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Thread: "Warning" Gay Marriage Discussion

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Sholva i have a question for you

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I will just say this.I aint anti gay.People are people wat ever they maybe.But God said Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.So before you go rantig on this statementLet us ask ourselfs why.Why do we as a socity pick apart the Bible to justify wat we want.Just so we may feel better about ourselfs.1st it was the lawyers picking our constution apart.Now its this.So all I got to say is if you want to do it bad enough just do it.No need to try to justify it.
    Hey Songdog no rant from me....just a slight correction. Yes god made Adam And Eve but he also made Adam And Steve as well and me and you.

  3. #83
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I will just say this.I aint anti gay.People are people wat ever they maybe.But God said Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.So before you go rantig on this statementLet us ask ourselfs why.Why do we as a socity pick apart the Bible to justify wat we want.Just so we may feel better about ourselfs.1st it was the lawyers picking our constution apart.Now its this.So all I got to say is if you want to do it bad enough just do it.No need to try to justify it.
    I think that is fine for peoples personal opinion. But not everyone believes in the bible or god. and there are plenty of different religions in this country. I dont think religious beliefs should be taken into account for making law.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post

    Sholva i have a question for you

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    excellent point. I want to see sombody try to argue this one
    post #20

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    If they think we (westerners) are the cause of all there problems, then they are sadly mistaken. All there problems come from there government. Its just easier for them to blame the US.
    yeah their governments definitely use the people and generate anger for agendas but its also a reflection of the culture which is why so many go along with it. before yasser arafat was in charge he was the grass roots over there when he started out. basically this is true in any of those countries who dont keep a royal family in charge.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    What am I chopped liver? You ask the virtues so I'm guessing that you mean the virtues of gays being married as in same sex marriage? Well lets see now, hmmm, let me think about that one. You know one thing is, no wait, that ain't right, well then there is, no that wont work either. On second thought I can't think of any. I'll get back to you on that.......
    Ok I'm back, well I had to do some meditation, and then it came to me, I'll google Virtue for further reference to the specifics of this question and so I did and this is the out come....
    Virtue: Is a moral excellence, A virtue is a trait or quality subjectively deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being.
    So I'm watching Jerry Springer, Maurey Povich, Dr. Phill, Oprah Winfrey on tv every day with married couples screwing around on each other and wanting divorces all the friggen time
    So that got me to thinking what kind of marriage has that? You know Virtue? Definitely not the straight one. So why should gays be held to any more of a standard than straights? Eh such is life. But from my perspective personally I don't care about marriage license or the marriage itself, but I want those rights, protections and privileges that straight marriage incurs.
    Ok, i'll bite.. the purpose of marriage is an idea that Men came up with (not women) the reason was to ensure (or rather to better ensure) that no other man was impregnating her. The "laws of the land" in the most recent history do not discriminate in most states or rather in regards property rights, medical health decisions and rights to access the person's time..

    I guess the next thing is (since "marriage" is a religious ceremony historically speaking) the churches and should be stripped of their tax exempt status if they do not bend to the will of the people???

    Wow, that brings up so many issues.. The will of the people, also known as democracy, or mob rule.

    This isn't directed at you S, only to hold the conversation on point..
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  8. #88
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    No worries. But you do bring up a good point. Why do churches get to be allowed tax exempt status? And can I become a church so I can get it also? I have mixed feelings about churches, on the one hand some have done great work with helping the poor and needy. But on the other hand some have done so much damage to individuals like me who had me hating my very existence and feeling like I was worthy of death. The old turn or burn routines and then to only find out these preachers were having their own affairs with men and women in the back of the church. So I don't care if they bend to the peoples will or not, I'm just curious why they are special enough to be tax exempt when we are not.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Ok, i'll bite.. the purpose of marriage is an idea that Men came up with (not women) the reason was to ensure (or rather to better ensure) that no other man was impregnating her. The "laws of the land" in the most recent history do not discriminate in most states or rather in regards property rights, medical health decisions and rights to access the person's time..

    I guess the next thing is (since "marriage" is a religious ceremony historically speaking) the churches and should be stripped of their tax exempt status if they do not bend to the will of the people???

    Wow, that brings up so many issues.. The will of the people, also known as democracy, or mob rule.

    This isn't directed at you S, only to hold the conversation on point..
    If thats the case then whats the reason for not letting them marry... i mean you dont have to worry about a man inpregnating another man right? And if homosexuality was SOOOOOO wrong why did jesus only mention it one time? I belive he mentioned not juging others and love thy nieghbor much more often then he mentioned homosexuality. And it homosexuality is not natural then why does it occur in nature? The religious arguments are garbage and we have reserved the right not to cross church and state. With that said I want to hear a "real" reason why gay marriage should be banned. I can justify anything i do with biblical refrences but that doesnt make me right... its more less a way of justifying my reaction to an uncomfterble situation.

  10. #90
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Ok, i'll bite.. the purpose of marriage is an idea that Men came up with (not women) the reason was to ensure (or rather to better ensure) that no other man was impregnating her. The "laws of the land" in the most recent history do not discriminate in most states or rather in regards property rights, medical health decisions and rights to access the person's time..

    I guess the next thing is (since "marriage" is a religious ceremony historically speaking) the churches and should be stripped of their tax exempt status if they do not bend to the will of the people???

    Wow, that brings up so many issues.. The will of the people, also known as democracy, or mob rule.

    This isn't directed at you S, only to hold the conversation on point..
    This is exactly the reason we are not strictly a democracy. They wanted to prevent the majority, in this case religious people, from forcing their beliefs on the minority, in this case homosexuals. However, our system is not perfect and the wheels of justice turn slowly.

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