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Thread: Baseline tours Europe

  1. #1
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Baseline tours Europe

    Ok guys and gals, need some advise...

    Me and my GF are planning to tour Europe next year (camping) for about 4 weeks..

    Ideas so far for places to visit.... I am Driving BTW

    Santander (this will be where we get the ferry to from england)

    Portugal (need some locations guys)




    South of France (Need ood beach locations)

    St Tropez







    Switzerland (need some nice spots)






    Ok so that is kind of our planned route..... Noting is set in stone but thats what were thinking.... I know sum1 who is going to help us plann it as he has done it b4 but want some input form you lot as well...

    I really need help in Switzerland and Germany.... I hear that there are beautifull lakes etc.. in Switzerland that be good spots to set up camp...

    Germany just doesnt appeal to me but we need to go thru it to get home really... However i know that it is just the word Germany that puts me off the place... In sure there are some great parts (south, black forrest for example)...

    So cum on then guys, who hase done it b4 and what was good?
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  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Post pics of your girlfriend or no info

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    baseline_9's Avatar
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    That's a lot to cover in 4 your plan to just hop around? and not actually absorb a place for a bit? Curious.....

    And I know pre-mature for now since in the planning stage but something to ponder....
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  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    The plan is to do the city's for a day or two and maybe stay at some fot he beach places and lakes for a bit longer...

    Thos are just sime of the sites that are along a planned route..

    I love city's but after 2 days I feel like I just have to get out of that place... once i have 'done' the city, i need to move on quick...
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  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Go direct to The White Cliffs of Dover push her off and then go home.

  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Go direct to The White Cliffs of Dover push her off and then go home.
    What.... you dont like the look of my GF.... I am offended Marcus!

    COme on Pop's u must have seen a bit of europe in your time
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  8. #8
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    Your going to love Venice....romantic!

    Oh...and superstition has it...the Rio Canal Bridge is where...if you are to kiss someone; that will be the love of your life!

    (a reason being single I stayed off when there; italian men are way to aggressive. I was scared some fat, ugly dude would lay one on me and I'd be screwed for life!)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    What.... you dont like the look of my GF.... I am offended Marcus!

    COme on Pop's u must have seen a bit of europe in your time
    Ive been a keen traveller in my time but not so much over the last few years.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Your going to love Venice....romantic!

    Oh...and superstition has it...the Rio Canal Bridge is where...if you are to kiss someone; that will be the love of your life!

    (a reason being single I stayed off when there; italian men are way to aggressive. I was scared some fat, ugly dude would lay one on me and I'd be screwed for life!)
    Ok, I will have to check that place out then....

    LOL about the italian men
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    I recommend you look into a web site called couchsurfing dot org... i am a member on there and basically there are millions of people aronud the world on the website and you could possibly crash at their place for free and they kind of show you around town.. much better tha reading a tourist handbook as they will be able to tell you all the things only the locals know.. I WILL NEVER TRAVEL AGAIN WITH OUT USING THIS SITE!!! You don't have to crash at their place to get the info you want.. a lot will just meet with yo for coffee or to go out to a club..

    Also.. France charges you money to even lay on the beach.. and camping is strictly forbidden in most of southern France.. lets face it.. the French are assholes.. i traveled the south of France last year.. did Cannes, Monaco, Nice etc.. a jack and coke was 40 euro in Nice.. the place is ridiculously expensive.. Monaco is AWESOME, but it is only like a mile wide by two miles deep.. you see the WHOLE thing in the Monaco Grand Prix.. even if you had 50 Billion euros in your bank account oyu will feel broke in Monaco.. the yachts they have there have smaller yachts that come out the back of them that is full of Ferrari and Lambo's... and helicopters on top.. bring your camera and be prepared to feel humbled.

    If you are gonig to Venice you might as well hit up Bologna.. look up a site called Tripadvisor dot com and there is a recomendation there for this guy named Alexandro who gives you a tour of a winery, cheese factory, balsamic vinegar factory, and parma ham factory..all for like a hundred quid.. best tour i have evert taken in my life.. and the people there are great as it is the home to oldest college in europe.

    trip advisor and couchsurfing are both great resources.. good luck

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Your going to love Venice....romantic!

    Oh...and superstition has it...the Rio Canal Bridge is where...if you are to kiss someone; that will be the love of your life!

    (a reason being single I stayed off when there; italian men are way to aggressive. I was scared some fat, ugly dude would lay one on me and I'd be screwed for life!)
    ^^This is where my dad asked my mom to marry him.. and they are still married

  13. #13
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    good info machine

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  14. #14
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    Venice is romantic but very very expensive because of the reasons mentioned above. If you are catholic you need to go to rome and check out the vatican...its insane and they have vendors selling beers that you can buy as you wait to go in. I would also hit up Amsterdam for sure as well not only for the rec. activities a lot of history there...ann franks house...the Heineken factory (it taste soooo different then the heiny we get here is it delicious) free beer and it is a beautiful city. People do not think that when they think Amsterdam but is is beautiful and super nice people. When i went about 7 years ago i think i ate one meal that consisted of meat...and it a flank steak or something just to remember bring some bcaas or something. You should definitely go to the HofbrÀuhaus in Germany it is a historic place my dad still has mugs from when he went over 45 years ago.

  15. #15
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    Imo you should avoid france at all costs unless your going to be asking them how they got on during the war, i fvcking hate the french...

    I went to Germany when i was very young and all i remember was that it was a beautiful place, stunningly beautiful....
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    If theres anything i ever need to know about European holidays i always watch this, its like the Bible....
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    ^^This is where my dad asked my mom to marry him.. and they are still married

    Really good to hear stuff like this!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Imo you should avoid france at all costs unless your going to be asking them how they got on during the war, i fvcking hate the french...

    I went to Germany when i was very young and all i remember was that it was a beautiful place, stunningly beautiful....

    Southern france is for all the posh cvnts anyways.. your money will go about 3-5x further in Italy.. monaco is worth droppnig by.. and cannes and nice is on the way.. but nothing special.. if you are coming from northern france just drop by monaco on your way out and do not go any further west.. Spain is alright.. but there is nothing there that you can't see better or get for cheaper in Italy.. it is the only way to realistically enjoy it unless you want to spend 50% of your time driving rather than enjoying the weather and doing actual site seeing.. i say go from northern france down through italy to rome then back up through austria and into germany and around prague then amsterdam.. then fairy back to the UK..

    when in Vienna ask about a famous cave right above the city.. i forgot its name and cant find it on google.. but i went there with my highschool in 1999 and i to this day think it is the most awesome thing i haveever seen.. and i have seen a lot.. you walk into a pitch black cave and then the guide turns on the lights and it is as big as a cathedral with all kinds of crazy cave shit.. it is only a half day tour and only 20-30 min from vienna if i remember correctly.

  19. #19
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    wow man that cave sounds so bad ass.

  20. #20
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    what time of year are your thinking of doing this???? and 4 weeks is not enough bro, to do all these places...ive done most of of these places (not all ) on a motorcycle in 2008, staying 2, 3 days in each place, and did it in 7 weeks, and still did not see all the places i wanted ( i did most of the coast/beaches)
    Also IF your car is dissel, you are not allowed in amsterdam/city ( a friend of mine that lives there told me ) but its a HELL of a place to Party.

    If you come to POrtugal....Lisbon is great ( city)... Nazare has beautifull beaches, and lots of party in the summer, and you can camp anywhere you feel like... thats where im currently living ( well you an do that anywhere in portugal)....Obidos is nice, Allgarve is beatifull and lots of party( villamoura, POrtimao , albufeira)
    IF you go to spain.... you have to go to Benidorm, that place rocks....

  21. #21
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    Im not going to quote everyone but thanks to you all....

    I do actually really like France.... maybe not the french but france it lovley.... I have been to La Rochell and places around that coast line b4 and it was really nice...

    The dam is great, done it b4 (in the freezing cold) but whant to do it again in the summer so that we can sit outside and chill at the cafe's etc.... It is a nice place to walk around IMO

    Im not religious and the GF doesnt want to go to Rome so thats off the list.... dont wanna drive all the way into italy either to then have to come back up the same way...

    Done prague b4 aswell...

    I think the key point we wanna visit are...



    South of France - beach location

    St Tropez




    Switzerland - Lakes/alps IDK


    And BTW the origional route was sumat like 5,000 Km and 48hrs wort of driving apparently (google maps)

    Thanks for support guys and I will be checking that link out 00
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    what time of year are your thinking of doing this???? and 4 weeks is not enough bro, to do all these places...ive done most of of these places (not all ) on a motorcycle in 2008, staying 2, 3 days in each place, and did it in 7 weeks, and still did not see all the places i wanted ( i did most of the coast/beaches)
    Also IF your car is dissel, you are not allowed in amsterdam/city ( a friend of mine that lives there told me ) but its a HELL of a place to Party.

    If you come to POrtugal....Lisbon is great ( city)... Nazare has beautifull beaches, and lots of party in the summer, and you can camp anywhere you feel like... thats where im currently living ( well you an do that anywhere in portugal)....Obidos is nice, Allgarve is beatifull and lots of party( villamoura, POrtimao , albufeira)
    IF you go to spain.... you have to go to Benidorm, that place rocks....
    End of July some time... LOL Peak season.... GF is a teacher....

    I dont think I will get more than 4 weeks off work....

    That is baslically a list of a route but the sites are far from set in stone.... The sites above in my last post are more than likely where we will wanna go

    again thanks.... everyones input is helpfull

    And my car is a petrol
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  23. #23
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    Whats wrong with Blackpool????
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Whats wrong with Blackpool????

    I have never been... That is another location we are going to be visiting soon.... Dont think I would wanna spend 4 hrs there, 4 weeks would be a tad too much....

    Going to Bath on 27th.... apparently its a nice place
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  25. #25
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    i cant see the pic of ur girl but why bring her?
    ur going to be able to get ass in every place u visit...
    i think u should take a friend instead, just bang everything......

    amstrerdam used to be great for us americans, now all the pot is legal here or in a couple longer a reason to spend that money...
    either way mate, have a great trip...

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