids.

    I've seen people in your position succeed, I've also seen people fail. The mother/father breaks up, one of them is so financially stressed they start drinking, then before you know it the kids taken away by the state and has noone to care for it.

    I really don't understand why you would want to take on a responsibility like that. Just to see if you can? Were you planning on having kids (at 18)? If not, is it really that big a deal to admit it was an "accident"? Its not selfish it would be less selfish than taking a baby into this world that you can barely provide for.
    I take having kids as a very serious thing. People should be required to have a license to have children, and should need to pass a test. I see far too many bad parents in this world who just couldn't have an abortion like they should have.

    Do you *really* want to have this kid? Be honest. How are you so relaxed about it? Its your first kid and you've admitted your not even sure if you can provide for it. That would make me very worried. Fear helps us survive lets not forget. I had a part time job at 18 and went to college but could barely afford my insurance, rent, nevermind paying back loans for school.

    All I ask is that you consider it with a clear logical mind. Don't feel obligated like you have to have the kid just because thats how other people think. And don't try to act strong just because you think theres no way out of it (not saying thats what you're doing but people do it).

    And lastly, go watch "16 and pregnant" on MTV. 18 is only 2 years later, and when they come back to most of these kids lives their lives are an utter mess. Crying, fighting, financial problems. Most of them try to stay positive just like you. But the stress and time gets to most young parents and chances are sooner than later. You need more than a level head on your shoulders to be having kids at that age imo.
    OK first off everybody is entitled to their own opinion, they are like an asshole...everybodys got one haha, so i respect you for stating it however I disagree on alot of this so I am just gonna break this down by paragraph of what you said.

    First I understand 18 is young I know this, however there is no set age on when you can or cant have children. Honestly I would rather be young than older. Second, I dont want to get into the abortion debate, but I can simply say I completely disagree with it. That has to be THE MOST immature and selfish thing anyone can do. The way I look at it, if you are old enough to have sex then you should be responsible enough to raise and take care of whats a direct result of your actions. A life shouldnt be given up because someone "slipped up." The only time I could really be understanding of an abortion was if a girl was raped or if the pregnancy will undoubtedly kill the mother. I will leave it at that, thats just my opinion.

    You say you dont understand why I would want to take on a responsibility like that? This comment sir makes me feel like you are the scum of the earth. Why do I want to take on this responsibility you ask....Because I caused it!! I am not going to just walk away from something that I caused. I am not and will never be a dead beat father. Having kids at 18 might not have been something I planned on happening, but it did happen so now it is my plan! I can see where you are coming from on this bad parent thing, I know there are tons and tons of parents that are absolute worthless POS. But they have nothing to do with me I am my own person and will never be anything like that.

    Ok next you asked if I REALLY want to have this kid?......I couldnt want it more than I do now. You cant understand how happy and excited I am about it. I seem relaxed about it because of this reason. YOu have to think, most guys tend to get a girl pregnant that they dont want to be with the rest of their life or just on a random hookup by accident. Well thats not the case for me, I intended on marrying my girl before any of this happened. That is why I seem so much happier with the situation than most people would be, because I am. I am not feeling trapped or anything like most guys do, because its what I want.

    I dont know where you saw that I admitted I couldnt provide for this baby? If I said something seeming like that I apologize because I didnt mean it. I know for a fact I can provide for the baby. If you care and love something or someone enough you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. The right mind set and you will keep pushing through everything no matter what. Determination is a powerful thing, and I will tell you now I have it. I will do whatever it takes to provide for the baby and us as a family and to keep us together.

    And lastly, I have watched 16 and pregnant before with my girlfriend lol. And I am no deadbeat little shit who is gonna walk away from my responsibility and she is no pos mom either so I have faith in us.

    If you want something bad will make it happen.

    Sorry for the long post I just wanted to respong to everything in the quote. And I am not trying to talk shit or talk down to you smack, just letting you know how I feel about everything and that you are wrong about me and my views

  28. #108
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    Mn fighter if you get a chance can you shoot me a PM, I have been looking for someone in the nursing field to talk to

  29. #109
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  30. #110
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Stack said it all. Get your associates first then work on the other. Once the baby get here you are going to be super busy.

  31. #111
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    Congrats man, well done hope your happy

  32. #112
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    Ok I wasn't gonna post again but I have to say that FMB you better stay in school. Get your degrees and then move on. Anyone telling you that you shouldn't stay in school is pretty retarded. Your baby comes in 9months or so. You can do a lot of schooling and internships in 9 months. Hell you could finish a degree probably. Buckle down and do not quit school. There are so many things wrong with some of the posts on this thread but I will not address them. Keep a good head on your shoulders. If you want to figure out what to do in life go talk to successful people. Right now you are able to work for experience and not worry about a paycheck. DO THIS. If you enjoy stocks and what not look into finance major. My suggestion is to go to k a h n academy. org and see what interests you the most. Start learning things. Read books and talk to people who know more than you and have gone places. Gain life experiences now while you can. You can do a lot in 9 months bro. Get busy.

  33. #113
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    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Stack said it all. Get your associates first then work on the other. Once the baby get here you are going to be super busy.

  34. #114
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    I am about to check out that website now twist, and thanks for the input guys. Dont worry I will be staying in school no matter what because I know I am going to really need it for a good job.

  35. #115
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    What exactly is that website for? It looked like one of those sites that pops up when you type in the address wrong lol I thought i messed up or something

    Edit: So I am thinking about doing some online classes after this semester. I am not sure, but I have a hard time paying attention in the actual class and tend to learn almost everything on my own. So this might really save me alot of wasted time if I do that. I will have to see though, I just wanna hurry up and get school over with it blows lol but I know I gotta do it
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 04-14-2011 at 01:10 AM.

  36. #116
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    scroll down. It has just about every subject you could possibly want to learn about. Go to sections like banking and start watching videos. see if anything interests you/if you pick things up quickly. If you listen to the music when you are in your car, stop. Start listening to NPR or something else that will provide you with knowledge of the world around you. LEARN and the rest will follow. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do

    I have had severe adhd problems all my life but you can turn that around without any drugs. Once you get through the crappy classes and move into your major then you can start to use that attention in a good way. It will become a learning tool. I am still working on memory retention so I will have to get back to you on that... But get through the crap and you can do a lot in life. If you are not interested in nursing then don't do it. There is so much to accomplish. Intern and walk up to the boss and ask him if you can shadow him for a week to see what it is like to in his shoes. There are so many opportunities out there man and now you are gonna be a dad so you owe it to your kid to become something and pay for them to go to school etc.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackHappy View Post
    Me asking him if he genuinely wants to have a kid is not me telling him how to live his life. Yes, U start off with "this is the part of your life where you're suppose to". So we are "supposed" to do certain things at certain parts of our lives. God, how predictable and boring. And who are these people who gets to decide or suggest what we are supposed to do during certain parts of our lives, you? I´m 42, single Dad of a 15 year old girl, no firm plans for the future. Maybe u can tell me what I´m supposed to do at this stage of my life, or write a book so I can keep up, don´t want to do anything I´m not supposed to do.
    I have no idea how that long paranoid tirade is even relevant to this discussion all I was doing was making him aware of certain tendencies and trends. And you seem like you have a serious issue with authority figures.Hehe..yes..u hit the nail on the head, I have serious issues with human authority. Look at what insanity authority has produced through millenniums. Humans are not equipped to be authority, we abuse it. If we don´t have control issues, we will grow them once we receive authority. U don´t have to go back in time to se the insanity authority produces, look at the world right this moment. On a funny note on authority; In Afghanistan public display of affection is not allowed, in South Carolina, a married couple in the privacy of their home are not allowed to have oral sex. And please, do not move in with your loved one in Florida unless u´re married, authority prohibits it. I think because it may lead to some unpure actions, and we can´t have that. Check your laws in TN Fatty.

    A cop telling you not to drink and drive is a cop looking out for your health and wellbeing. But I'm sure you'd say thats just another useless asshole trying to run peoples lives.Cops in general are struggling to manage the unprecedented authority they are given, they are only human. It´s their job to look out for my well being.
    Doctors and psychologists don't recommend kids having kids for a reason.Really? What determines kid/adult? Age? I have a 46 year old friend, I think he is more of a kid than Fatty He's 18 and although you can call him an adult by law, he is going through a very experimental phase of his life.Really, tell Fatty, he might not be aware Lots of transitions and changes,Love it, since I was a child very little stability or emotional resilience (for most not all).From which angle are you viewing? Have u seen images where you see one image at one angle and a completely different image from another angle? U and I are viewing the process of life itself from two different angles.

    Did you know that marraiges between the ages of 18-26 have an 80% chance of divorce? In which part of the world, and why? Don´t know the statistics, but if u´re right, maybe look at this abnormality and, take preventive measures. Maybe because society suggest a young man "supposed" to "stand on his own 2 feet", while in other cultures, multiple generations live in the same dwelling like one big loving family, with financial stability and no need for day cares or nursing homes, beautiful concept. Live with your parents as long as u wish Fatty, and disregard cultural expectations. Marraiges 26+ its a much much lower rate. Age does have an effect on many different things in life. For the most part unless you are filthy rich I'd say the majority of people his age having kids are going to sacrifice a lot more than they initially bargained for. Sacrifice?....I have no clue what the sacrifice would be, how do u know how life would be without the child? U are seriously viewing life from a different angle. I feel sorry for u if u view anything an life as a "sacrifice", but it´s not an uncommon disorder.
    And slimmerme are you that proud just because he's "stepping up to the plate"? I consider that a genetic obligation by default. How he actually takes care of his kids will effect whether or not I'm proud of his parenting abilities. And I'd be just as proud if he was having an abortion.Sad If its what he genuinely wants, then yes absolutely I'm proud for him.

    Yet another side of me asks "how can he even know he wants a child at 18?".Why does he "need" to know? He really has no idea what to expect or what he's really up against. How do u know? ANd if he doesen´t, so what? I love it when I have no idea what to expect, it´s called self confidence.
    My only point is this. I see lots of people strugging to raise children,Where? Hope you´re referring to personal experience, and not TV shows. And if they share your views on having a baby is a sacrifice, yes, raising children and a lot more in life will be a struggle. but it always seems the ones who struggle the hardest are the young ones... or the drug addicts.That would be a struggle I wish him the best, I really do,I believe you but I don't want him to assume that its going to be like raising a puppy. Kids shit themselves, scream endlessly in the middle of the night, require lots of food and diapers, And it´s a beautiful experience if you let it be. It´s purely a mindset, flip the switch. I hope your Mom did all of this things for u with joy, care, and unconditional love, and I hope she did not "sacrifice" herself.full time attention which will rob lots of resources for making money. How on earth do you know this? Some doors close, others open...Newton´s third law. Maybe this pregnancy will be the catalyst to an enormous Fatty wealth....U have any idea how many inventions or websites were created by stay at home Moms or Dads, because they found an awesome idea regarding baby care? Many of the "Baby" web sites and virtual communities were sprung by Moms, looking for advise or a product. And u know how the easiest way to make money is?...using our brains. Maybe while Fatty is "trapped"(a word u might use) in the house, playing with Champ, he will start a successful business through his PC with Champ on his lap. I did, and previous to that, while my GF was pregnant, I supported us with $1000/month and food stamps.And if you put them in day care it costs more than what he's getting paid right now.

    My only point is think and plan,I disagree on a fundamental level. Be very careful thinking and planning too much, it may consume you. These actions are purely features of the Ego, and will remove you from living in the moment. Yesterday and Tomorrow does not exist, only in your head. Trust the process of life, once you surrender, nothing will ever go "wrong". I know, little abstract if u never dwelled on it, maybe Bob Marley said it better, "Don´t worry, be happy", to me means less planning, less thinking. not "live your life this way". If thats what you took from it well thats unfortunate imo.
    Thats what I take from it, and you are saying in so many ways, in writing, and in-between the lines. You are definitely a controlling person, and you probably experienced some child neglect first hand, due to your passionate views on the subject, which I completely respect. You are conditioned by your experiences, and so am I. From it, spring our views/opinions. U live by yours, I will by mine, Fatty will find his.
    Last edited by Flier; 04-14-2011 at 04:17 AM.

  38. #118
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    fatty how come your girl wasnt on bbirth control?

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    fatty how come your girl wasnt on bbirth control?
    Because Fatty got control.......most of the time.

    I can relate, got full control.....most of the time. Only slipped twice.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Because Fatty got control.......most of the time.

    I can relate, got full control.....most of the time. Only slipped twice.
    yea maybe this is why i dont agree with you guys. i do everything to make sure my sh*t is safe no kids coming. so if one comes. yes i will be the maddest kid around

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