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Thread: who is the bigger entitlement generation

  1. #1
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    who is the bigger entitlement generation

    My healthcare thread and some other post made me think this would be a good discussion. What generation do you think feels more entitled? Seniors who feel like since they are old and worked all their life they deserve things. Or they younger generations?

  2. #2
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    I feel that with each successive generation, the younger generation feels they are entitled to more than the previous.

    i have a hard time lumping seniors into this category since, hopefully, they've, more or less, earned it.

  3. #3
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    this is a great question. i am lucky that i can sit and talk with my grandfather. this comes up from time to time. he feels that his generation is the best and thats it! he is 87 and stuck in his ways. he always tries to tell me how he would have done it back then, and then i have to tell him that his way is not so much wrong, but people just don't think or do that any longer. i do feel that his generation of americans are a cut above the rest. they had to climb out of the depression, go thru two world wars (who knows what would have happened if not for their generation), and brought capitalism to its height. the baby boomers of course are going to want their piece of the cake also, and i give them credit because look at all the fine technological advancements that they have contributed to society. i think my generation has a lot of fighting to do if it even wants to be associated with any of the previous ones. we have too many pvssys in the world today that get offended when someone calls them a name or it doesn't go their way. in today's society, everyone wants to be politically correct and i hate that. if people want to express his/her opinion on something, say it!

  4. #4
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    ^^ yes but our generation has been through things also. What about 9/11? Iraq and Afghanistan. Does ww11 count for more entitlement?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^ yes but our generation has been through things also. What about 9/11? Iraq and Afghanistan. Does ww11 count for more entitlement?
    that's the difference between the generations. This generation actually believes 9/11 is a war which is a pitiful joke, compared to other "true" wars. We lost some 3,000+ during 911. Now compare that to the wars of the prior generations.... There were 1.7 million dead by the end of WW1. WW2 saw somewhere between 50 and 70 million dead. The Korean war between 2 and 3 million dead. Vietnam 1.5 and 2 million dead. So comparatively, 911 is less than 1% of any of the previous wars. Doesn't even come close anything I would call a war. It's more like a terrorist incident. I don't give a crap what the media and the politicians say. This war is what it is because we no longer have the boogey men from the cold war to be afraid of. Plain and simple.

    The wars of the past were horrific. People going off to war were likely to come home in body bags.

    So to surmise, this generation has seen NOTHING compared to the wars of the earlier generations. Not even close mate.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    that's the difference between the generations. This generation actually believes 9/11 is a war which is a pitiful joke, compared to other "true" wars. We lost some 3,000+ during 911. Now compare that to the wars of the prior generations.... There were 1.7 million dead by the end of WW1. WW2 saw somewhere between 50 and 70 million dead. The Korean war between 2 and 3 million dead. Vietnam 1.5 and 2 million dead. So comparatively, 911 is less than 1% of any of the previous wars. Doesn't even come close anything I would call a war. It's more like a terrorist incident. I don't give a crap what the media and the politicians say. This war is what it is because we no longer have the boogey men from the cold war to be afraid of. Plain and simple.

    The wars of the past were horrific. People going off to war were likely to come home in body bags.

    So to surmise, this generation has seen NOTHING compared to the wars of the earlier generations. Not even close mate.
    i completely agree with you. But i don't think because a war went on when you were alive or a terrorist attack entitles you to anything. It may have been a harder time to live but that doesnt mean you earned something more imo

  7. #7
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    definitely the younger generations... todays teens. they think they are entitled to whatever they want n see on tv without ever having to work for anything and with kids these days having no discipline it only makes it worse. I'm only 28 but when i was younger i worked for everything i had and obtaining it was a reward in itself. kids these days turn 16 n expect to be given a car or their parents to buy them this or that. it really is the parents' faults for never saying "no" but its the kids who feel they are more entitled

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i completely agree with you. But i don't think because a war went on when you were alive or a terrorist attack entitles you to anything. It may have been a harder time to live but that doesnt mean you earned something more imo
    i think we would both agree that the older generation certainly suffered more, had to endure more, collectively, than the current generation. AND they had less financial security, less socio economic "safety nets". In short, they paid more, and got less than the current generation.

  9. #9
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    so I'm not sure which generation is "entitled" to more. I don't like entitlements. But i would suggest that the current generation is entitled to LESS.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    so I'm not sure which generation is "entitled" to more. I don't like entitlements. But i would suggest that the current generation is entitled to LESS.
    i don't think any generation is entitled to more then another generation. My question was more which generation thinks they are entitled to more.

    Yes young kids want everything for nothing but they are kids. I'm sure kids 40 years ago wanted everything too.
    I honestly feel the seniors feel like they deserve everything. They try and take advantage more then other generations.

  11. #11
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    Then "Ask what you can do for your country, Not what your country can do for you"

    Now "I gots to get mine"

    see the difference??? or Now "It's time to spread it around" = we will take from those that have to give to those that have not, no matter what..

    My father in law is a retired farmer, I almost had him become a Republican this last election...

    I asked him...... Should your daughter and I pay 35% of our income to taxes if i earn $250k year... his response was yes we should... I said that's $87k cash i have to pay,

    I'll stop working after 6 months and your other daughter and son that both work for me at $25 per hour can go without for the 6 months of the year before i pay that much in taxes..

    Made him think..
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  12. #12
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    Which generation deserves more? Absolutely those who fought in WWII, and were a part of that. And I have a hard time comparing war of their generation with ours; technology has allowed us to target military installations instead of carpet bombing. Of course the death count will be lower. But using those numbers to define a war does an injustice to those who serve, and their families back home.

    I think given that we currently have soldiers who have spent more time deployed to a war zone than ANY other generation in american history, this generation can hold it's own compared to others.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^ yes but our generation has been through things also. What about 9/11? Iraq and Afghanistan. Does ww11 count for more entitlement?
    i think ww11 definitely counts for more entitlement. if we would have lost the war, we wouldn't be here. our parents maybe would not have been born. i don't look at 9/11 as a war. we got attacked by a group of people, not a specific country/nation. iraq and afghanistan, its hard for me to comment on those, still trying to see how i stand on those issues. i don't think entitlement should go with wars, and i don't think people should be entitled to anything. i have always worked for everything i have and so has my family, so i don't think that i am entitled to anything.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Then "Ask what you can do for your country, Not what your country can do for you"

    Now "I gots to get mine"

    see the difference??? or Now "It's time to spread it around" = we will take from those that have to give to those that have not, no matter what..

    My father in law is a retired farmer, I almost had him become a Republican this last election...

    I asked him...... Should your daughter and I pay 35% of our income to taxes if i earn $250k year... his response was yes we should... I said that's $87k cash i have to pay,

    I'll stop working after 6 months and your other daughter and son that both work for me at $25 per hour can go without for the 6 months of the year before i pay that much in taxes..

    Made him think..
    BAM! you said it!

  15. #15
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    It really started going to shit on a mass scale after WWII

    People born pre 1930's had to bust their asses for a living and just got by with very little. The next generation later became hippies and began the lazy **** era. Then those idiots had kids and they were even more entitled and then those peope are having kids now and its all ****ed.

    Nuke the place...start from scratch. /thread

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  16. #16
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    My next door neighbor bought a used car for his son on his 16th birthday. He told his son all he had to do was get a part time job to pay for the insurance and upkeep. That was a year ago and the car has been parked all that time because the son refuses to get a job. Would rather stay home playing world of warcraft. None of the kids around me in my neighborhood work at all. As a matter of fact all the fast food jobs on my area have to import the help from other parts of the city. It has gotten incredibly bad when the generation after me is so entitled that they expect to never work at all and live totally off of mom and pops forever. Thats what I call entitlement out of control.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^ yes but our generation has been through things also. What about 9/11? Iraq and Afghanistan. Does ww11 count for more entitlement?
    Actually it probably does - but the ironic part is that the WW2 generation feels/felt the least entitled. Their efforts of working hard to provide their children the things they did without and didnt have actaullay backfired and have fostered a sense on entitlement that has grown with every successive generation imo.

  18. #18
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    The only thing that truely pisses me off is when someone intentionally milks the system. If they paid into Medicare, welfare, social security, etc...... they deserve to benefit from it at some point if needed. It's when you have these old people who goto the doctor once or twice a week because their medicare allows it that really chap my ass. If you don't need to go..... DON'T! It's not about "collecting for yourself" - it's about being a productive human being! Use the service if you need it..... if not..... let the others who ALSO pay into it have a chance to use it if they need it.


  19. #19
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    I do think people over 60 lived through harder times, but they were also conditioned for it. Mentioning WW II is practically Godwinning a debate, but people have no idea how poor people were in England and Germany after WWII. The British Empire came crashing down and Germany was in financial ruin. It's the reason agriculture and intensive farming began.

    I remember a few years back drinking a coffee in Starbucks and reading a war book. It was busy and this really old boy asked if he could sit at the remaining chair in the place which was at my table. So I obliged him and we got talking. Turns out he was an old WWII vet, who'd been stationed in North Africa. And he said something to me that always stuck "People today, see a car crash and they look on in abject horror. Yet they never dragged someone halfway up a battlefield bleeding out. Or watched men being incinerated with flame throwers."

    The point he was making is that we live in a relative golden age, despite 911, or even the Middle Eastern conflict. Nothing close to the scale of WWII and the years that followed can compare to ANYTHING our generation think's it has seen.

    Also, technology makes us lazy. Where it would take perhaps a week or two to send a letter to a loved one halfway round the world, now you can email someone within seconds. Machines replace manual labour, technology replaces manual labour. The youth of today have no effing respect for hardwork, or anything that's going on in the world today.

    Right now, I would damn well say that elderly deserve more than we do. Our lives are very comfortable now, we'll be in practical luxury by the time we're all pushing 80. What a 20-30 year old has today, was much, much more, than what a 20-30 year old had around the middle of the 20th century.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Also, technology makes us lazy. Where it would take perhaps a week or two to send a letter to a loved one halfway round the world, now you can email someone within seconds. Machines replace manual labour, technology replaces manual labour. The youth of today have no effing respect for hardwork, or anything that's going on in the world today.
    Very true. I worked in a meat factory with a huge assembly line when I was a teenager. The place also was unionized. Some of the assembly line jobs could have been replaced with machines, but in the recent contract negotiations a lot of the jobs were saved. Working on that line teaches you what mindless, repetitive, hard work is. You put much more effort into life.

  21. #21
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Not sure what generation to fit this into, but it really pisses me off when I go into Wal-Mart and see the greeters there. In a wheelchair on oxygen and you can still see the faded military tattoos. You know these guys fought for their country in the Korean War or Vietnam and instead of our government helping them out we said, "Here you go, have a job where you can hand out stickers to little kids and wave at people."
    I go up to each one of these guys and shake their hand and tell them "Thank for your service."

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Not sure what generation to fit this into, but it really pisses me off when I go into Wal-Mart and see the greeters there. In a wheelchair on oxygen and you can still see the faded military tattoos. You know these guys fought for their country in the Korean War or Vietnam and instead of our government helping them out we said, "Here you go, have a job where you can hand out stickers to little kids and wave at people."I go up to each one of these guys and shake their hand and tell them "Thank for your service."
    disagree. I served 6 years active duty. Could have easily went into combat, there was enough activity going on at the time. would this have meant a life time of entitlement from the government? Even though a member serves, and sacrafices, that member still has the responsibility of getting on with his life at some point. there are exceptions due to health and such, but my point is simply because a person served, doesn't earn them a certain standard of living for the rest of their lives. I may feel badly for the veteran, but everyone floats at their own level. Continue to shake their hands and thank them. But their socio economic development is their own responsibility.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    i think we would both agree that the older generation certainly suffered more, had to endure more, collectively, than the current generation. AND they had less financial security, less socio economic "safety nets". In short, they paid more, and got less than the current generation.
    I agree and in fact they where PROMISED SSI and medicare because they paid into the system. It doesn't matter it cost more now to do things than it did now, they are entiteled because they paid into it. It's the government who screwed it up, no them or us.

  24. #24
    No doubt about it this generation.....Have to be retarded not see that. Media has beat into peoples minds as to what it is to be successful and has truly wrecked peoples perspectives. Must people don't want to work for it and believe they should be making as much money as you not knowing what it took to get there. Specially these vampire women! I am terrified to get married again after what I went through with my ex-wife and these F$$king attorneys. They brought in a forensic accountant for christ sakes! In the end they got the point and she settled for what I wanted to give her but, was not cheap after attorney fee's. Sad thing was we had it worked out until her American friend got in her head, introduced her to this blood sucking jew and he played her like a drum. (nothing against you jews, think your fantastic attorneys) Really just can not stand much of American culture anymore, its turned into the houses we buy...Beautiful homes externally but cheap on the inside.

  25. #25
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    So I was queuing in McDonalds yesterday cause it was hot and I needed a drink.

    While I was waiting, there were three boys around 10 years old. One of them deliberately dropped their drink on the floor, simply so the cleaner would clean it up. They even said "you missed a bit" while he was working. What amazed me further, was while the cleaner was doing this, behind him on another table, some young scumbag mother of about 20 with her shitty welfare kids, were throwing fries on the floor. She was watching the cleaner the whole time while doing this and only fvcking stopped when she realised I was watching her.

    Now im not sure if our older generation acted like this when they were kids, but this just makes me think how there is no way that our generation is deserving more than our grandparents when you've got shit like this today.

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    This one. When was the last time you heard the words "Thank You" and the person meant it? If companies didn't tell their employees to say those words nobody would. There is a reason that almost all waiters and staff have to have scripts handed out to them to walk them through the most basic of tasks.

    Our country does just go into other countries and take what we need so I it's a common theme in America.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    No doubt about it this generation.....Have to be retarded not see that. Media has beat into peoples minds as to what it is to be successful and has truly wrecked peoples perspectives. Must people don't want to work for it and believe they should be making as much money as you not knowing what it took to get there. Specially these vampire women! I am terrified to get married again after what I went through with my ex-wife and these F$$king attorneys. They brought in a forensic accountant for christ sakes! In the end they got the point and she settled for what I wanted to give her but, was not cheap after attorney fee's. Sad thing was we had it worked out until her American friend got in her head, introduced her to this blood sucking jew and he played her like a drum. (nothing against you jews, think your fantastic attorneys) Really just can not stand much of American culture anymore, its turned into the houses we buy...Beautiful homes externally but cheap on the inside.
    And that is part of the problem, people like you cant see past their own personal failures and think it's everyone else fault and they need to pay, you are deserving. Your whole story is meaningless in regards to the subject; it's only your personal experience.
    Lets Compare, I have been through 2 divorces. One tried all the tricks you can think of ending with accidental suicide after everything was said and done except for signing on the dotted line. 2nd one easy as they come when it comes to divorce and stayed friends for years after until she died after non accidental suicide. Long story short; Sleep deprivation and mini strokes (TIA). I could go on and on with other things but no pity party here and I still say the older generation is more deserving, went through more sh*t than you can ever imagine to unfortunately create future generations of wimps and whiners.

  28. #28
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    disagree. I served 6 years active duty. Could have easily went into combat, there was enough activity going on at the time. would this have meant a life time of entitlement from the government? Even though a member serves, and sacrafices, that member still has the responsibility of getting on with his life at some point. there are exceptions due to health and such, but my point is simply because a person served, doesn't earn them a certain standard of living for the rest of their lives. I may feel badly for the veteran, but everyone floats at their own level. Continue to shake their hands and thank them. But their socio economic development is their own responsibility.
    I see your point Roman but I also disagree. If a vetern is on oxygen because his lungs are so rotted from the chemical agents used in both the Korean and Vietnam conflict why should they be forced to work a minumum wage job to make ends meet. But it also happens even today. We have veterns coming back from war now missing limbs or brain injured who are living in homeless shelters, some of them having to fight off sexual assaults from the residents there. There are also veterns in hospitals who to keep getting there treatments and not be kicked out to the streets must agree to participate in experimental drug trials to stay there. In all of these cases our government needs to do more to support the veterns. Some of these guys can never wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee and read the paper at the kitchen tabe because half their brain is missing and after healed they get warehoused into nursing homes. My opinion though.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    I see your point Roman but I also disagree. If a vetern is on oxygen because his lungs are so rotted from the chemical agents used in both the Korean and Vietnam conflict why should they be forced to work a minumum wage job to make ends meet. But it also happens even today. We have veterns coming back from war now missing limbs or brain injured who are living in homeless shelters, some of them having to fight off sexual assaults from the residents there. There are also veterns in hospitals who to keep getting there treatments and not be kicked out to the streets must agree to participate in experimental drug trials to stay there. In all of these cases our government needs to do more to support the veterns. Some of these guys can never wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee and read the paper at the kitchen tabe because half their brain is missing and after healed they get warehoused into nursing homes. My opinion though.
    We might be saying the same thing. Maybe.
    I said "that member still has the responsibility of getting on with his life at some point. there are exceptions due to health and such, but my point is simply because a person served, doesn't earn them a certain standard of living for the rest of their lives".

    But let's also be clear headed about this. Point A = the guy is a war time vet. Point B = the guy's health is shot. Connecting Point A and Point B is a leap of faith on your part. there could be a number of reasons why the guy's health is poor. He could be a three pack a day smoker, and his health problems are self inflicted. You don't know.

    If the veteran can show direct causality between his serving and his health problems, then yes, he should be taken care of.

    But his health problems could be unrelated to his service, and his holding himself out as a vet could simply be to evoke an emotional response from you.....

    Could the military do better? damn straight!

    Do some war time vets hold out their poor health condition as a result of war time activity when in fact, the two are unrelated? You bet!

    My woman's uncle is a prime example. Served in Viet Nam. Saw a little action. He was a drifter before he went in, and came back a drifter. Spent a lifetime of poor diet, smoking two packs a day, and drinking every day. Now his health is tanking, and found a sympathetic ear that signed off on his claim form. Now he is receiving disability benefits from the army. did he scam the government? Hell ya!

    I say all this, because war time veterans in a poor way evokes an emotional response from the public at large. Reality is we know nothing about this guy, and what his situation is. His situation may have nothing to do with him being a veteran.

  30. #30
    And that is part of the problem, people like you cant see past their own personal failures and think it's everyone else fault and they need to pay, you are deserving. Your whole story is meaningless in regards to the subject; it's only your personal experience.
    Lets Compare, I have been through 2 divorces. One tried all the tricks you can think of ending with accidental suicide after everything was said and done except for signing on the dotted line. 2nd one easy as they come when it comes to divorce and stayed friends for years after until she died after non accidental suicide. Long story short; Sleep deprivation and mini strokes (TIA). I could go on and on with other things but no pity party here and I still say the older generation is more deserving, went through more sh*t than you can ever imagine to unfortunately create future generations of wimps and whiners.
    Lovbyts what are you talking about you RETARD....Ive got plenty of life experience, have you turned on a TV?????? My generation thinks they are entitled to everything....Lick my dick you ass, there was no need to be rude....I am all about the older generation being more deserving...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Lovbyts what are you talking about you RETARD....Ive got plenty of life experience, have you turned on a TV?????? My generation thinks they are entitled to everything....Lick my dick you ass, there was no need to be rude....I am all about the older generation being more deserving...
    If that is the case it doesnt read that way and why would you resort to outright rudeness and insults? If you agree and feel I misunderstood you should say so instead of putting your self on the watch list for being banned due to language. Get the message?

    If I miss read or miss understood your post them I apologizes. It sounded like to me you were saying the current generation is more deserving and giving your personal examples as to why.

    No I dont watch TV/the news, it's all bias and full of BS IMO.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-31-2011 at 02:41 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Lovbyts what are you talking about you RETARD....Ive got plenty of life experience, have you turned on a TV?????? My generation thinks they are entitled to everything....Lick my dick you ass, there was no need to be rude....I am all about the older generation being more deserving...
    had to chuckle on that one LB... Classic put down!!

  33. #33
    You should get out whatever you paid in, nothing more or nothing less. <- Entitlements

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