Originally Posted by
Times Roman
I've been around the world a few times. So I am not so blind to some of the problems America has compared to maybe some others that haven't been around.
Negatives, as I see it for the USA:
AAS Laws
Government keeps reaching and growing, with no end in sight
Government doesn't act rationally as often as it should.... continues to allow exportation of jobs, hugely subsidizes transfer payments from those with to those with their hands out
Arogant, feels it can solve the entire worlds problems with guns and cash (but has to borrow money to do it!)
Public School System is corrupt and not efficient
Excessive litigations resulting in hugely inflated costs of a variety of things, from hospital services, to auto insurance, to pharmaceuticals, etc.
But the positives outweigh the negatives significantly:
More freedoms than anywhere else in the world (generally)
Continutes to be the land of opportunity
Still a relatively safe place to live
Stable government/military - we don't go running around the village chopping off heads
Stable economy (generally) resulting in stable inflationary rates
There is a reason why more people from around the world want to go to the USA than anywhere else.