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Thread: More disturbances this past weekend.

  1. #1

    More disturbances this past weekend.

    Bessemer, AL., Chicago. And summer is just underway!

  2. #2
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    What are you going on about?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Bessemer, AL., Chicago. And summer is just underway!
    Weather? Tornadoes?
    I guess they will be more frequent every year.
    Let´s see what happens this hurricane season...

  4. #4
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    Hey I like a good cane every now and then.Makes for some good parties So long as they stay out to sea that is.I like them close calls

  5. #5
    I was refering to the "wilding" attacks in Chicago for the past weeks plus a meltdown at a Bessemer fair.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    And what is a wilding attack or a meltdown at Bessemer fair?

  7. #7
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    I'm thinking someone doesnt realize that their is a lot more to this rock we are on than their own little town and most of us have no idea let alone care and doesnt effect us what happens in bumwater Iowa, population 2,074. LOL

  8. #8
    I am now dumber for having read this thread.

  9. #9
    "Wilding" best describes the random assaults on White people in and near downtown Chicago. Bessemer incident was groups of Blacks attacking White fair visitors. Visit the "Drudge Report", still on front page this am.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    "Wilding" best describes the random assaults on White people in and near downtown Chicago. Bessemer incident was groups of Blacks attacking White fair visitors. Visit the "Drudge Report", still on front page this am.
    Oh geez.....I try to avoid responding to you but this one takes the cake. My cousin is a Chicago cop and dealt with the assault on Wabash and Chicago and as usual you are wrong. Not all the assaulters are Black and not all those that have been assaulted were white. It's a random attack on people, stop trying to turn this into a race related crime guy.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    "Wilding" best describes the random assaults on White people in and near downtown Chicago. Bessemer incident was groups of Blacks attacking White fair visitors. Visit the "Drudge Report", still on front page this am.

    Ahh I see where your going with this just like your other threads and posts.There are many problems with this world and the countries we live in but you seem to have a issue with separating your racist views from the problems we all face in this ever developing world. Don't get me wrong I am also very passionate regarding certain immigration laws within my own country and your entitled to your views no matter how extreme they are but your sentiments are more aimed at trying provoke hatred at certain cultures/races rather than debating the problems.

    This forum is made up of many races, religions and cultures and we all more or less get along without any issues relating to our backgrounds, that's because we all have something in common we are members of this forum and have a mutual interest. Spreading your racist views will not divide everyone nor will you convert members to your way of thinking, maybe some will agree and others will defend but all your doing is breeding the hatred and anger within yourself and showing everyone what kind of person you really are.

    We live in a diverse world and should be bringing people together rather than trying to push them apart, we are all different in our own right but we all share one thing in common we are all human, act like it.

  12. #12
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    ^^^ x 1 trillion.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ahh I see where your going with this just like your other threads and posts.There are many problems with this world and the countries we live in but you seem to have a issue with separating your racist views from the problems we all face in this ever developing world. Don't get me wrong I am also very passionate regarding certain immigration laws within my own country and your entitled to your views no matter how extreme they are but your sentiments are more aimed at trying provoke hatred at certain cultures/races rather than debating the problems.

    This forum is made up of many races, religions and cultures and we all more or less get along without any issues relating to our backgrounds, that's because we all have something in common we are members of this forum and have a mutual interest. Spreading your racist views will not divide everyone nor will you convert members to your way of thinking, maybe some will agree and others will defend but all your doing is breeding the hatred and anger within yourself and showing everyone what kind of person you really are.

    We live in a diverse world and should be bringing people together rather than trying to push them apart, we are all different in our own right but we all share one thing in common we are all human, act like it.
    Really awesome post, Marcus.

    Clemont needs to get the sand out of his tampon and go somewhere else to spread hate.

  14. #14
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    Why isn't he banned yet? (seriously)

  15. #15
    I marvel at the faggy comments from cretins. Whine, whine, whine. Stop sucking your thumbs you Kumbayah chanting wimps. I just report the news.

    ps. There are some very bright people on various threads. But here cometh the clogging clot of mediocries bleating out the most
    junior high schoolish comments. I just reported the news without editorial comment. Ban and be damned if you cannot handle the

  16. #16
    Twist, "Ar" Personal Trainer. I note that you had critical comments about Sarah Palin. That is your right. I also have the right
    to post actual news. If you can't handle that, tough shit choir boy.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Twist, "Ar" Personal Trainer. I note that you had critical comments about Sarah Palin. That is your right. I also have the right
    to post actual news. If you can't handle that, tough shit choir boy.
    See the problem is you dont post actual news you post edited news that you reconstruct to follow your point of view. Were you their when the beating occurred? How do you know what races attacked and what races were the attackers? Please fill me in on this. Let guess you got it from Glenn Beck's tv show or some bs like that.

    I want a response and a direct response from you old man not your typical avoidance response like the second post above this one.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Twist, "Ar" Personal Trainer. I note that you had critical comments about Sarah Palin. That is your right. I also have the right
    to post actual news. If you can't handle that, tough shit choir boy.
    Oh you didn't hear that Paul Revere was warning the British?

  19. #19
    ituner77, stop posting bull dukey like Whites were involved in feral conduct, attacking and beating people. Visit the Chicago papers.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    ituner77, stop posting bull dukey like Whites were involved in feral conduct, attacking and beating people. Visit the Chicago papers.
    Please show me where I said that you blind old ****. The thing you don't see is the last nights attack involved whites, hispanics and an asian being attacked. Interesting how you didn't seem to "find" that in your "research."
    Last edited by jtuner77; 06-08-2011 at 03:05 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    See the problem is you dont post actual news you post edited news that you reconstruct to follow your point of view. Were you their when the beating occurred? How do you know what races attacked and what races were the attackers? Please fill me in on this. Let guess you got it from Glenn Beck's tv show or some bs like that.

    I want a response and a direct response from you old man not your typical avoidance response like the second post above this one.
    are you saying glenn beck's show is racial?

  22. #22
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    If you post actual news, why don't you post it in the news section and not the lounge?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    are you saying glenn beck's show is racial?
    No, I'm saying Glenn Beck is a moron........PAUSE

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    No, I'm saying Glenn Beck is a moron........PAUSE
    where would one of enlightenment get their news in your humble opinion

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    where would one of enlightenment get their news in your humble opinion
    this confuses me as well as anyone who knows anything about beck knows he espouses the ways of mohandas gandhi and jtuner77's attempt to show us how enlightened he is in this thread it appears to me he's just proven himself to be the same as clemont, just on the other side of the political isle

    so jtuner77, if i watch beck, what does that make me, since you're obviously enlightened?
    Last edited by HitIt; 06-08-2011 at 05:27 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    this confuses me as well as anyone who knows anything about beck knows he espouses the ways of mohandas gandhi and jtuner77's attempt to show us how enlightened he is in this thread it appears to me he's just proven himself to be the same as clemont, just on the other side of the political isle

    so jtuner77, if i watch beck, what does that make me, since you're obviously enlightened?
    Beck is pretty will known for his outlandish rederick and conspiracy theories. Thats why is rating have dropped and his show on tv canceled and alot of his radio cut. I wouldn't call Beck news.

  27. #27
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    sure he's know for all that..but that's not my point...beck had nothing to do with the thread till jtuner77 brought him into it, which didn't do anything for the thread other than to show what side jtuner77 is coming from

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    sure he's know for all that..but that's not my point...beck had nothing to do with the thread till jtuner77 brought him into it, which didn't do anything for the thread other than to show what side jtuner77 is coming from
    Ok. i didnt get that from his comment

  29. #29
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    and i don't think beck would call himself news...that's what the nightly news is..he an opinion show...not news...but why bring beck into this and call him a moron and all that when he had absolutely nothing to do with the's as if jtuner77 was trying to call people who watch hbeck morons too...what's the point in that? (espicially when it seemed his initial purpose was to show clemont how to be all enlightened)

  30. #30
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    Well i think all the Miami Heat fans are morons.

    Go Mavs!!!!!

    Sorry to many angry people today

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    A lot of estrogen going around today...

  32. #32
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    Since we're on the topic of Beck, i'll remind you all that he was previously a drunken 'zookeeper', for whatever that's worth. Can people change, sure, and maybe he has, I don't know.

    DISCLAIMER - I have no opinion on his political alignment as I'm not a listener, I only know what I've heard and read about him.

  33. #33
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    so where does the only true source of news come from

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    so where does the only true source of news come from
    there isnt one anymore. They are all biased. Nobody just reports facts anymore. They all carry some kind of commentary.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    there isnt one anymore. They are all biased. Nobody just reports facts anymore. They all carry some kind of commentary.
    youre right....

  36. #36
    Here are some of those arrested in Chicago racial beatings. Just the facts as reported.

  37. #37
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    and Marcus why is this guy still not BANNED??

  38. #38
    East Coast Kid; why should I be banned for posting actual news stories? Are people so weak and wimpish
    that reality is a threat? For shame, so many limps and gimps.

  39. #39
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    Unless you agree with Clemont, you're some liberal limp wristed wussy.

    I knew from his opening post that this was going to be a race thing. The guy does nothing but bear bait and spread hate.

    Why is he still here?

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    this confuses me as well as anyone who knows anything about beck knows he espouses the ways of mohandas gandhi and jtuner77's attempt to show us how enlightened he is in this thread it appears to me he's just proven himself to be the same as clemont, just on the other side of the political isle

    so jtuner77, if i watch beck, what does that make me, since you're obviously enlightened?
    It was tongue in cheek.

    Every reporter or news group will apply their own point of view, news is just as bad as religion. When any one person or group has a vested interest in the topic they are discussing they will do whatever it takes to drive their point home even if it requires the truth to be bent.
    Last edited by jtuner77; 06-09-2011 at 11:08 AM.

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