just wondering. If you have any storys or anything you could post them up.
just wondering. If you have any storys or anything you could post them up.
still havent seen one so i'll opt for no
neither have I and I don't want to I'm going to assume they are not until there is proof.
Last edited by TBrah; 08-01-2011 at 12:51 AM.
If i had to bet a dollar one way or the other, i'd have to say no, as in probably not.
but only if we define a ghost as the "soul" of a deceased person, trapped here, and unable to evolve to the next level.
I'm not even sure I believe there is a soul. Defined as a little piece of "the almighty"
but there have been times when I was a kid I would have argued differently...
When my mom passed away the first night I went to sleep I thought she was in my room the whole night. I even thought I heard her breathing(even held my breath to hear it) It could just be our minds playing tricks!
ghosts exist inside heads not outside them
yeah there has been some weird shit going on in my house that I just cannot comeup with a reason why it happened. If they are 100% not real then there is an explanation for it and I just can't figure it out. Well, most of it I can there is just one specific incident which I cannot.
and sorry about your mom Necrosaro
Last edited by TBrah; 08-01-2011 at 01:02 AM.
it's interesting how powerful the mind is. Schizophrenics that hear voices will tell you those voices are real. does it make them real? probably not, but I'd say we don't know 100% for sure. Never heard of a study testing whether or not they were.
But I think ghosts might be the same way. Whereas schizophrenics hear voices and swear they are real, ghosts could be the visual manifestation of more or less, the same thing.... a hulacination
of course, i could be wrong.
The mind is something we are not even close to figuring out yet and how things affect it even from our lives. Joan of Arc was a good example lol
true. I'm not freaking out though but I can't say the same for my neighbor he won't come over anymore but he watches a lot of the show ghost adventures from the scify channel (and I think the main guy from that show juices lol srsly) if I hadn't recently watched that and a ghost movie I wouldn't have even made this thread. I'm going to assume he's being a ***** and that ghosts are as real as big foot/vampires and go to sleep lol.
Last edited by TBrah; 08-01-2011 at 01:35 AM.
Cant say yes, cant say no. I have seen/experienced many things but most could be explained away by tricks of the mind but still some have been quite fun, interesting so I wouldn't rule out anything just yet. Are they ghost as in dead people, trapped spirits??? It could be many things, parallel dimensions or?
You know what they say the best way for getting rid of spirits or ghosts is?
Having a naked chic in your bedroom!![]()
I'm pretty level headed and don't buy into outthere ideas.
But based on experiences....100% yes
When you eat Count Chocula in bed it releases the spirits of the dead.
i think it is more likely there are E.T's visiting us than ghosts...
personal standards? hmmmm......
Definitely believe. Its possible I've seen but I was very young so it could have been something else. If it wasn't a ghost then its even more weird though. either way I don't believe it because of the possibility of experience.
Yes I believe upto a point..
What irks me is that everyone associates ghosts with dead people. I wonder if "ghosts" are some sort of rare physical phenomena that occurs every now and then that science hasn't yet been able to explain.
I was molested by a ghost named Ted.
Never seen one.
I don't beliave in ghosts until I will see one.
To this date haven't seen any![]()
My sisters house is haunted, weird shit happens there all the time, doors closing on their own, lights switching on by themselves, hearing foot steps up stairs when nobody else is home, creepy stuff.
about 6 Years ago my aunt passed away, she lived out in the country not alot of houses around, my two brothers and I stayed at her house the night after she passed away, we were sleeping in the living room and hear someone banging on the wall from her room, so all three of us go check it out, and nobody was there, we searched the whole house. Some other strange things happened in that house, I would never spend a night there by myself.
Even in the house I am living in now, I will be sleeping and in the middle of the night my covers get yanked off, it freaks me the fvck out, but that hasn't happened in awhile. So to answer your question, yes I think ghosts exist.
I have an aunt all weird n shit.... believes in ghosts, claims to have seen them several times.... had a couple of psychic experiences.
It was all when she was younger. Now, I think it may have been just to get attention.
Had a GF once... after I broke it off with her, she got all weird, claimed she was a wiccan (she called it a witch)... I think she was just looking for some attention too
People believing that Existence only goes as far as things that the eye meets NEVER cease to amaze me. Heck, even in science (where everything depends on "cold and hard facts") there are paradoxes...shouldn't this tell people that there MIGHT be more out there than we can perceive?
To answer your questions, yes, ghosts are very real. I wouldn't worry about ghosts though...they're 'nothing' compared to the real nasty demons, or beings of the lower vibratory planes (No, I'm not talking about Hell. Hell doesn't exist.)
Among magicians, there is a big debate if daemons, gods and angels have an existence of their own, or if they are different aspects of your subconscious. I tend to believe that it's both, it's up to you to permit them entry into YOUR [perception of the] world.
One thing that people don't realize is how REAL your OWN perception/imagination is. There is no 'reality', it's what you make it to be.
Times Roman, you said that schizophrenics hear voices and think they are real....yet, you added that you believe they are not. Well, if they really DO hear the voices, then, for them, they ARE real. People need to realize that BECAUSE everybody is different, and has a slightly different perception of what is 'real', 'reality' as we are trying to define it does NOT exist.
Here, I'm going to let Terence McKenna talk for me on the subject of Schizophrenia:
Now, how far you are willing to step into the madness is your choice of course...and trust me, ignorance is bliss when it comes to subjects like the perception of different dimensions, 'ghosts' and spirits, the occult, magick and all the good stuff. It's just that after you attain a certain amount of knowledge/wisdom, there is no turning back. You CAN'T go back to think like most of society does, because you know 'better'.
I know, most of you will think that I'm crazy...and, I AM. But madness isn't to be feared for it liberates us of all the unnecessary dogma that we live with. Now, being able to control your madness and completely slipping into it and losing yourself are two DIFFERENT things. No, I do NOT plan to ending up in an asylum (which, BTW, ****s people up worse than they already are. Imagine that you have the tendency to be slightly "odd", whatever that means, and then they put you in this place where EVERYBODY is crazy, tell you on a daily basis that "you have a problem", and put you on all these drugs....that'll drive ANYBODY nuts! Asylums destroy lives, and don't change them for the better).
OP, there's nothing to fear. Most of them times ghosts will try to get the attention of people because they themselves are scared, lost and don't know what to do. Also, an intermediate/advanced magician will be able to open gates for them to pass through and continue their journey.
You must realize that the human can 'train' himself mentally and spiritually to a point where even the most mighty demon could no match his/her will power. EVERYBODY has that potential. ALL of US (and that includes you, whoever is reading this) have psychic abilities (like clairvoyance, clairaudience {which I believe is why some 'schizophrenics' hear voices}, clair-sentience, etc), but we just have not uncovered them yet.
All of our journeys are to end up in the same place, which ultimately is Enlightenment and Ascension. How many lifetimes it'll take YOU is, really, up to YOU.
And please, no sarcasm or flaming and all that. I'm up to having a serious discussion about the metaphysical and the 'unseen', but only as long as you can at least respect my opinions (for I will stay respectful to you as well. And I'm not trying to force my views on to anybody. Of course you don't have to BELIEVE any of this, but at least RESPECT it).
To the OP, ghosts ARE real, and I have had my experiences with spirits, 'demons' and angels. However, they don't even begin to scratch the surface on what is "out there".
Bless you all, and have a nice day![]()
Last edited by Alphatier; 08-01-2011 at 11:07 AM.
Yes, I saw the same one on more than one occasion at a bar I used to work at.
nothing but hocus pocus
LOL why would you post that I ****ing screamed haha I almost flipped my chair over
Buckwheat saw a ghost
Last edited by Shol'va; 08-01-2011 at 05:04 PM.
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