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Thread: Why is beer so hideous in America

  1. #1
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    Why is beer so hideous in America

    Jesus you can't have a good pint of beer well rather glass of beer over there. I spent 2 weeks across the pond and it was shocking to get beer over there Even Guinness is muck Good quality spirits over there though they where good And why does ice never melt

  2. #2
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    Beer is for alcoholics...

  3. #3
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    I think I drank about 80 pints over the 2 weeks maybe more lol.

  4. #4
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    ? Guinness is Irish. anyhow, what beers did you try? The good beers are usually "micro brews", from small local breweries that try to have a quality, unique flavor. I drink foreign beers too, but I like Samuel Adams alot.

  5. #5
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    Yeh Guinness is irish but their is a specific way of pouring it. I have had pretty much everything, IPA, Magic Hat and loads more I can't really remember. Drafts aren't great but bottles are ok.

  6. #6
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    You are kidding, right? The US has some of the best beer in the world...

    St. Stan's
    Sierra Nevada
    and on and on...

    the only way what you said makes any sense is if you are thinking bud, budlite, coors, coorslite....

  7. #7
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    Nope, it's mainly from draft I think they are horrible there flat for some reason. I know bud is crap it's equally crap over here Miller was ok when it was brewed under license in Ireland but it's moved to Germany now and become hideous. Beer and any beer really depends on the water. As you can tell that Guinness is brewed in the US and not the same as back home.

  8. #8
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    Seriously, I've traveled all over the world. Even lived in Germany, even been tothe Octoberfest in Munich twice. So I've had some good exposure to what the different countries brew.
    Came home, couldn't find the beers I loved (this was many years ago), so brewed my own for five years.
    But let me tell you something. The beers coming out of our microbreweries, some of them, are top notch. There's a little microbrewery in Modesto, Ca called St. Stan's brewery. they brew some incredible beer right there on sight.
    Sooo.... if you opinion is that American beers suck, or hideous, your words, then to me that just simply means you haven't really sampled any of the quality stuff we have to offer. And that is a shame, cause we definately make some kick ass brew.

  9. #9
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    I'd agree with you on the micro breweries they are always going to be great because the people take their time in brewing them and use proper ingredients. Really what I should be saying is why is draft beer so flat in America? I have had beer in Vegas, LA and San Fran and SD to be honest all of them where flat be it american beers or european. Even Peroni was flat which was crazy it has to be something to do with the drafts maybe? The taps are different than european ones.

    Oh I agree that their has to be some proper beers but as I said it maybe the way they are poured or the glasses but there is something that is making them all flat for no reason.

    Like you I have been all over europe too drinking and some places are bad but others you can get a very good pint were as nearly all of the places I have been in the US wheren't great.
    Last edited by DCI; 08-01-2011 at 09:46 AM.

  10. #10
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    is that what you are basing it on?
    most bars, maybe not most, but many of them... their beer is flat because they are not using a CO2 injection system, or if they are, they do not have it turned up very high.
    tap beer is typically flat. if you put too much pressure from your CO2 injector, there is a tendency to get alot of foam. so most bartenders have it turned low, which makes it seem flat. compared to bottled beer. beer is ALWAYS best from a dark, opaque bottle.

    so the reason for this thread is because you've been drinking flat tap beer? wow!

  11. #11
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    Yep because tap beer in ireland is actually very nice hence me finding it a bit shocking coming over to America. I thought it would be on par. Yah bottled beer is generally nicer as it is bottled at soruce etc. Hence why I asking on here why it is crap. You seem to be taking a bit to heart.

  12. #12
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    I don't know what the deal is with Americans and beer. It's not that America can't make great beer, it's that most Americans don't bother with it for some reason. I've been to parties where I went out of my way to bring good, quality beer only so people can sidestep it and grab the Natural Ice. I've been in bierhauses here and seen people order Bud Light and Why the hell would you go to a bar that specializes in quality beers and then order garbage?

    And Guinness...most Americans hate Guinness. The problem here is that 1) Most bars don't keep a FRESH supply of it. 2) Most bartenders don't pour it right. I love Guinness, but I also know how a bad pour can totally ruin it...most Americans don't know that, so they just assume Guinness is gross.

  13. #13
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    beer is gross.

  14. #14
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    yea nooomoto, its crazy! I wondered if its simply the marketing ads and low prices, starting them drinking crap young, and your typical american doesn't like change, especially foods and drinks. Those mass produced beers are as basic and bland as a beer can get. also, I love guinness, and only drink it from a bottle.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    yea nooomoto, its crazy! I wondered if its simply the marketing ads and low prices, starting them drinking crap young, and your typical american doesn't like change, especially foods and drinks. Those mass produced beers are as basic and bland as a beer can get. also, I love guinness, and only drink it from a bottle.
    I think it could be a combination of the marketing and the way/reason some people drink. I think a lot of people drink to get shitfaced, not for the joy/social aspect of drinking. If you're drinking to get drunk, then I guess a 12 pack for $10 sounds awesome. I'd rather pay more and enjoy the experience, quality over quantity for me.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I don't know what the deal is with Americans and beer. It's not that America can't make great beer, it's that most Americans don't bother with it for some reason. I've been to parties where I went out of my way to bring good, quality beer only so people can sidestep it and grab the Natural Ice. I've been in bierhauses here and seen people order Bud Light and Why the hell would you go to a bar that specializes in quality beers and then order garbage?

    And Guinness...most Americans hate Guinness. The problem here is that 1) Most bars don't keep a FRESH supply of it. 2) Most bartenders don't pour it right. I love Guinness, but I also know how a bad pour can totally ruin it...most Americans don't know that, so they just assume Guinness is gross.

    You summed it up fairly well all of these pubs I went into supposedly specialised in beer etc. Yet it all was flat and didn't taste right for some reason. I know guinness is an acquired taste but people over there didn't pour it right as in they poured it like a regular beer without letting it settle etc and topping it off correctly. Buddy got one and nearly fell off the chair it was that bad. It seems speed is in the order for pub's over there than actually knowing how to pour a drink which is strange seen as they all know how to do cocktails perfectly.

    @ Gb man up

  17. #17
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    lol Vodka ftw beer is for kids

    I'll have a couple at a bbq or pool. I've tried Guinness and i really cant stand the taste but its way to thick and heavy to enjoy as a drink

  18. #18
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    Damien...I poured my heart out on this subject in another thread.
    American beer sucks, period!

    I´ve been here for 20 years, sampled all beers through all states.
    It´s like they have no respect for the process of brewing, storing, serving beer.

    Maybe because Americans never became critical of their beer.
    It´s like a Football/Beer/hotdog/sportsbar culture.

    Travel any country in Europe, walk into pretty much any joint, U are poured fresh, perfectly tempered, perfect foam, perfectly stored brew almost every time.

    Just take Prague. Tiny beer joints on every street corner. Absolutely perfect delicious Staropramen every single time...amazing!!

    Just don´t do draft in the US.
    Did u know most of the bars have their barrels way back in a storage room with 30, 40, 50, 60 feet supply lines to the tap?
    Imagine what the rubber/plastic lines is doing to the quality of the beer!!
    Did u know these supply lines are for the most part in the ceilings??....Above air-conditioned air.....laying in sweltering 120 degree temp, growing mold inside of the plastic lines?!?!?
    The only time I get headache from beer is in the US.

    The original German brewmasters would rise from their grave if they saw the disrespect of the old art of brewing.

    In Las Vegas now, and actually reflected over your OP yesterday. I really want to enjoy a beer here, but I do bottled water instead for the above reasons.

    By the way...I´m up on the house.....and will leave Las Vegas a winner!!!!!!!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    lol Vodka ftw beer is for kids

    I'll have a couple at a bbq or pool. I've tried Guinness and i really cant stand the taste but its way to thick and heavy to enjoy as a drink
    I drink Vodka too as I said spirits are good in the US and that be about it. I like spirits but I also like to enjoy a nice beer too it's good to have food but anytime I had it with a proper dinner I was in bits after it.

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Damien...I poured my heart out on this subject in another thread.
    American beer sucks, period!

    I´ve been here for 20 years, sampled all beers through all states.
    It´s like they have no respect for the process of brewing, storing, serving beer.

    Maybe because Americans never became critical of their beer.
    It´s like a Football/Beer/hotdog/sportsbar culture.

    Travel any country in Europe, walk into pretty much any joint, U are poured fresh, perfectly tempered, perfect foam, perfectly stored brew almost every time.

    Just take Prague. Tiny beer joints on every street corner. Absolutely perfect delicious Staropramen every single time...amazing!!

    Just don´t do draft in the US.
    Did u know most of the bars have their barrels way back in a storage room with 30, 40, 50, 60 feet supply lines to the tap?
    Imagine what the rubber/plastic lines is doing to the quality of the beer!!
    Did u know these supply lines are for the most part in the ceilings??....Above air-conditioned air.....laying in sweltering 120 degree temp, growing mold inside of the plastic lines?!?!?
    The only time I get headache from beer is in the US.

    The original German brewmasters would rise from their grave if they saw the disrespect of the old art of brewing.

    In Las Vegas now, and actually reflected over your OP yesterday. I really want to enjoy a beer here, but I do bottled water instead for the above reasons.

    By the way...I´m up on the house.....and will leave Las Vegas a winner!!!!!!!
    Nice work in being on top in Vegas Yep and the length of the lines etc have a massive amount to do with the quality of beer out of the draft. The further away the lines the harder it is to get a constant pint and as you say cold one. Also ye need proper pint glasses not this crappy over half pint imo. Stout is a strange thing to drink you love it or hate. I personally am not really into it. It's something you have to drink a good bit before you enjoy it really.

  20. #20
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    hoegaarden is the only beer i can drink now, lagers are piss water. leffe isnt bad either

  21. #21
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    I got some 750ml of hoegarden it's nice but you have really make sure it's ice cold lol. Some of the new Ale's being produced are nice.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    I got some 750ml of hoegarden it's nice but you have really make sure it's ice cold lol. Some of the new Ale's being produced are nice.
    oh no mate, you need hoegaarden just slightly less than room temp. if too cold you loss some of the flavour and aroma. i generally remove from fridge uncap and let it sit for 30mins

  23. #23
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    Yeh? I've always had it cold from the bulmers lad I get it from he was saying that's the way he drinks it as they are the distributers for it over here. Nice gear you can get it on draft in Galway

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    Yeh? I've always had it cold from the bulmers lad I get it from he was saying that's the way he drinks it as they are the distributers for it over here. Nice gear you can get it on draft in Galway
    try it the other way and you'll taste alot more

  25. #25
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    I'm with gixxer vodka is where it's at!

    There's an Irish pub near me that I go to sometimes and I've drank a couple Guinnesses there. It's weird because I really don't care for beer but I don't mind Guinness which shocks a lot of people.

    First time I tried Guinness was in an Irish car bomb. Those things will get you tanked but generally don't settle well.

    Like someone said above: Most Americans drink to get drunk so when you're at a bar or club a $3 budlight is more appealing than a $6 import. Another thing to think about is sports arenas impact on this. Most stadiums only serve budlight, budweiser, and bud select. With the exception of a few that are sponsored by companies like coors or miller. This ha caused Americans to be ok with drinking these regularly as it's what they are used to and it gets the job done and at $9 a beer at most stadiums I'd hate to see what they'd charge for imports.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I'm with gixxer vodka is where it's at!

    There's an Irish pub near me that I go to sometimes and I've drank a couple Guinnesses there. It's weird because I really don't care for beer but I don't mind Guinness which shocks a lot of people.

    First time I tried Guinness was in an Irish car bomb. Those things will get you tanked but generally don't settle well.

    Like someone said above: Most Americans drink to get drunk so when you're at a bar or club a $3 budlight is more appealing than a $6 import. Another thing to think about is sports arenas impact on this. Most stadiums only serve budlight, budweiser, and bud select. With the exception of a few that are sponsored by companies like coors or miller. This ha caused Americans to be ok with drinking these regularly as it's what they are used to and it gets the job done and at $9 a beer at most stadiums I'd hate to see what they'd charge for imports.
    i think these three beers are the most vile piss to ever be put on a shelf, bud esp as it gives a banging headache even before the morn!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    I got some 750ml of hoegarden it's nice but you have really make sure it's ice cold lol. Some of the new Ale's being produced are nice.
    i had a really nice dark ale leffe in portugal in may, gorgeous stuff. prob get it in the upmarket specialist offy's here

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I don't know what the deal is with Americans and beer. It's not that America can't make great beer, it's that most Americans don't bother with it for some reason. I've been to parties where I went out of my way to bring good, quality beer only so people can sidestep it and grab the Natural Ice. I've been in bierhauses here and seen people order Bud Light and Why the hell would you go to a bar that specializes in quality beers and then order garbage?

    And Guinness...most Americans hate Guinness. The problem here is that 1) Most bars don't keep a FRESH supply of it. 2) Most bartenders don't pour it right. I love Guinness, but I also know how a bad pour can totally ruin it...most Americans don't know that, so they just assume Guinness is gross.
    love guinness. creamy and smooth and rich! went to texas road house and ordered a guinness. lady bartender poured it real fast and handed me a mug full of foam. i told her guinness takes time to pour... you have to basically dribble it into the glass slowly. she said she aint got time for all that nonsense, do i want the beer or not? she doens't have a clue, she doesn't like the beer (my assumption), and pouring a beer slow doesn't get her a tip any faster.

    another point. if you drink in imported guinness here inthe states, itis much different than at the source. beer does not travel well. it oxidizes when it is splashed around. it gets off flavors when exposed to temperatures. and it ages over a short period of time...

    if you want a good representation of tap beer, you MUST go to the source. American beer is shipped all over America, something NOT commonly done in Europe. In europe, beer is typically drinken at the source, or very close to it. Here, you can get draft beer 3,000 miles away from the source. so before you make comparisions, to be fair, make sure you are drinking the draft beer where it is made.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    beer is gross.
    i think most men would disagree with that statement?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    beer is gross.
    I picture GB as more of a Zima guy
    Last edited by jasc; 08-01-2011 at 09:54 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    I picture GB as more of a Zima guy
    No he likes Vodka, like Smirnoff Ice.

  32. #32
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    I dont know about the U.S but Canada has some great beers! sleemans and alexander keiths alot! not sure if you can get them in the U.S? Molson also makes some really good beers I think they own rickards which is great stuff!

    Molson just came out with microcarbonated beer its actually really good! its a great light beer and it doesnt bloat you like regular beer...didnt think it would be all the good but its really good!

  33. #33
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    bottom line... where ever you go... drink the best local stuff

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    love guinness. creamy and smooth and rich! went to texas road house and ordered a guinness. lady bartender poured it real fast and handed me a mug full of foam. i told her guinness takes time to pour... you have to basically dribble it into the glass slowly. she said she aint got time for all that nonsense, do i want the beer or not? she doens't have a clue, she doesn't like the beer (my assumption), and pouring a beer slow doesn't get her a tip any faster.

    another point. if you drink in imported guinness here inthe states, itis much different than at the source. beer does not travel well. it oxidizes when it is splashed around. it gets off flavors when exposed to temperatures. and it ages over a short period of time...

    if you want a good representation of tap beer, you MUST go to the source. American beer is shipped all over America, something NOT commonly done in Europe. In europe, beer is typically drinken at the source, or very close to it. Here, you can get draft beer 3,000 miles away from the source. so before you make comparisions, to be fair, make sure you are drinking the draft beer where it is made.
    We have quite a few microbreweries here in Miami, so I've had fresh beer. To me though, nothing beats a cold Dinkel Acker Dark from the bottle into a glass...which is the only way I can get it. Jesus, I want one now.

    Also, I've had great tasting Guinness poured properly, it's just REALLY hard to find around here as most places in Miami are high volume most of the time so a server taking the time to pour is a rarity.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    i think most men would disagree with that statement?
    I'm not most men.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    We have quite a few microbreweries here in Miami, so I've had fresh beer. To me though, nothing beats a cold Dinkel Acker Dark from the bottle into a glass...which is the only way I can get it. Jesus, I want one now.

    Also, I've had great tasting Guinness poured properly, it's just REALLY hard to find around here as most places in Miami are high volume most of the time so a server taking the time to pour is a rarity.
    love that beer.... dark, lightly hopped, slightly sweet, moderate body, rich creamy head with rings all the way down the glass when you drink.... ahhh!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I'm not most men.
    can't argue with that! =)

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    No he likes Vodka, like Smirnoff Ice.
    mikes hard lemonade. A couple of them and i'm tipsy

  39. #39
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    Doesn't make any sense to me cause our beer is usually brewed from the land of sky blue waters...

    But then again our waters are no longer sky blue.

  40. #40
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    damn you guys! haven't had a beer in months, and now I've got the thirst!!

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