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  1. #41
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    This is for the 'tards, go to the Chicago papers and see what they are saying. Again, there are some very bright and competent people on these forums. This tempered by some of moronic posts from untermensch.

  2. #42
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Wrong website OP. No one here cares.

  3. #43
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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  4. #44
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    This is for the 'tards, go to the Chicago papers and see what they are saying. Again, there are some very bright and competent people on these forums. This tempered by some of moronic posts from untermensch.
    Post in the news section if you believe it's real news!

  5. #45
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    We need to get Clemont and zabster together, think what a team they would make, the racist conspiracy theorist. LOL

    What would happen if we removed African Americans from the picture? I mean None in the US or planet. We/they would just find some other race to blame all the problems on. If it was only White Americans guess what, we would have another civil war I'm sure. It would get down to the good old blond hair blue eyes then it would be under 6ft vs over 6ft. People who are racist will always find someone to blame instead of taking responsibility for their own problems and just living life.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-13-2011 at 02:26 AM.

  6. #46
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    ^^^couldn't have been said better, Lovbyts!!!

  7. #47
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    We need to get Clemont and zabster together, think what a team they would make, the racist conspiracy theorist. LOL

    What would happen if we removed African Americans from the picture? I mean None in the US or planet. We/they would just find some other race to blame all the problems on. If it was only White Americans guess what, we would have another cavil war I'm sure. It would get down to the good old blond hair blue eyes then it would be under 6ft vs over 6ft. People who are racist will always find someone to blame instead of taking responsibility for their own problems and just living life.
    Dude...u just narrowed it down to me.
    Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6ī+.
    But, I donīt really like myself.
    So in the absence of others to dislike, I may just hang myself from a tree.

  8. #48
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    More junior high schoolisms. I'm surprised that some defective is not calling for my banishment!
    On the serious side, if you are in the stock market suggest you be very, very careful. What will
    this week bring?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    More junior high schoolisms. I'm surprised that some defective is not calling for my banishment!
    On the serious side, if you are in the stock market suggest you be very, very careful. What will
    this week bring?
    Second quarter has already been downgraded.
    Sentiment is low and still falling.
    General mood amongst economists are gloomy, short term, however 10% upside by year end.
    So bad news are already out, no surprises, even if retail sales and inflation data coming out on Tue and Wed. are below forecast.
    If u care for Tech analysis, which I donīt, "they" say the S&P should hit 1250, before we see recovery.
    Pretty much all BS, imo, where is it going?...flip a coin. Thatīs why I always play both sides.

  10. #50
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    America has lost and will never regain our dominance in the global market. Does anyone think we can do anything but
    decline if we become even more of a service economy? Every morning have your finger on the trigger!

  11. #51
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    Clemont probably thinks the film "Machette" was based on a true story.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Clemont probably thinks the film "Machette" was based on a true story.
    It's not??

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    America has lost and will never regain our dominance in the global market. Does anyone think we can do anything but
    decline if we become even more of a service economy? Every morning have your finger on the trigger!
    Think u/we still are.
    But if not....who cares.
    Through time no dynasty, country, rulers stay in power forever.
    Life is dynamic.
    Maybe China, India will become the new economic
    Maybe I will move there in a few years to seek opportunities.
    Maybe Iīll see u there. Donīt be stuck.
    Donīt be a Californian, or an American, or Republican, or a Catholic.
    Once u stop identifying yourself with labels, u are free to be a world citizen, and enjoy all itīs wealth.

  14. #54
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    China and India are big up and coming players, they have BIG POPULATIONS to feed, you damn well believe they will do their best to ensure all of them are enjoying a quality of life comparable to what we take for granted. Then you will see changes on a global scale unseen of in human history.

  15. #55
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Flagg, you will live long enough to see population/economic clashes on a global scale.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    More junior high schoolisms. I'm surprised that some defective is not calling for my banishment!
    On the serious side, if you are in the stock market suggest you be very, very careful. What will
    this week bring?
    The sky is falling, the sky is falling.... LOL Did you know during the internet boom people where still loosing money in the stock market? Did you know over the last couple of years while the economy has sucked people are still making money in the stock marked? I have make more the last year than the previous 4 years combined.

    You can always find gloom and doom if you look hard enough for it. There will always be someone or something to blame for your problems and imperfect life. When you really want to find who is to blame go look in the mirror.

    The same BS propaganda has been being spread as far back as recorded time. You sound no different than most of those street corner preachers saying the end is near.... Didnt you sell your house and all your personal belongings and give it all to Harold Camping? You really need to get on-board so your soul is not lost with the masses since the end of the world is October 21st, 2011. Damn Id better celebrate my birthday a few days early. LOL

    Do you believe any of the dribble you spew or is it just to create controversy?

  17. #57
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Of course people make money in the stock market; do it almost everyday myself. You do exhibit a Pollyanish streak equal to
    the street corner preacher. Were you a good Sunday School student? Are you an honors graduate of the Dale Carnegie institute? Richard Simmons fan? The market opens shortly. I'll be making money off you "true believers".

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Of course people make money in the stock market; do it almost everyday myself. You do exhibit a Pollyanish streak equal to
    the street corner preacher. Were you a good Sunday School student? Are you an honors graduate of the Dale Carnegie institute? Richard Simmons fan? The market opens shortly. I'll be making money off you "true believers".
    Well you better keep it buried in the back yard next to your in-laws if you believe any of the dooms day dribble you have been preaching and make sure to watch out walking to your corner 7-11 for you latest copy of the inquirer; those boys from the hood might jump you for your pocket change.

  19. #59
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    I've have made a high five-figure income this year shorting stocks held by many dreamers:

    General Motors


    Greenmountain Coffee


    Silver trading funds

    Wish true believers would run that GM stock back up to $34, then hit it again!

  20. #60
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    I marvel at the faggy comments from cretins. Whine, whine, whine. Stop sucking your thumbs you Kumbayah chanting wimps. I just report the news.

    ps. There are some very bright people on various threads. But here cometh the clogging clot of mediocries bleating out the most
    junior high schoolish comments. I just reported the news without editorial comment. Ban and be damned if you cannot handle the
    maybe so. but news selection is a subjective process, and I believe what some have issue with is why this particular news item was selected?

    The process of selection in and of itself can indicate a type of bias.

  21. #61
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    QUOTE=clemont51;5667106]Flagg, you will live long enough to see population/economic clashes on a global scale.[/QUOTE]

    For once I agree. I think in the future there will be conflicts over resources and space

  22. #62
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    For once I agree. I think in the future there will be conflicts over resources and space
    Well considering there has been conflicts over resources and space for the past 2000+ years it's pretty likely to continue. Isnt that what most wars have been over more or less since the beginning of time? Someone wanting what you have. LOL Dont let him get you caught up in the 1/2 truths and pull you down to his level.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-14-2011 at 02:56 AM.

  23. #63
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Multiculturalism is embraced by the underclasses thinking it will elevate their social/economic status.
    Chicken Soup for the intellectually and culturally deprived.

  24. #64
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Multiculturalism is embraced by the underclasses thinking it will elevate their social/economic status.
    Chicken Soup for the intellectually and culturally deprived.
    not sure I agree with that. But, multiculturism is a reality. You can either pine away for the "good ol' days" of a homogeneous society, or you can accept it (it is reality, after all) for what it is.

    Pretty hard to expect a homogeneous society in the United States, when all we are, in most part, are a bunch of immigrants from all over the world.

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