i dont know right now if your president(Bush) have made a decision yet but i hope he will go on the pacific side...
there enough shit in this world why make it worst?![]()
i dont know right now if your president(Bush) have made a decision yet but i hope he will go on the pacific side...
there enough shit in this world why make it worst?![]()
i am totally with this war thing bro. what should we do,keep playing his games.as to making things worse,what should we do,just sit around and let him countnue to make weapons of mass destruction,get nuclear weapons and hand them to some terrorist group. the guy used shit on his own people. he has people raped and tortured. the man has to go.
i agree. its time to take saddem out of power. This will also enable us to rid iraq of its weapons and give the iraq people a new government that will not kill their own people.
the man has to go.Originally posted by razor67
i am totally with this war thing bro. what should we do,keep playing his games.as to making things worse,what should we do,just sit around and let him countnue to make weapons of mass destruction,get nuclear weapons and hand them to some terrorist group. the guy used shit on his own people. he has people raped and tortured.
yep the man, not the civiliant...
i know this is unfair but do you know the Vietnam storie well? i think this is a pretty good example of what compulsive decision makes...![]()
thats what razor said, the MAN (sadam) needs to go......nobody wants civilians to die and i beliveve that we will do everything in our power to stop that from happening.Originally posted by TRLS63
the man has to go.
yep the man, not the civiliant...
Take his ass out ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by TRLS63
i know this is unfair but do you know the Vietnam storie well? i think this is a pretty good example of what compulsive decision makes...![]()
this should not be compared to vietnam IMO, at least not at this juncture. we have learned from our mistakes in vietnam. hopefully history will not repeat itself...BTW, whats up with all you "hippie" canadians.....if you were under the same amount of terrorists threats as the US you may think differently (and yes, terrorism is playing a large role in this war!!!)
hippie hehehehy
nah dont worry actually a hate hippies
and yes maybe my opinion would be different...
but you have to admit that bush makes US looks a bit egocentrical...
but i admit that i hate those bearded fuckers...
I agree with this war
BTW Anyone here with family or are in are military wish you all a safe return
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
thanks for the well wishing gixxer, its frustrating not knowing what the hell is gonna happen with friends and family in Iraq. I hope this war is fast and painless
Buddy if a 12 year decision making process is what you call compulsive then my whole life has been compulsive. We have not just turned our head for the last 12 years but rather put up with bullshit that we knew we could control with force but rather then use our superpowers like we knew we could we decided to use diplomacy to giver every side a chance. Well now the time has come where sadaam is a threat to the well being of american and to the prosperity and safety of its people. Sadaam has fucked up and now he'll pay... goodbye
great point bro.... i never thought of it like that....but you are right on the moneyOriginally posted by FKITLETSGO
Buddy if a 12 year decision making process is what you call compulsive then my whole life has been compulsive. We have not just turned our head for the last 12 years but rather put up with bullshit that we knew we could control with force but rather then use our superpowers like we knew we could we decided to use diplomacy to giver every side a chance. Well now the time has come where sadaam is a threat to the well being of american and to the prosperity and safety of its people. Sadaam has fucked up and now he'll pay... goodbye
Im in the military and i am with the president all the way.This man has to be put out of power.Like the bro said he has had 12 years and we have tried everything.Now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
excellent point FKITLETSGO . 12 years is hardly compulsive.
I for one hope the French get invaded again and maybe this time we won't save their asses. AND BTW the reason we were involved in Vietnam is it was an French colony gone bad so once again we tried to help their ungratefully asses.
Our president makes us seem egocentrical? Well it works both ways my friend. How many of those ungratefully countries, who are refusing to help us now, are we supporting of have in the past supported either financially or Militarily? France? Germany? Russia? If you do not support us do not come to us for support IMO. AND DO NOT ATTACH OUR PRESIDENT. Say what any of you want I believe him to be a great man.
Cheers to England our greatest Allie of all time. Thank you Spain and
My prayers to all the solders involved on both sides.
Last edited by RON; 03-17-2003 at 10:24 PM.
I think this is about time to do some action about it. Iraq had twelve years t odisarm of their mass destructive weapons, and they havent done so and only grew larger. They gave support to Ossama's Mama...and its about time he will go down for his pride. He doesnt even care about his people, he would rather let his ego take over and let thousands of people die because of his selfish lil pride...sorry i got carried away here...
And to all who think that Jews are to blame for all this .....
Suck My @#!&
Ok sorry, please dont ban me...i'm drunk...oh please all rightous mods...forgive my poor soul
Screw it... you can hardly understand the French military half the time anyway. They seem to be the only Euro military to fight English as a common language in NATO. Maybe we should keep our eyes on France.
And what's up with Germany? Shit, they sore on WWII again?... we took it from a genocidal dictator and helped it prosper...
But anyway - Brits are good to go, they no what a real allie is... CHEERS MATES!
vietnam was fought over rubber trees and to thin the baby boomers which social security couldn't afford (amongst other things). here we have oil being fought for by an oilcompany-owning president. i agree that saddam should be taken out of power, but with an already strong CIA and special ops presence we could remove him and his sons without ANY bombs or civilian deaths. they are bound to happen no matter how good the bombs are. recently declassified documents show that from 1962-68 we (our Govt.) used VX and other nerve agents on our own men off the coast of Florida, Alaska and in the Atlantic/Pacific coast. they estimate 5,500 vets are around that have never been compensated or informed. our biggest grip against sadam is an act we did 35 years ago, he did it 12. come on........ dis-arm bush. $26 billion to turkey to park our troops??? HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!!!!! (thanx for the rant, I do appreciate others opinion, they have given me lots to think about)
No offense bro ( I really mean that) but when I saw a "Dead Head" replied I had to look cause I knew it would be entertaining.
Do you actually believe the the US government sent men to Vietnam just to thin out the Baby Boomer's. I don't believe Vietnam was handled right but that is kinda far fetched IMO.Originally posted by Greatful_Dead_Head
Vietnam was fought over rubber trees and to thin the baby boomer's which social security couldn't afford (among other things).
The fact however that the French were defeated in Vietnam in 1954 and that same year U.S. special forces appeared to train South Vietnamese troops says there is some relation to me.
sad to see so many narrow minded people....
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING MEOriginally posted by Greatful_Dead_Head
come on........ dis-arm bush.![]()
IF you hate the gov't that bad and don't appreciate how hard they work for us then leave !!!!Before any bombs are dropped the Iraqi people are told that we are going to strike. They have a chance to leave if they choose not to then that is there fault. I live in Vegas and if I heard that someone was going to bomb us in 48 hours my ass would be gone. You snooze you loose
i totally agreed with that, what Germans will do about that?Originally posted by Warrior
Screw it... you can hardly understand the French military half the time anyway. They seem to be the only Euro military to fight English as a common language in NATO. Maybe we should keep our eyes on France.
And what's up with Germany? Shit, they sore on WWII again?... we took it from a genocidal dictator and helped it prosper...
But anyway - Brits are good to go, they no what a real allie is... CHEERS MATES!
I love hippie rants!Originally posted by Greatful_Dead_Head
vietnam was fought over rubber trees and to thin the baby boomers which social security couldn't afford (amongst other things). here we have oil being fought for by an oilcompany-owning president. i agree that saddam should be taken out of power, but with an already strong CIA and special ops presence we could remove him and his sons without ANY bombs or civilian deaths. they are bound to happen no matter how good the bombs are. recently declassified documents show that from 1962-68 we (our Govt.) used VX and other nerve agents on our own men off the coast of Florida, Alaska and in the Atlantic/Pacific coast. they estimate 5,500 vets are around that have never been compensated or informed. our biggest grip against sadam is an act we did 35 years ago, he did it 12. come on........ dis-arm bush. $26 billion to turkey to park our troops??? HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!!!!! (thanx for the rant, I do appreciate others opinion, they have given me lots to think about)
I respect your opinion about the vietnam war but I think that it is totally wrong. You can't compare the vietnam war with what is going on today. Totally different cabinet. From what I have seen most people who oppose the war don't have a clue as to what is actually going on. I have not heard one compelling argument as to why we should not go to war. All I hear from liberals are "war is bad" I would like to hear not only a real valid point as to why we should not go to war but also, and most, importantly I would like to hear from all you liberals what you feel we should do about Saddam even though we have given him 17 chances over many, many years already.
Saddam reminds of a little child. If the extent of your discipline is to just spank him on the back of his hand and say "No,No", he is just going to continue to try and have his own way. Saddam and his regime has faced no serious consequence for his actions, and he and his regime needs to be removed from power. George W. Bush is going to finish what his father should have done a long time ago.![]()
Saddam is a brutal, self centered dictator who likes to beleive he is untouchable and omnipotent. He keeps his reign by using terror and fear. His weapons of mass destruction are his penis and that's what makes him dangerous....that is the exact reason he wil not get rid of them...because without the weapons he is just another raving, self centered pretentious lunatic!! He is no differen't than any other evil dictator that history has recorded and he must be taken out!! I'm a liberal and I'm not a Bush fan, but the President made it crystal clear that their target is Saddam. All civilians will be looked after, fed and clothed as long as they do not succomb to Saddams wishes and take arms against the coalition. Hussien will obviously use his terroristic tactics to attempt to frighten his citizens into non-compliance...hopefully after a couple decades of his bullshit they will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
BTW...I'm Canadian and in NO WAY do my thoughts or feelings resemble those of TRLS63!
I am no Bush fan. Niether am I fully in favor of this war.
However, when the first shot is fired I will fully support our president and our troops.
I agree with you diesel .......
But, will support what needs to be done.
My brother is over there, just want this to be over so he and the rest of the troops can come back home.
"Yesterday is gone, live for today, because tomorrow may never come"
Oil war? Bro read the paper....this is not about oil...that is just a cop-out excuse the protesting hippie freaks are using....I respect your opinion.....however, you should validate your reasons....
This is something that needs to be done...yes, innocent people are going to get killed...however, the is the price we are willing to pay....I hate to say that but it's the truth....once this is over things will be better and we can get on with our lives....peacefully....
Ron...I totally agree with you bro. Your opionions and insights are respectful and I agree with you 100%....the British, Spainards and Prtugal, know what they are doing....it's better to have the back of the big man then have the back of a little man in a fight....
God Bless our Armed Forces....KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I'm going to say here is there are TONS of conspiracies around the world. And even if you don't want to admit to it, these days fucken EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. In some form or fashion. The U.S. Government, Politics, Oil, Education, Technology, Diseases, Health Care, Middle East, this shit goes DEEEEEEEEP.
What i'm saying is if this war really is about oil (and i'm NOT saying it is), then the U.S. could hide that very well if they wanted to. If this war is all about just scaring the Middle East and other terrorists, they could hide it also. If the Vietnam war was to manipulate the population, they could hide it very well.
I would NOT be surprised if the U.S. government already has the cure for AIDS, which I think they actually do. And MANY other diseases. However, if ALL the diseases were to be cured, the life/death ratio would be INSANE. Population would increase at a tremendous rate!!!!!! TREMENDOUS! So, AIDS, and Hepatitus, Cancer, these could all simply be a way to make sure the population is moderate and closely maintained.
There are TONS of things that COULD be done in this world that just aren't. Poor cities, countries helped out to become better. Diseases cured. Education improved. Health care improved, etc... The list goes on, point is they DON'T want to do this. They have to have control over it or the world will just go all crazy and insane!!!
Do you really think Bush controls the U.S.? Bush is just a politician. His job is to be "President" Do you think Chretien runs Canada? You think UN does anything?! These political things are all big scams! The real rulers of the world are people you will NEVER meet, and you will NEVER even know their names! Just like those diamond cartels that exist. There are similar "cartels" for the entire world. Billionaires who actually make the real decisions. They could easily change things if they wanted to.
Also to add, you know how many people are killed and wiped out without a trace! I mean if the U.S. can kill THEIR OWN President, why would they give a shit about other countries or other people?
JFK assasination. Why did they take him out? Cuz he was actually a good man. He was expanding everything, relations, etc... And this scared the "real" rulers of the U.S. The person who killed John Lennon, you think it was some crazy psycho who read too many Catcher In The Rye books?!?!?!?!?! Hell no. John Lennon was getting to the people, his message was being heard, he MADE SENSE to the American people. So what did they do...shot his ass out of the way! All these BIG people who affected NOT only the U.S. but other countries as well, had a INTERNATIONAL effect, were WIPED OUT!!!
im only going to add this.........
if this was about the oil, then we'd own Kuwait right now. hell we saved their tiny little country, and they still didnt want us parking there getting ready for this confrontation.
i'm sick and tired of the U.S. coming to OTHER COUNTRIES aid, and them being totally ungrateful for it.
let a 9-11 type horror happen in germany, or france, and see who they turn to to help bail them out.............
my thoughts and prayers are with all of our military, as well as the brits, australians, and all other allies.
peace bb79
America does what is best for it's people....although I may not agree with some of the things they do...for the most part they do good by me....now JFK and John Lennon....we really don't know who did this...we can only make assumptions and we all know when assumptions are made they make asses out of people......so I wouldn't go there with this whole taking out those because they were doing good....maybe they had it coming....sometimes if you cross the worng guy he will fuck you up...and those who don't know this are the one's who get fucked up....Originally posted by Terinox
Also to add, you know how many people are killed and wiped out without a trace! I mean if the U.S. can kill THEIR OWN President, why would they give a shit about other countries or other people?
JFK assasination. Why did they take him out? Cuz he was actually a good man. He was expanding everything, relations, etc... And this scared the "real" rulers of the U.S. The person who killed John Lennon, you think it was some crazy psycho who read too many Catcher In The Rye books?!?!?!?!?! Hell no. John Lennon was getting to the people, his message was being heard, he MADE SENSE to the American people. So what did they do...shot his ass out of the way! All these BIG people who affected NOT only the U.S. but other countries as well, had a INTERNATIONAL effect, were WIPED OUT!!!
I like you bro but its time to turn off the x-files. Do I think there are conspiracies out there hell yea but not everything is a conspiracy.
I think you can compare this to Vietnam only in that it was highly protest. While I am thankfully that protesting is our god given right. It really disturbs to see how the hippies in the 70's took it too an extreme. The way they disrespected the solders who returned from Vietnam was disgraceful IMO and I hope it will not happen again.
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