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  1. #1
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Obama's Address- My Idea

    So I just listened to Obama say we are in such a financial state at this point that if something isnt passed by Congress the country may not be able to pay Social Security , Medicaid /Medicare. Well how about this - instead of not paying those things - things poepl have paid into for years - how about we dont pay the salaries of the idiots in Congress. Bi partisan politics , personal interests , Lobbyists , special interest groups and so on have caused our representation on EVERY level , township , city ,state, and federal lose sight of the fact that their elected responsibility is to vote the will of the people - not decide on their own what they want bsed on and influenced by the factors i mentioned above. Its actually our fault - the problem has exsited and we just ignored it ....well not the shit is hitting the fan. Its past time to hold these idiots accountable to vote the will of the people. Damn every houshold in the country has to budget ..yet our own freaking government cant. This is a freaking disgrace......

  2. #2
    CMB's Avatar
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    Yeah, its pretty bad to say the least. Doesn't look like Obama has done much so far.

    I'm going to have to say it is time republicans come to power again with cut, cap and balance but the democrats are to damn stubborn.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Yeah, its pretty bad to say the least. Doesn't look like Obama has done much so far.

    I'm going to have to say it is time republicans come to power again with cut, cap and balance but the democrats are to damn stubborn.
    they are all stuborn and neither side is completly correct. The real solution is some where in the middle. But since they are all stubborn shits and care more about getting re-elected and who donates to them the fixing them problem we are screwed

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    It is all about being re-elected. Nothing more, nothing less. Period.
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  5. #5
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Governments sicken me sometimes, they have no forward thought and only there for get elected to power, rubbish the other side and bow to the business's that fund their election for their own interests. Too much of this and people losing too much causes upheaval like in Greece. Something big is brewing.

  6. #6
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
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    Both sides are at fault. In the end I bet a clean bill passes just like always. When it comes down to it comgress and the senate will throw up their hands say we can't get a deal, so we will just pass a clean bill no cuts or revenue increases.

  7. #7
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    "i'm gunna get me a gun and shoot all the politicians i see...."

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    this clip shows garrett morrison at a parol hearing, and this is his answer as to what he would do when he gets out....

    garrett morrison is funnier than hell

    substitute the word "whitey" for the word "politicians" and you get the idea

  9. #9
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    its about re-election and whose hand is in whose pocket book! we ought to change the term limits to 2 years and no re-election. too many career politicians in office.

  10. #10
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Scare tactics...the puppet master playing with his American serfs awaying them here and there. Propoganda has become so effective they no longer have to hide it. It's hidden in plain sight.
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  11. #11
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I hate when people blame it on Obama...He has made mistakes but the blame cannot be thrown on his shoulders alone...he was elected at a horrible time and unforchantly is paying for the mistakes of the bush administration and year of poor debt managment. I will agree that his administration have made mistakes while in power but things would not have gone to this point if it wasnt for the massive debt that has been accumulating for years. In a good economy Obama would probably have done a good job but he was in shark infested waters from the get go.

  12. #12
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I hate when people blame it on Obama...He has made mistakes but the blame cannot be thrown on his shoulders alone...he was elected at a horrible time and unforchantly is paying for the mistakes of the bush administration and year of poor debt managment. I will agree that his administration have made mistakes while in power but things would not have gone to this point if it wasnt for the massive debt that has been accumulating for years. In a good economy Obama would probably have done a good job but he was in shark infested waters from the get go.

    I hate when people continue to think the President actually runs things when he's nothing more than a talking head that stands out front spouting what his masters want him too. I also hate when people piss and moan about Republican vs Democrat when re all the same behind closed doors.

    Meh, it no longer matters..the country will have to implode before anything really happens and that is coming, when is the only question now.
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  13. #13
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust View Post
    Scare tactics...the puppet master playing with his American serfs awaying them here and there. Propoganda has become so effective they no longer have to hide it. It's hidden in plain sight.
    This may be right or it may not be but in the context of my post who really cares? It changes nothing as far as my comments on politicians and what they should be basing their votes on - the will of their constituants. If the "propaganda" of losing social security is what creates awarness to this fact and increases the accountability of elected officials to the public I could honestly care less if its propaganda. What isnt propaganda is the fact that the US has a huge out of control deficit.
    If a publically owned company had a board of directors whos mangemnt and decisions resulted in the financial outcomes that the decisions of the politicians in this country have resulted in they would ALL be fired. Yet here we are - locked in to 2 -4 year "contracts" where the replacement options are no better than those currently in office. They too have come up in the corrupt system where personal interests , lobbyists , special interest groups and partisan politics are the norm. I know im ranting a bit but its a dsigrace.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    If a publically owned company had a board of directors whos mangemnt and decisions resulted in the financial outcomes that the decisions of the politicians in this country have resulted in they would ALL be fired.

    Absolutely they would be, no questions asked because companies do not survive by operating in a constant deficit and living off credit. Every single day the US is dragged deepper and deeper into debt. The true key to keep this going on is that as long as they can keep the people from actually feeling it and having it affect them personally and monetarily..the people ignore it. The day the big bubble bursts will be the day EVERYONE will have no choice but to feel it and face reality. The only question now is when will it happen.

    Yet here we are - locked in to 2 -4 year "contracts" where the replacement options are no better than those currently in office. They too have come up in the corrupt system where personal interests , lobbyists , special interest groups and partisan politics are the norm. I know im ranting a bit but its a dsigrace.

    That is because every last one of them has been bought and paid for by special interest groups and international cliques (financial hyenas) and worse is that the American people are given the illusion of the voting system to give them a sense of security in the fact that they control who is in office and making policy. That is probably one of their greatest accomplishments. You would however think that after seeing the same result time and time again regardless of Democrat and Republican (no difference between them really) that the American people would catch on but the word "change" is pretty powerful. I mean this fool spouted it and people were ****ing crying. "Yes we can". We as a people have been programmed ot have short term memories and they take full advantage of that. This next election will be no different. You can already see how the media is already in motion swaying the American mind towards a select few candidates.

    Up above
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 07-26-2011 at 01:04 PM.
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  15. #15
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I hate when people blame it on Obama...He has made mistakes but the blame cannot be thrown on his shoulders alone...he was elected at a horrible time and unforchantly is paying for the mistakes of the bush administration and year of poor debt managment. I will agree that his administration have made mistakes while in power but things would not have gone to this point if it wasnt for the massive debt that has been accumulating for years. In a good economy Obama would probably have done a good job but he was in shark infested waters from the get go.

    um.. 141 billion when he took office and now it's 14 trillion since he took office.??

    yes we can blame him.. how many high speed trains, failed wind farms and 2 billion to brazil so they can produce oil?? programs do we need..
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  16. #16
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    um.. 141 billion when he took office and now it's 14 trillion since he took office.??

    yes we can blame him.. how many high speed trains, failed wind farms and 2 billion to brazil so they can produce oil?? programs do we need..
    what are you talking about? were did you get those numbers? The U.S was way way way more than 141 billion in debt when he came to office. As well the economy was already in ruins, The U.S was already at war in two diffrent counties which were wars he didnt start.

    George W was the one who allowed banks to give out bloated loans to anyone who could count to 3 and say their abc's. Bush was the one who went to war with no reason and then drove the U.S into trillions of dollars in debt not Obama...Obama had to come in after and try to clean up the mess but the country is in such disarray it is to late. It wouldnt have matter who was in power the country has been heading down this path for a long time! Obama is just the scapegoat for the republicans.

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    Sorry Wizard, try again.


  18. #18
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Its like if somone gave you a house worth 120 grand but the mortgage on the house was 2 million dollars, and on top of that the house was falling apart and needed 200 thousand in repairs because the last owner was a horrible home owner....could you manage the house and get out of debt? lol

  19. #19
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    e! Obama is just the scapegoat for the republicans.
    and bush is a scapegoat for the democrats
    and congress is the scapegoat for Obama

  20. #20
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    Congress is their own worst problem. Nobody thinks they are doing a good job.

  21. #21
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    As said nothing will be fixed until we separate special interest groups from politicians

  22. #22
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    this clip shows garrett morrison at a parol hearing, and this is his answer as to what he would do when he gets out....

    garrett morrison is funnier than hell

    substitute the word "whitey" for the word "politicians" and you get the idea

    Lmao nice...

    So... the problems start small as well. Many people don't even vote for local county and state laws, and they pay absolutely no attention to what's being passed in their own towns! We need to stop bitching about the affairs of our country and DO something. Too many people whining and pointing fingers and not enough actual action being taken!

    To really do something we have to represent ourselves and give our leaders something to actually try and represent for us! Not just claim "oh it's our leader's job to represent the people", when half the people don't even vote or give 2 fvcks about anything! They just want what's "their right" and expect everyone else to work for it, then complain when tax season comes around.

    Seriously, get off your high horses and go down to the local library, learn your fvcking political representatives names and your mayor and become part of the community and country you want to change. That's the only way to make things happen, to DO IT.

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