What does Marriage mean to you?
Do you believe in Marriage?
How many times have you been married?
Have you been asked or how many times have you asked someone?
What does Marriage mean to you?
Do you believe in Marriage?
How many times have you been married?
Have you been asked or how many times have you asked someone?
My honest opinion on marriage and I'm not saying this to be funny.
Marriage just means you get my last name and half my stuff and I get a tax break. It doesn't change the way you feel about a person as you should already love that person unconditionally anyway. It's an outdated tradition IMO.
Marriage to me is something very serious which is probably why I have stayed away from it so far since to me it would be FOR LIFE and stating FOR LIFE is something which would take a lot for me to say out loud to someone in front of a ton of people and GOD since when I make a promise I intend to keep it.
Marriage? If taken to its purist sense where 2 people vow to treat each other with respect and honor to be good and loyal to each other forever and forever with glee? Bliss. Pure unadulterated joy. Anything else short of this? Not a good thing.
Last edited by SlimmerMe; 04-28-2011 at 10:31 PM.
Not saying I'll never get married. There's certain things that force marriage such as health insurance, bank loans, etc. I'm just saying I would feel no difference whether I was married to a girl or just in a relationship with her. I'd never pay the thousands of dollars for a wedding tho. Vegas or a courthouse would be fine by me. There's much more productive things to spend 15 grand on.
But yeah you can expect an invitation in about 15 or 20 years lol
No but I will be open to her parents spending a lot of money. No way in hell I'm putting myself in that kind of debt for one night. That's a down payment on a house or a fairly large buffer for bills that could be put in savings. To blow it on one night is just insane.
Oh and I've actually been in love and was really close to proposing at one point but it was after 5 years in a relationship and the wedding would have been atleast a year out after that.
I'll also never marry a girl unless we live together for atleast a year first.
^^^ usually parents do pay for a wedding and rarely does a man....except the FATHER of the bride! LOL!
Married means the end of hitting up girls and getting some *****!
I get married every year!
marriage is when a man and a woman are standing and the guy asks them if they do and the music is playing and then they kiss and then the music and stuff makes a baby
It means stevey_6t9 + zyzz = Together forever :P
No but really im 21, its not on the cards for many years! but it seems in my generation its becoming harder to find people you can trust to make that sort of commitment to, or maybe it just comes with age.
Marriage is an interesting subject that I've discussed often.
Originally, marriage, depending on which religious doctrine you subscribe to, or lack thereof, was a union between a man and a woman, in the eyes of god, witnessed by friends, family and your community. The main benefits were a domestic lifestyle for a man, a stable, safe environment for the woman, and two adult protectors for the children. Life span was probably 40ish back then as well.
Things have changed since then!
Women are now liberated, and no longer need a relationship with a sperm donor to have children. Women are now "allowed" to work and provide for their own welfare, eliminating the necessity of a male counterpart.
Men are no longer plowing the fields and getting slain in battle, providing them more quality leisure time, thereby enabling them to ask the question, "why get married?" And with all the liberated women no longer tethered to a man, the man doesn't necessarily feel the requirement to be tethered to a woman either.
Unfortunately for the children, although a single parent family will provide the children a sufficiently safe environment to grow, it is proven to be less ideal than a two parent home. Children are clearly the losers in this scenerio.
Here's the kicker. We no longer live to 40ish. A marriage would last maybe 20 years or so before one or the other partner would croak off. But today, if we marry by say 20, just say, and we live to 80, then a marriage would last 3x as long! That is a long time, wouldn't you say? So "until death do us part" has become extremely more difficult.
The result is that the age of marriage has steadily been shifting to the older end of the sprectum.
However, we as people continue to grow and develop throughout our lives. And so does our spouses. The person we once fell in love with will change. The trick is for both spouses to learn to grow and develop in the SAME direction, else run the risk of growing apart.
A successful marriage is MUCH work. One has to learn to NOT be selfish, and put the interests of thier spouse ahead of their own. If BOTH spouses learn to do this, it can be a very wonderful experience. If instead, you value your own convenience ahead of your spouses, what a rocky marriage this will be. For it to truly work, both need to be MATURE adults, each willing to sacrafice for the other.
Unfortunately, I feel many here are probably NOT ready for such a commitment. They are still at the Shacking UP V.2 level
I like stack it's views here!
I love marriage, being committed to someone that is always there for you, by choice. and as soon as my marriage falls apart, I'm marrying SlimmerMe, whether she likes it or not.
I actually take the institution of marriage seriously. While I don't care if she takes my last name I do consider it to be a real commitment. Truth is, I won't even date girls without seeing any prospect of them being marriage material. I simply decided that if I'm not totally crazy about them there's no point in wasting my time with them. And before someone asks... getting laid is different. I have no problems in that department.
I have never been married before, but I have asked one girl. My then-girlfriend of many years and high school sweetheart. She said no and ended up leaving me in a terrible way.
She's worth getting a severe ass kicking for! (hopefully this makes me look bold and noble, to win her heart)
OK Marcus ...... you asked the questions but what are YOUR thoughts on the subject?
Marriage is a big deal I think, not taken anywhere near seriously enough by half the people that get married.
People seem to have lost a sense of tradition these days, values. People would rather be selfish and self centered.
I've been married....will never regret. Though will never regret the divorce either.
But....I'd love to be married one day again.
I am in my low 30s and very stable on all levels therefore to me marriage does not mean to be just in love anymore, but rather similar to a business transaction (stability/security on both ends). I don't want to be a sponsor or carry my other half financially. I get ***** all day long without such commitment. I had two women ask me to marry them (not an official proposal on one knee/ring), but they don't bring anything to the table except a nice piece of ass. My standards did change with age that is why I don’t jump into marriage head first and rather analyze the situation with each woman. I do want to have kids so having a healthy family is definitely in my cards. It’s much harder to commit when you are on your own and can obtain almost anything desired. At times, I wish I should have gotten married when young and broke.
Last edited by Sage; 04-29-2011 at 08:44 AM.
ha ha ha!
I thought for sure you were going to slam me for that ungentlemanly comment.
Guess what? Went shopping today =)
alright smarty.... you knew what I meant
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