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Thread: fu*** north korea army

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    south korea

    fu*** north korea army

    that's right! jung-il kim

    fat murderer

    sorry... i'm pissed off

    i'm south korean ..

    i dont hate north korea fellas

    I just hate north korean army

    because of them

    I served military service for 2years

    the government give me 70bucks per month..


    yeah i love my country but 70bucks is

    2years man 2years...

    anyone kill jung il kim?


    north korean fellas don't see this threads because they don't have computer..

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    LMAO stevey

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigshow View Post
    that's right! jung-il kim

    fat murderer

    sorry... i'm pissed off

    i'm south korean ..

    i dont hate north korea fellas

    I just hate north korean army

    because of them

    I served military service for 2years

    the government give me 70bucks per month..


    yeah i love my country but 70bucks is

    2years man 2years...

    anyone kill jung il kim?


    north korean fellas don't see this threads because they don't have computer..
    ROK, right?
    Up to $70 now?

    That's a HUGE improvement. I lived in Korea, probably before you were born, and an ROK soldier only received a very small stipend. Enough for very basic needs. It was also a requirement to serve.

    I'm assuming you were required to serve?

    I think it's a good idea for everyone to serve, whether peace corps, military, what have you. I think it builds character and integrity. To serve is another way of saying "to give". During this short period, I see nothing wrong with a basic allowance. they cover all other expenses still, i'm imagining?

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