Originally Posted by
First Timer 42
Damien...I poured my heart out on this subject in another thread.
American beer sucks, period!
I´ve been here for 20 years, sampled all beers through all states.
It´s like they have no respect for the process of brewing, storing, serving beer.
Maybe because Americans never became critical of their beer.
It´s like a Football/Beer/hotdog/sportsbar culture.
Travel any country in Europe, walk into pretty much any joint, U are poured fresh, perfectly tempered, perfect foam, perfectly stored brew almost every time.
Just take Prague. Tiny beer joints on every street corner. Absolutely perfect delicious Staropramen every single time...amazing!!
Just don´t do draft in the US.
Did u know most of the bars have their barrels way back in a storage room with 30, 40, 50, 60 feet supply lines to the tap?
Imagine what the rubber/plastic lines is doing to the quality of the beer!!
Did u know these supply lines are for the most part in the ceilings??....Above air-conditioned air.....laying in sweltering 120 degree temp, growing mold inside of the plastic lines?!?!?
The only time I get headache from beer is in the US.
The original German brewmasters would rise from their grave if they saw the disrespect of the old art of brewing.
In Las Vegas now, and actually reflected over your OP yesterday. I really want to enjoy a beer here, but I do bottled water instead for the above reasons.
By the way...I´m up on the house.....and will leave Las Vegas a winner!!!!!!!