I went to the local club last night, which sponsers a Tuesday Night Fight. Open to any amateur, which would be me. 16oz gloves, headgear, and the belt/groin protector are provided. Fight lasts 3-1 minute rounds. Looks like fun to me.
I've never set foot in a ring, but every one of the fights was a slugfest for the most part, which I might have a good chance in. I plan on finishing this cycle here in a couple weeks, then preparing for a shot at the fights. Any advice from someone with experience? I was going to do massive amounts of cardio, since I don't want to punch myself out like most of the guys did in the first round. I was thinking of having my brother spar with me by throwing just tons of huge haymakers so I would get used to dealing with the unorthodox style. I'm not a huge guy, 5'10" 230lbs, so I may draw some bastard that is like 6'4" to match my weight.
Any suggestions/tips/tricks?