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Thread: Bin Laden Dead

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    See bold my friend
    1. Again, its not under Islamic law. If he died as a Martyr he would not have been washed. He would actually have been buried in the same clothes he died in. Even if there was blood on it, he would be buried in same attire that he died in.

    "The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, gathered together in one cloth two men out of those who were killed in (the battle of) Uhud. Then he asked, "Which of them knew more of the Qur'an"? When one of them was pointed out to him, he gave him precedence in the lahd, and said, "I shall be a witness of these on the Day of Resurrection". And he commanded that they should be buried with their blood (on them) and they were not washed, nor was a burial service held over them. 16 (B. 23 : 73.)"

    Another fatal error the government keeps claiming to be truth when in reality is false. So they once again crush the true custom of burying a Martyr or simply burying any Muslim at all.

    2. Hadith Chapter 15 has not a single line about anything having to do with 24 hours. If I am mistaken please find it. Nor is there a hadith or verse that states anything about burying a Martyr apart from the one I just showed you and a couple others which completely contradict the burial of Osama because he was not suppose to be washed nor was he suppose to be given a burial service like he was. And he also was suppose to be buried with the clothes he died in. His body was not suppose to be messed with. So again, contradiction on a massive scale.

    3. When a Martyr dies, he is suppose to be buried in the site where he died or near it. Another contradiction.

    4. According to Sharia law, if the person is not buried near or on the site of death and if he is not buried in the attire he died in. It is NOT A BURIAL FOR A MARTYR. And if a person is not buried with his head facing Mecca, it is not a Islamic burial at all. And if a person dies on land, and is taken out to sea to be buried, it not only not a burial for a martyr but its not a Islamic burial at all. So why does the media keep dubbing this as "Burial according to Islamic tradition" when it clearly isn't in any way???

    5. Read your own sources because Hadith Chapter 5 has nothing to do with 24 hour limits of the burial of a martyr. And the little info we do see on the burial of a martyr contradicts the burial of Osama Bin Laden. People that died as maryrs were buried as quickly as normal people because of decaying of the body. No other reason but that.

    6. A martyr is not only a person that dies in war. A martyr is anyone who dies according to Quran. A woman that dies giving birth to a child is a martyr, a man that dies trying to save another person's life is a martyr, a person who dies while walking to donate to charity is a martyr, a person who dies defending another person, a person who dies in prayer, etc. But we all know that if a person dies defending another person, with no suspect, he will have his body examined and autopsy done to help solve the case.

    7. You mean to tell me that Osama gets to have a 24 hour burial because "he died as a martyr" yet Al Zarqawi doesn't? And where is the logic in that exactly? They were killed in the same fashion except that one was bombed, other was shot. Why weren't both buried as quickly? Why was Abu Musab Al Zarqawi given an autopsy while Bin Laden was just thrown into the sea???? Al Zarqawi also played the key role in Iraqi violence in 2006/07, he was the most feared militant leader in Iraq. Yet the U.S. government didn't really care what thousands of his followers thought after images of his body were released IMMEDIATELY (While his body was still in custody of U.S.) and he was given an autopsy days later before being handed over to his family??? Zarqawi was a bigger threat then than Bin Laden is today.

    Again, nobody is complaining about Zarqawi's death. Images were thrown around all over the world of his head busted up while his body was still in custody. That is exactly the same that should have happened in this case but like I said, its too late now because his body is supposable being eaten by sharks.

    The truth is that this has nothing to do with "Islamic tradition" or "Islamic law". His burial is actually anti-Islamic law in every respect. I have already pointed out why. The 24 hour theory is made up and there is nothing in Sharia law or Sunnah or Hadith about having to bury a dead person in 24 hours. Quick burial was custom in Arabia not because of Islamic law but because the body would begin to decay and smell and pose a danger for the people around it had it stayed. Not only Muslims had to bury their dead quickly to avoid this scenario but Christians, Jews, Atheists, etc. It was something that had to be done in the past. There was no such thing as storage rooms like today. It was a show of respect and awareness to quickly get rid of the body before it starts to rot and it offends relatives. THIS IS NOT ISLAMIC LAW, IT WAS A CUSTOM FOLLOWED BY THE WORLD HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO! Its like saying "Muslims believe that every person should ride horses/camels only opposed to cars because that is what they did 1,400 years ago!", no that was then and this is now, 2011. If there is no 24 hour window in Islamic law, it is false.

    After all this time, there still is not a single verse, or piece of information from Islamic text indicating or confirming the 24 hour rule. If I am wrong, its as easy as copy/paste that verse of information. Please keep trying. Thank you. Good luck..

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    1. Again, its not under Islamic law. If he died as a Martyr he would not have been washed. He would actually have been buried in the same clothes he died in. Even if there was blood on it, he would be buried in same attire that he died in.

    "The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, gathered together in one cloth two men out of those who were killed in (the battle of) Uhud. Then he asked, "Which of them knew more of the Qur'an"? When one of them was pointed out to him, he gave him precedence in the lahd, and said, "I shall be a witness of these on the Day of Resurrection". And he commanded that they should be buried with their blood (on them) and they were not washed, nor was a burial service held over them. 16 (B. 23 : 73.)"

    Another fatal error the government keeps claiming to be truth when in reality is false. So they once again crush the true custom of burying a Martyr or simply burying any Muslim at all.

    2. Hadith Chapter 15 has not a single line about anything having to do with 24 hours. If I am mistaken please find it. Nor is there a hadith or verse that states anything about burying a Martyr apart from the one I just showed you and a couple others which completely contradict the burial of Osama because he was not suppose to be washed nor was he suppose to be given a burial service like he was. And he also was suppose to be buried with the clothes he died in. His body was not suppose to be messed with. So again, contradiction on a massive scale.

    3. When a Martyr dies, he is suppose to be buried in the site where he died or near it. Another contradiction.

    4. According to Sharia law, if the person is not buried near or on the site of death and if he is not buried in the attire he died in. It is NOT A BURIAL FOR A MARTYR. And if a person is not buried with his head facing Mecca, it is not a Islamic burial at all. And if a person dies on land, and is taken out to sea to be buried, it not only not a burial for a martyr but its not a Islamic burial at all. So why does the media keep dubbing this as "Burial according to Islamic tradition" when it clearly isn't in any way???

    5. Read your own sources because Hadith Chapter 5 has nothing to do with 24 hour limits of the burial of a martyr. And the little info we do see on the burial of a martyr contradicts the burial of Osama Bin Laden. People that died as maryrs were buried as quickly as normal people because of decaying of the body. No other reason but that.

    6. A martyr is not only a person that dies in war. A martyr is anyone who dies according to Quran. A woman that dies giving birth to a child is a martyr, a man that dies trying to save another person's life is a martyr, a person who dies while walking to donate to charity is a martyr, a person who dies defending another person, a person who dies in prayer, etc. But we all know that if a person dies defending another person, with no suspect, he will have his body examined and autopsy done to help solve the case.

    7. You mean to tell me that Osama gets to have a 24 hour burial because "he died as a martyr" yet Al Zarqawi doesn't? And where is the logic in that exactly? They were killed in the same fashion except that one was bombed, other was shot. Why weren't both buried as quickly? Why was Abu Musab Al Zarqawi given an autopsy while Bin Laden was just thrown into the sea???? Al Zarqawi also played the key role in Iraqi violence in 2006/07, he was the most feared militant leader in Iraq. Yet the U.S. government didn't really care what thousands of his followers thought after images of his body were released IMMEDIATELY (While his body was still in custody of U.S.) and he was given an autopsy days later before being handed over to his family??? Zarqawi was a bigger threat then than Bin Laden is today.

    Again, nobody is complaining about Zarqawi's death. Images were thrown around all over the world of his head busted up while his body was still in custody. That is exactly the same that should have happened in this case but like I said, its too late now because his body is supposable being eaten by sharks.

    The truth is that this has nothing to do with "Islamic tradition" or "Islamic law". His burial is actually anti-Islamic law in every respect. I have already pointed out why. The 24 hour theory is made up and there is nothing in Sharia law or Sunnah or Hadith about having to bury a dead person in 24 hours. Quick burial was custom in Arabia not because of Islamic law but because the body would begin to decay and smell and pose a danger for the people around it had it stayed. Not only Muslims had to bury their dead quickly to avoid this scenario but Christians, Jews, Atheists, etc. It was something that had to be done in the past. There was no such thing as storage rooms like today. It was a show of respect and awareness to quickly get rid of the body before it starts to rot and it offends relatives. THIS IS NOT ISLAMIC LAW, IT WAS A CUSTOM FOLLOWED BY THE WORLD HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO! Its like saying "Muslims believe that every person should ride horses/camels only opposed to cars because that is what they did 1,400 years ago!", no that was then and this is now, 2011. If there is no 24 hour window in Islamic law, it is false.

    After all this time, there still is not a single verse, or piece of information from Islamic text indicating or confirming the 24 hour rule. If I am wrong, its as easy as copy/paste that verse of information. Please keep trying. Thank you. Good luck..
    good post but as you can see....we're "CT'S' so "we're the ones that wont see the truth"

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    They drop him at sea to not offend muslims? So I suppose making muslims at cuba wear womens underwear wasnt going to offend them, or making dogs lick their balls. Alot of what the west does offends muslims, fvck the middle east gets offended from some movies that are made. Anyone that was willing to attack the west is going to do it regardless if he was buried 1 week after death or straight way. Any true muslim wouldnt care what happens to him as he brought nothing but bad to the religion. The only "people" that would care about the treatment of his remains are radicals that already wanted to destroy the west. So saying they did it to "not offend" doesnt hold.

    Also just because we choose to question infomation does ot make us CT's. And does not mean we have another answer. There is infomation that he died in 2002. And the US did have their advantages in not releasing the info about his death-Setting up occupation in Afganistsan, Being the ones who got him and not some other Afgan local.

    I find it harder to believe the worlds best intelligence agencies could not track one man that needed dialysis daily.

    They might release photos, from 2002 maybe? who knows, we will never know. I just don't choose to believe everything the media tells you without questioning it.

    Apparently now that the United States gave Osama a burial according to Islamic tradition (Which is proven false by the way) Al Qaeda has now abandoned its ideology and is peaceful! AWESOME!

    lol sad but that is what the media is basically saying. If Osama wasn't buried the way he did, Al Qaeda would have blown everything up. But now that his body was handled so properly and thrown as a morning snack to sea creatures, Al Qaeda is cool with everyone right now. LOL! Ridiculous. Muslims will feel offended to see Bin Laden's body examined and kept with images released as his body is in U.S. custody but Muslims will not feel offended to see a Muslim called Saddam Hussein hung dead on Eid al-Adha (One of the most important holidays for the faith)??????? Again, simply RIDICULOUS. So many contradictions its unbelievable.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    good post but as you can see....we're "CT'S' so "we're the ones that wont see the truth"
    George Carlin summarizes this whole issue beautifully.

    God forbid someone finds some info that contradicts what the White House is claiming. I guess its best just to shut up and say "Yes, it all makes sense" even when it clearly doesn't.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    you dont have to explain Islam to me, I already know. IMuslims do not believe he is a martyr, but according to his followers they believe he died a martyrs death.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    doesn't make sense. why would they honor this terrorist's religious desires? and wouldn't they keep him alive so we can all see that we did capture him? then you can honor his weird religion after a public execution.
    And what weird religion did he follow?

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Another fake picture of bin laden

    Another fake picture of bin laden besides the obvious facial photoshop, US SOF do not wear identifying clothing on missions, hence the US Flag on the right shoulder. Also only the US Army wears the Flag on the right shoulder, not the Navy, Also the Blackhawk brand vest the soldier is wearing, and the floor looks to be the bottom of a APC or Bradly, not a Blackhawk.

  8. #208
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    OMG They Killed Cat Stevens... You Bastards!!!!

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I told you he wasn't dead !

  10. #210
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    Can i git a hell yeah!

  11. #211
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    AP News Flash..It has been reported that Geraldo Rivera was in Chicago last evening opening another Al Capone Vault only to discover Osama Bin Laden hiding there.....End Of Report......

    Geraldo also uncovered a treasure trove of prior evidnce hidden in a safe..

    Last edited by Shol'va; 05-05-2011 at 10:21 PM.

  12. #212
    Join Date
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    Ladens last facebook update

  13. #213
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Ladens last facebook update


  14. #214
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    he claimed to be muslim accordingly to the quran. and yes, it is a very weird religion. esp. when you talk to hardcore followers of muslim from any "sect". read the quran yourself if you doubt. I read enough to never wanna read any of it ever again. and that didn't take long. but my numerous conversations with "true followers" from many dif "sects" are what mainly gave me the impression i have of islam today

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    he claimed to be muslim accordingly to the quran. and yes, it is a very weird religion. esp. when you talk to hardcore followers of muslim from any "sect". read the quran yourself if you doubt. I read enough to never wanna read any of it ever again. and that didn't take long. but my numerous conversations with "true followers" from many dif "sects" are what mainly gave me the impression i have of islam today
    What sects are you talking about, and where were they from?

  16. #216
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    Mar 2006
    what does everyone think about ppl visiting this recent "site" and taking pictures with their children, etc.?

    i say...WTF?????????????????

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    what does everyone think about ppl visiting this recent "site" and taking pictures with their children, etc.?

    i say...WTF?????????????????
    If i were there with my children I would do the same thing

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    If i were there with my children I would do the same thing
    figured that about you

  19. #219
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    figured that about you
    LMAO I think anyone who were to visit the site where OBL was killed would do the same IMO. Just like when we go to Ground Zero.

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