I sold my Iphone 3g on e bay. The guy who bought it filed a dispute with me on paypal and they refunded his money to him. He sent me the phone but i was out of town when it came in and ups returned it to him. So now i have a negative balance on paypal and this guy has my phone and the money. I contacted paypal and they said that since he tried to send it once to me already that they couldn't do anything. He wont return my e mails or the ones from paypal or their phone calls. Before i sent it to him i removed the sim card and did a factory restore. I still have my original recept for the phone. I wanted to know if there is anything i can do to brick the phone or **** him over other then going to his address and kicking the shit out of him.
Also now that i have his name and address whats some things i can do to sign him up for tons of bullshit to annoy him.