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Thread: Planet fitness is being sued......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Planet fitness is being sued......

    So there was a post made on another forum about a guy suing planet fitness for discrimination.

    Aparantly a bunch of members purchased 24month memberships at a golds gym which happened to close and planet fitness bought out the memberships. When the planet fitness opened 25 or 27 members were banned within the first week. All of which were bodybuilders..... and none were offered refunds. This guy's son was banned for wearing a "skull cap" and he was not offered a refund.

    I guess the commercials, slogans, and anti-bodybuilding signs are being mentioned also as part of the discrimination.

    It's about time...... idc if you goto the gym or not..... it's a principle thing at this point. How can you post signs all over your gym that say "judgement free zone" and then openly make fun of the bodybuilding culture......?


  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    planet fitness corporate is so stupid

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I agree. I have been reading about that place (we don't have them here) and I cannot believe there is an anti-bodybuilder gym. As a marketing guy, I find it annoying that they can brand themselves a "no judgement" business while not allowing people who grunt or other minor annoyances.

    A fitness place bought my Golds, but all they did was add more cardio equipment. Nothing else changed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    So there was a post made on another forum about a guy suing planet fitness for discrimination.

    Aparantly a bunch of members purchased 24month memberships at a golds gym which happened to close and planet fitness bought out the memberships. When the planet fitness opened 25 or 27 members were banned within the first week. All of which were bodybuilders..... and none were offered refunds. This guy's son was banned for wearing a "skull cap" and he was not offered a refund.

    I guess the commercials, slogans, and anti-bodybuilding signs are being mentioned also as part of the discrimination.

    It's about time...... idc if you goto the gym or not..... it's a principle thing at this point. How can you post signs all over your gym that say "judgement free zone" and then openly make fun of the bodybuilding culture......?

    You belong to another forum ?

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I just read on Wiki that Planet Fitness has free pizza night. Every first Monday of the month. IS THAT TRUE??

    A gym where they make fun of you for wearing a tank top, drinking from a gallon water bottle and grunting...that gives away free pizza. Is this really a fitness place, or some evil plot?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    No, how can you open a weight training facility and be against bodybuilding?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ill have to find a new place to work out planet fitness in Virginia i went to they had a yellow flashing light that went off if you dropped the weights

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    ill have to find a new place to work out planet fitness in Virginia i went to they had a yellow flashing light that went off if you dropped the weights
    i went to gym b4 hat had a nazi owner who was anal about it also, he yelled at my dad once for it so my father got in his facing yelling and shit telling him to come set the 150s down nice and easy if its so easy

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    its about time

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    subscribed and lovin it

    bang bang bang bang bang bang POW..POW

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    i hate planet, the one by me the dumbbells only go up to 60? like wtf, im not even big and i cant even use that

  12. #12
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    Never been to one and definatly not going now.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nguadagno View Post
    i hate planet, the one by me the dumbbells only go up to 60? like wtf, im not even big and i cant even use that
    The 60lb dumbells is part of their "theory" or "planet"...

    would so love to see them get knocked down a notch or two

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    yeah its a judgement free zone, except the one i go to is all college kids and highschool kids whos testerone is through the roof and all think there the next arnold when they bench press 135 six inches from their chest

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    planet fitness corporate is so stupid
    Seriously. How did they miss that?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Sounds like a great placeLOL

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    it sucks hahah

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I just read on Wiki that Planet Fitness has free pizza night. Every first Monday of the month. IS THAT TRUE??

    A gym where they make fun of you for wearing a tank top, drinking from a gallon water bottle and grunting...that gives away free pizza. Is this really a fitness place, or some evil plot?
    pizza night is confirmed theres also a bagel tuesday and im not 100% positive but I think theres something on friday. My uncle has a membership and he goes there once a month as does my mom and the rest of the fatasses in my family who say there on a diet but come every first monday of the month its off to the gym.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Well, apparently they (planet fitness/urban active) doesn't discriminate from members to employees. Urban Active bought out Gold's at first, then they bought out World's in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. A friend of mine was employed by UA as a personal trainer about 3 years ago. He used to train and work at World's till UA took over and then he simply went to work for UA. About 6 months later, he got on a test/deca/d-bol cycle and he was fired for use of steroids and possible distribution. Which he never did (sold.) Place is a joke.

  20. #20
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    they cater to people that dont want to work out. It's dirt cheap 9.99 a month. They have like you said pizza night and snacks. They dont have classes or heavy weights. The one by my house has no barbells at all. The make it comfortable for non gym people. and they will pay their $10 and never wear out equipment or even come.

  21. #21
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    the one by me is just all highschoolers and college kids who think there huge on one side and all moms on the treadmills and elipticals

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    Closing a golds gym and turning it into a planet fitness is a slap in the face to everyone who actually lifts weights.
    You take one of the greatest gyms that is supposed to be for people who actually lift weights, and turn it into a pansey gym.

    In their commercials they make fun of "bodybuilders" and get away with it like its nothing.
    WHat if golds gym made a commercial with some fat @ss eating a pizza and told him that he couldn't work out here. Do you think they would get away with it? probly not.

    Stuff like this really pisses me off. I have no patience for these idiots.

    This is what I would like someone to do:

    1. Steal or purchase a monster truck (this is the most ballsý thing I can think of)
    2. In the night when the gym is closed, drive through the building destroying as much equipment as possible
    3.park it in the middle of the gym
    4. Piss on the remains of the front desk
    5. Go home

    side note: If you feel really brave and dont care about maiming people, you can do this during the day time.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2011
    **** planetfitness

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard.On View Post
    Closing a golds gym and turning it into a planet fitness is a slap in the face to everyone who actually lifts weights.
    You take one of the greatest gyms that is supposed to be for people who actually lift weights, and turn it into a pansey gym.

    In their commercials they make fun of "bodybuilders" and get away with it like its nothing.
    WHat if golds gym made a commercial with some fat @ss eating a pizza and told him that he couldn't work out here. Do you think they would get away with it? probly not.

    Stuff like this really pisses me off. I have no patience for these idiots.

    This is what I would like someone to do:

    1. Steal or purchase a monster truck (this is the most ballsý thing I can think of)
    2. In the night when the gym is closed, drive through the building destroying as much equipment as possible
    3.park it in the middle of the gym
    4. Piss on the remains of the front desk
    5. Go home

    side note: If you feel really brave and dont care about maiming people, you can do this during the day time.
    Yes, they would get away with it if they opened a gym that banned fat asses.

    Neither fat people, nor bodybuilders, are considered a "PROTECTED CLASS" by the Federal government. Not to politicize the issue, however, this is the fundamental problem in the way that Democrats see people versus the way Republican/Libertarians view people. Democrats view people as "groups," and often are in the business of assigning 'value' to those 'groups' of people. Republicans/Libertarians view every single person as an INDIVIDUAL, with equal rights and protections under the law, and each INDIVIDUAL being held accountable for their own actions.

    The following characteristics are considered "Protected Classes" and persons cannot be discriminated against based on these characteristics:
    Race - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1866
    Color - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Religion - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
    National origin - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Age (40 and over) - Federal: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
    Sex - Federal: Equal Pay Act of 1963 & Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Familial status (Housing, cannot discriminate for having children, exception for senior housing)
    Sexual orientation (in some jurisdictions and not in others)
    Gender identity (in some jurisdictions and not in others)
    Disability status - Federal: Vocational Rehabilitation and Other Rehabilitation Services of 1973 & Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    Veteran status - Federal Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974
    Genetic information - Federal: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
    Adding to this, these are PRIVATE ENTITIES, and they may refuse service to anyone, for any reason, provided that they are not refusing service for any of the aforementioned reasons. Of course, it is indeed possible to refuse service for the aforementioned protected classes, by simply creating or fabricating a different reason for the refusal of service. The burden lay with the Plaintiff to prove a tort against the offending entity.

    Now, it would be possible to prove a tort under a number of different statutes, but it would depend on the states tort laws. I wont get into the specifics of which laws would be possible to bring suit for, but it is certainly a possibility.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I was in PA on business and wanted to work out. The closest gym I found was a Planet Fitness. So I went there and tried to do the "I'm moving here soon" free trial. This younger kid cut me off and said regardless, its $20, which will be refunded if I sign. So I said "**** it" and paid cause I wanted to work out.

    As I walk to the locker room, I pass all these signs. "Leave your ego outside", "Judgement Free Zone", and a cartoon drawing of a big bodybuilder with a circle and line threw it. So it was back day and I made my way to the free weights to do some bent-over barbell rows or t-bar rows. I walked the whole place twice and couldn't find any free weight benches or bars. Found out, all they had were Smith Machines.

    "Hmmm, strange", I thought. So I walked over to the dumbbell rack and was pissed to see it only went up to 75 lbs. Seriously? I ended up doing rows on a Smith Machine and started with three 45s on each side (I mean, its a ****in' smith machine).

    I then looked over and saw a red siren on the wall, with the words "Lunk Alarm" above it. It then had a description of a "Lunk", which was someone who grunts and drops weights on the ground. I started laughing to myself and continued my set.

    I'm a heavily tattooed dude, so I'm used to people staring at me and then looking away when I look in their direction. Well, everyone in the gym was burning their eye lasers right through me. Especially the employees. They were looking at me and leaning over and talking to each other. Whatever, I thought. Again, tattoos. So I continued my workout.

    I then went over into this "30 minute workout" section. They had maybe 8 different machines in a circle (random muscle groups). On the wall, they had a traffic light. When the workout starts, you are supposed to continue using a machine until the red light comes on. Then you switch to another machine. Continue that for 30 mins. Ok, that's cool. However, since all the guys in the gym were pumping their guns on the cable crossover machine, I couldn't get to the lat-pulldown.

    So I opted for a machine that happened to be in the "30 minute workout" section. There wasn't anyone in there or any workout in progress. So I used this leverage lat pulldown machine (btw, there wasn't anywhere to do chins in the place). After one set, an employee came back there and said I couldn't use that machine because its for the 30 minute workout only. There was a lady behind him, who I could only assume wanted to perform this workout, so she got the manager.

    I shook my head, kept my mouth shut and walked away. As I walked back out into the main gym area, there was another employee standing in my path. By the way he dressed, I could tell he was a manager or something. He informed me that when I was using the smith machine, I was banging the weights around (which is bullshit because I'm not one to want attention so I made a conscious effort to not drop the weights). I asked him why the "alarm" didn't go off. He said that since I was new, they wanted to tell me instead. He then said that its not tolerated at this gym and he asked me to leave and refunded my money. I didn't even put up a fight. Since I stepped foot in there I didn't feel comfortable at all.

    No judgement my ass.

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