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  1. #1
    johnwynnejr is offline New Member
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    Five years from now.....

    Grab a tube and take down the river into the future, 5 years into the future....

    The president is going to be either a term limited Democrat or transitioned to a Republican gettting ready for re-election.

    The world's top ten richest list is going to have some new members. The newest members are probably going to be unprecedently remarkably young, with computer gurus leading the way.

  2. #2
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnwynnejr View Post
    Grab a tube and take down the river into the future, 5 years into the future....

    The president is going to be either a term limited Democrat or transitioned to a Republican gettting ready for re-election.

    The world's top ten richest list is going to have some new members. The newest members are probably going to be unprecedently remarkably young, with computer gurus leading the way.
    We're going to be flying.

  3. #3
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Pin it to win it!
    Weiner schnitzel

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnwynnejr View Post
    Grab a tube and take down the river into the future, 5 years into the future....

    The president is going to be either a term limited Democrat or transitioned to a Republican gettting ready for re-election.

    The world's top ten richest list is going to have some new members. The newest members are probably going to be unprecedently remarkably young, with computer gurus leading the way.
    wtf does this actually mean?!

  5. #5
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    wtf does this actually mean?!
    Maybe he likes rafting!! lmfao

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Urination, also known as micturition, voiding, peeing, weeing, pissing, and more rarely, emiction, is the ejection of urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body. In healthy humans the process of urination is under voluntary control. In infants, elderly individuals and those with neurological injury, urination may occur as an involuntary reflex. In other animals, in addition to expelling waste material, urination can mark territory or express submissiveness. Physiologically, micturition involves coordination between the central, autonomic and somatic nervous systems. Brain centers that regulate urination include the pontine micturition center, periaqueductal gray, and the cerebral cortex. In males urine is ejected through the penis, and in females through the urethral opening.

  7. #7
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    Second thread that has got me saying wtf is going on her.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    The defecation cycle

    In the adult human, the process of defecation, or the defecation cycle, is normally a combination of both voluntary and involuntary processes. The defecation cycle is the interval of time between the completion of one defecation, and the completion of the following defecation. At the start of the cycle, the rectal ampulla (anatomically also: ampulla recti) acts as a temporary storage facility for the unneeded material. As additional fecal material enters the rectum, the rectal walls expand. A sufficient increase in fecal material in the rectum causes stretch receptors from the nervous system located in the rectal walls to trigger the contraction of rectal muscles, relaxation of the internal anal sphincter and an initial contraction of the skeletal muscle of the external sphincter. The relaxation of the internal anal sphincter causes a signal to be sent to the brain indicating an urge to defecate.

    If this urge is not acted upon, the material in the rectum is often returned to the colon by reverse peristalsis where more water is absorbed, thus temporarily reducing pressure and stretching within the rectum. The additional fecal material is stored in the colon until the next mass 'peristaltic' movement of the transverse and descending colon. If defecation is delayed for a prolonged period the fecal matter may harden and autolyze, resulting in constipation.

    Once the voluntary signal to defecate is sent back from the brain, the final phase of the cycle begins. The rectum now contracts and shortens in peristaltic waves, thus forcing fecal material out of the rectum and out through the anal canal. The internal and external anal sphincters along with the puborectalis muscle allow the feces to be passed by pulling the anus up over the exiting feces in shortening and contracting actions

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Let me know if you guys need anything else relevent to read...?

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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  11. #11
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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