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Thread: ** Balanced Budget? **

  1. #1

    ** Balanced Budget? **

    I heard on the news tonight that 75% of Americans want the budget to be balanced. i really wasn't surprised at all, until I really started thinking about it.

    If 75% of the population wants the budget to be balanced then 25% of the population does not want the budget to be balanced! Keep in mind that the poll was not whether there should be an amendment to the Constitution requiring a balanced budget but rather just should the budget be balanced or not. So the question is, what kind of logic (or lack thereof IMO) could justify not wanting the budget to be balanced?

    Someone please explain this to me as surely I'm missing something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    its all how they word the question to people. The rarely ever tell you how they exactly ask the people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Read the polling further for a better suprise...

    Most Americans don't want them to touch their social programs.

    Balance the budget, but not on my back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    That's because when people say the government needs cut, government spending they/we are talking about government personal entitlements, freebeis, pet programs that does nothing for you or me, personal assistants who run for coffee, espresso, pick up laundry, multi million or billion special programs for their friends research, free life long medical and extremely high retirement after only 1 or 2 terms. They need to cut the government waste.

    The governments idea of cutting spending has everything to do with you and me. To them the only thing to cut is education, medical, SSI, police, fire, everything that is for us. They have no plan or concept that cutting spending should start with them personally.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    everybody wants something for nothing... the basic premise behind the quid pro quo... "social programs for votes..." and "tax cuts for wealthy for votes..." both parties are guilty of it

    we all knew that someday, someone was going to have to pay for all the bullshit we've been giving away for free. Problem is, you give something to someone one time, the next time they feel they are entitled to it. And folks, it looks like that day is coming real soon, if not here already. So like it or not, the music has stopped, and the piper wants to be paid...

  6. #6
    Most, if not all the states require their budgets to be balanced every session. However, the federal gov't does not have to balance its books because it can borrow/print money, which the states can't do.

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