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Protein: Boneless, skinless chicken breast (baked or grilled), fish (canned or packets of tuna or salmon, cod, tilapia, snapper), turkey (ground turkey breast 90% or leaner), beef (90% or leaner), filet, sirloin steak, round and flank steak (leanest cuts of beef).
Non-Starchy Vegetables: asparagus, green beans, lettuce, spinach, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, onions, peppers (all varieties), summer squash, tomatoes.
Fruits: apples, strawberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, oranges, fresh peaches, raspberries, blueberries, pears, pineapple, and bananas (limited).
Starchy Carbohydrates: brown rice, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, oatmeal, cream of rice, beans (black, lima, kidney).
Fats: cashew butter, almond butter, natural peanut butter, flaxseed oil, olive oil, safflower oil, Paul Newman’s oil & vinegar dressing, EFA Gold, almonds and walnuts.
Free foods: vinegar, lemon juice, lime juice, mustard, garlic, mushrooms, onions, scallions, cucumber, lettuce, citrus peels, chili peppers, dry seasonings, light salt, pepper, sugar-free gum, sugar-free Jello