Seriously... what's going on guys? This isn't making sence at all!!
The official line is because Iraq is against UN sanctions regarding owning weapons of mass destruction and Sadam is dangerous.
Let me point out a few things that don't make sence to me.
1) The US has known about Sadam's weapons of mass destruction for decades. Yet this suddenly becomes a problem? Especially since he's been pretty good since the gulf war.
2) None of these weapons have the range to reach the US. And there's no way a 200lb (smallest weapon of mass destruction I know of) bomb is going to get smuggled into the country. So.. you're not really at risk. THe counties that are don't want to go to war or help you. Why not just say "Fuck it! A bomb lands on your head it's you own stupid fault then"
3) As far as I'm aware, no link has been found between Sadam and Al-Quida (or however it's spelt). No link has been found between Sadam and any terrorism!
Honestly... to the rest of the world, it looks like the US wants to go to war with Iraq for something that Iraq has had/been doing for decades without major US complaint. It looks like there's other motives involved.....