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Thread: Obama's Address- My Idea

  1. #1
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Obama's Address- My Idea

    So I just listened to Obama say we are in such a financial state at this point that if something isnt passed by Congress the country may not be able to pay Social Security , Medicaid /Medicare. Well how about this - instead of not paying those things - things poepl have paid into for years - how about we dont pay the salaries of the idiots in Congress. Bi partisan politics , personal interests , Lobbyists , special interest groups and so on have caused our representation on EVERY level , township , city ,state, and federal lose sight of the fact that their elected responsibility is to vote the will of the people - not decide on their own what they want bsed on and influenced by the factors i mentioned above. Its actually our fault - the problem has exsited and we just ignored it ....well not the shit is hitting the fan. Its past time to hold these idiots accountable to vote the will of the people. Damn every houshold in the country has to budget ..yet our own freaking government cant. This is a freaking disgrace......

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