The one thing I will say about Clemont: He sure is feisty. Gotta give him that.
The one thing I will say about Clemont: He sure is feisty. Gotta give him that.
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
Fiesty when he's probably popped a viagra.
Clemont = lulz
I have been entertained by some of the JR. highschoolish replies that must have been encouraged by sunday school teachers, Oprah, Katie,and a public school system run by underachievers. Suggest that persons due research re: impact of illegal immigration. Suggest
"", "PEW research". Then come back and tell the readers about the benefits of illegal immigration. Run the numbers. We await your report. (google "cost of illegal aliens, California". Speaking of "love" some of the girlfriend problems
threads are so Jerry Springerish.)
No you didn't just ask a 75 year old man to go to charm school. You need to go to common sense school. Clemont is likely to be dead by next week and there is no way in hell a man of his age would sign up for any school never mind "charm school".
I think he actually has more charm than you because being overly judgemental towards people isn't exactly charming either.
This is why I get along better with old people. They aren't fake, they don't care what the world thinks about them, and will tell it how it is. Then there are people your age who like to pretend we live in some utopian fantasy world where racism doesn't exist or have a purpose and thats clearly a crock of shit.
When the government doesn't want to do shit about millions of beaners hopping borders and ruining our country you can always count on some redneck with a shotgun to reinvoke some order. Or an angry old man who has spent 75 years of his life watching this country go to shit over hippies like you. "World peace" "don't eat animals" "don't judge people although I will judge you and say you need charm school" what a crock..
Don't worry I understand what you're saying 100% and what you have said so far has made 150% more sense that all the nonsense I see these young immature hippies talking about. Beaners are ruining this country. Not the ones who are here legally and busting their ass to educate themselves and do something decent with their lives, but the illegal beaners taking all the millions of jobs from hardworking americans, then they commit crime and taxpayers have to pay for a fvckn illegal immigrant of all people to stay in our jails.. which are light years better than mexican jails. These people have nothing to lose because we don't do shit to them.
They repopulate like horny rabid mice, they are dirty, they smell, and they are ruining this country. I'm sure as hell not listening to the hippies saying "oh noo racism is evil everyone is equal" FVCK THAT you are the same people helping these beaners shit all over this country. I can't believe someone even had the nerve to mention charm school... wtf are you hippies smoking? Really. He's talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, not MANNERS people jesus christ.
^this response is all together wrong on some many levels. Don't make me dismantle your poorly written rebuttal.
How does immigration or public school education have anything to do with your racial slurs? If anything it proves that public/private or home schooling can also create narrow minded thinking. Thank you for proving my point. Lastly don't talk about statistics. Having a brother that is not only a professor but also a Statistical Scientist with 6 published research papers in his career, he as well as anyone that works in this field can tell you 80% of statistics can be manipulated into whatever outcome you require.
I know racism exists. I dealt with it for most of my life. Have you? This statement is laughable. You think cause someone is old it justifies their viewpoint of the world and a race or creed? More narrow minded thinking.
dont worry. At this rate the white race will be diluted into nothing within 20 years, so while you are getting old and crabby just like Clementine you can watch your ancestry go bye bye and your blood line get washed away in the tide.![]()
Last edited by jtuner77; 05-19-2011 at 02:10 PM.
No you dumb shit. WHERE did I say that? I didn't. I said "this is why I get along with old people better". I didn't say "just because they're old they're all smart". It was WHAT he SAID that made me realize he has a justified view point, not his age you dunce. Stop putting words in my mouth.
^^^Learn to read and write you inerudite. He made a huge shift change from spitting racial slurs about some one he called an illegal just because she was of Hispanic decent. Way to make a broad generalization and try to switch the topic from him calling someone a BEANER to the disillusion of a public school system and lack of immigration control. You are arguing about YOUR country that isn't even your country or OUR country considering we ****ing stole it from the indigenous people of this land.
PS. Learn to use proper punctuation next time you respond to me. I can see the public school system didn't work in your favor. :
OMG are you really this dumb? BECAUSE illegal immigrants can not get a fvckn education. Do I even need to explain this to you? Therefore, the ones that aren't educated, are the ones who are illegal, and thus the beaners of this country. Thats what is has to do with racial slurs moron.
And your brothers just as dumb as you. Just because stats can be manipulated doesn't mean stats still don't say significant things. I did research myself for years and years and likely know more than your brother ever will. Thats in the context of one study. When you read 100s of the studies saying the same thing then there is a better than good chance all those studies are right.
You are speaking in a context that I am not. I didn't quote a specific study. I'm saying MOST of them say the same thing. So no they are not all being manipulated. They are like that BECAUSE there is actually common trends and if there weren't research would never be conducted in the first place. You're obviously desperate to make an arguement that you can not make because you have no idea wtf you're talking about.
Now "dismantal" my rebuttal you idiot. Because what you're technically doing is arguing against the hundreds of studies that are all saying the opposite of you. What are you going to say? That illegal immigrants aren't ruining this country? Because my only statement was they ARE. If you even attempt to say otherwise then you're just an idiot. And please don't waste my time.
herpaderp once again you have nothing important to say except you're feeble judgements towards me. He did NOT say "all hispanics are beaners". Therefore you're statement about that is totally fabricated and out of context to prove a point like you're right about something that never even fvckn happened.
And we never stole anything what are you talking about? What a lame arguement. WE WON, therefore its OUR country. We didn't "steal it". Same way they killed us we killed them, its called war dipshit. Just that we were able to kill more of them than vice versa, thus its our fvckn country. This land might "have" (past tense) belonged to indians at one point, it also might have belonged to monkeys, but now, and for a very loooong time, it has belonged to US. Therefore it is ours, and who gives a shit about the monkeys that use to own it? Only a hippy like you.
So a beaner instantly deems them uneducated? That in itself only an idiot could assume.
Wow you missed my whole point. You are talking about apples, i am talking about oranges. Re read this thread. Then think about what you just said, then rethink about what you just typed, then get a clue. I could go on and on. Your grasps at insults of me and my brother are childish, and for entertainments sake please post some of your published studies as I would love to see them.
Last edited by jtuner77; 05-19-2011 at 02:28 PM.
Please be careful of any comments what would cause offence to others, we don't allow racist comments so please be mindful in the language you might use, thank you
Yeh nice try. I might go back and reread everything lol. I've been reading this thread since before you even came into it and know more about the main topic than you do so I'm sure as hell not going back to read shit.
I will take that post as an obvious sign that you have conceded your arguement. I insulted you because you're trying to use a 1 person population (your brother) to dismiss empirically conducted research which usually uses hundred of participants. Consider the amount of studies I ran then you're basically arguing that you're brother is right, and thousands of people are wrong. That was an idiotic statement, thus you are an idiot.
I'm not posting research cause afterall your brother is the research genius, just go ask him and he'll say the same thing I did. And stop trying to use him to make arguements when hes not even around to vouch for what you're saying about him. Thats desperate once again. Bye bye and have a nice day.
Red shifted / clementine : I see your view points and even though I don't agree with them or even respesct them, I read them and tried to understand them to see from your view points. That is called being open minded. Now to say that you like old people because they tell you "how it is" is laughable. It's not about telling people how it is, it's about forcing hateful opinions on other people DESPITE the negative effects it has on the world and everyone on it. For share your beliefs, is it necessary to use derrogatory terms that refer to atleast 1/5 of the members on this board?
So before this thread gets closed down with your hatred, I am asking that you quit using racial slurs for ANY RACE since no one racial slur is better or worse than the next.
No everyone is acting "uptight" because this is what society is striving for. But if it makes you feel better that you are just like everyone else, feel free to keep lying.
As far as your 100's of studies, why don't you go look at the 1000's of studies that show what hatred and racism do to the society and Economic health of our nation.
I think it is neccessary because like you just admitted, it is ALREADY known that I'm not speaking about an entire population just based on their race. I'm talking about 1/5 or 1/4 or however much it really is thus if you are not a border jumper, you shouldn't be offended. If you are, than you should be. And if you believe all races are equal than you likely must also believe than all men are equal and that is something I can surely tell you is wrong.
Not all men are equal, and not all races are either. I never said "whites are better than hispanics", show me whites that are trying to break into other countries borders by the millions and I'll say the same thing about them. I'm not here to say which race is better than which I'm just agreeing that a large percentage of one certain race is helping bring this country to the gutter. It is what it is.
"Economic health". Ok now I know you're making random shit up.
Racism doesn't do anything to economic health at large, it does something to the economic health of the ones that are being discriminated against. And if they don't like it, maybe they should stop stealing cars, robbing people, selling drugs, and doing all the behavoirs that causes racism to exist in the first place.
I love how people treat racism like it just magically sprung from the minds of mad people, and wasn't actually a reasonable response to societal problems. I'll keep is simple for you. Pretend research doesn't exist, I don't need it to know that what I know is right. I'll drive through a ghetto to know that. I'll notice that most of their skin isn't white, and I will draw conclusions based on what I see and what is happening, not the fairy tales that hippies like you like to spread. And society is not "striving" for anything. You are. Don't mix that up.
I am sorry but I am pretty sure white people do all the things you just listed as well as many other ethnic backgrounds.
Please explain the N word for me then? That is a racial slur, please give me your breakdown on what that word means and were it came from.
Well lets look at some facts here...
Studies show that racism and poor education are both leading causes of social and economic problems. You keep listing illegals as uneducated and the source of the problem even though most children still go to school even when illegal. Now had that been your argument, maybe then you would seem a little more educated. I agree whole heartedly that ignorance is the downfall of the U.S. and our school systems being a key cause of it. That being said, even with our education level being entirely too basic in my opinion, the average education level of the age group above 65 is far less than the age group of under 30. So by your statements the same people who you like because they "tell it like it is" , are also the down fall of the U.S.
Now I just showed you how you can use studies to twist to your own personal agenda. I obviously don't believe that older people a direct problem but i can find stats that state it. You also continue to show your ignorance in your statements that you present as factual despite the fact that you obviously are choosing to believe only a small number of number of studies and skewing to your opinions.
now as far as your defense to yourself as trying to say that you meant to use the racial slur as a description of only illegals may have been a good lie to cover your hadn't used the statement
"Beaners are ruining this country. Not the ones who are here legally and busting their ass to educate themselves and do something decent with their lives"
That clearly shows that you are refering to either all the people of Mexico or all hispanics in general. Both are equally hateful.
Last edited by zimmy; 05-19-2011 at 03:11 PM.
Your over generalizations continue. I will assume you are including me in your description, as I disagree with you. I am a 42 year old conservative that would laugh at being called a hippy, or influenced heavily by a liberal agenda. I respect your dislike of illegal immigration. But that wasn't the point in the beginning. You hate a person because they are hispanic. I have seen no evidence that this woman is here illegally. None. It is obviously you hate "them", but cast the net too widely by hating anyone with the same background as the minority you despise.
No, it is not just because the board says it is bad. This is a community that shuts hateful people out. There are plenty of places on the internet to be hateful, go there and say whatever you want. I agree with you that racism isn't new, and I have read a lot about the necessity of stereotypes in our personal defense system. But this isn't you or Clemont crossing the street to avoid a thug-looking big black guy or creepy white guy with tattoos on his neck because there is a better chance of being assaulted than by a 100 pound white girl dressed as a librarian...this thread was a degradation to a woman that seems to be hated not for being an adulteress, but for being brown. Stupid, random hatred that never does well here.
^^^ You just put a strangle hold on what I was getting at. Thank you sir for posting your well chosen words.
Actually there are many studies on racism and it's effects on society and the economy. If you were as educated as you keep hinting at or were reading studies to see actual fact instead of reading hand pick studies to further your narrow views, you would have ran across them.
Last edited by zimmy; 05-19-2011 at 03:21 PM.
Oh one more thing...she is Guatamala born and a full citizen.
i cant read anymore....
but the word" beaner", always makes me laugh....
people get offended way to easy around here nowadays...dammit guys, relax and enjoy...
tacomuncher....fvking priceless...
I've used "carpet muncher" from time to time.
Had a sales rep. working for me, West Point graduate. She appeared ladylike to the clients and that was
all that counted. She was a self-professed "carpet muncher", her term. and we laughed about it. I was impressed
with the ease she picked up those who apparently were interested in having their carpets so treated.
way to ruin a joke clemont :P
I don't understand why members can get banned for being rude or disrespecting other members, but these two guys are allowed to not only disrespect a large quantity of members but also entire races? This thread is ridiculous and really reflects poorly on the forum as a whole imo.
You comments reflect your lack of understanding of the bio/cultural/economic impact of illegal aliens.
And you should attempt to re-read the thread re: understanding, at least my position, on legal American
lol looks like him.
Flagg, why don't you do some research and tell us folks about the benefits of illegal aliens flooding America.
Its funny how some people preach the ultra-nationalism, even towards europeans. You do realise that you are all actually of european bloodline descent, right ? The only "true" "pure" americans are actually the native indians who were there long before anyone else set foot on that continent. Its funny how ultra-nationalists even diss the native indians who actually are more american than anyone else will ever be.
I'm not here to preach, i accept every man's opionion with respect.
At the bottom line of it all, we are all people, we react to the same stimuls(be it pain,love, hunger etc.).
Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
Take care of your close ones and family and let others rattle their heads about who has claim to what.
Also, do you really care about Arnold's secret son ? How will that improve your life ?
Same thing regarding all the VIP people.
I saw a scene in a movie one. It was a little kid talking to a mobster. The kid was upset that someone made Mickey Mantle cry at a game. The gangster laughed and said, Mickey Mantle makes 100K a year, how much does your father make ? When your dad can't pay the rent, go ask Mickey Mantle, see if he cares. Nobody cares. You should worry about yourself and the ones close to you, the rest is rubbish.
I couldn't give 2 zits about Arnold's son, the death of M. Jackson or the fact that Rihanna's boyfriend knocked the bleep out of her.
Is this thread supposed to be an English Lesson?
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