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  1. #1
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Found the best Dr. ever

    So i needed to find a new genral practitioner. I went last week and saw the nurse practitioner. Told all my problems plus my hrt. She say come back next week i'll meet with the Dr., do some bloodwork and if My T is low they will give me a script.
    So i go today. Meet the Dr. personality is awesome. First name basis. He is dropping the f-bomb all the time. So i tell him about the trt. He asked if i was taking cyp, i said yes at 200mg every 2 weeks. He goes here's a script for a year at 200mg every 10 days. Have fun. He goes ill never check your test level again i don't really care what they are as long as you feel good. he will just monitor other levels for side effects, ie liver prostate estro.

  2. #2
    TBrah's Avatar
    TBrah is offline Associate Member
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    WHAT? dude that's awesome

  3. #3
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    That's just plain sick, disgusting. I can't believe there are doctors even practicing with attitudes like that. This just makes my skin crawl. BTW where is he located and is he taking on more patients.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    So i needed to find a new genral practitioner. I went last week and saw the nurse practitioner. Told all my problems plus my hrt. She say come back next week i'll meet with the Dr., do some bloodwork and if My T is low they will give me a script.
    So i go today. Meet the Dr. personality is awesome. First name basis. He is dropping the f-bomb all the time. So i tell him about the trt. He asked if i was taking cyp, i said yes at 200mg every 2 weeks. He goes here's a script for a year at 200mg every 10 days. Have fun. He goes ill never check your test level again i don't really care what they are as long as you feel good. he will just monitor other levels for side effects, ie liver prostate estro.
    lucky so and so, my doc will monitor my self prescribed trt but wont script me

  5. #5
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Ok ok I just remembered your still in Fla. That explains that good Doc of yours. Man there are some up here who travel all the way down there monthly just to see those drive thru pain docs. Business is booming in Fla.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    the only thing better than that is just being able to walk in the pharm and getting what ever it is you want....

    ....just like I do! =)

  7. #7
    warchild's Avatar
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    sweeeetttttt man!

  8. #8
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Sounds like you are a lucky duck....
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  9. #9
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the only thing better than that is just being able to walk in the pharm and getting what ever it is you want....

    ....just like I do! =)
    I'm sending you some self addressed shipping crates with my wish list.

  10. #10
    goodlifting is offline Associate Member
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    dude that's so awesome. how old are you if you don't mind me asking?

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    I'm 34.

  12. #12
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I'm 54.
    Wow I had no idea you were older than TR.

  13. #13
    chi's Avatar
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    gixxer happy as hell for you and jealous at the same time!!!

  14. #14
    spywizard's Avatar
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    i like that doctor
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  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Wow I had no idea you were older than TR.
    you said 54 not 104 . At 54 i could be TR's kid

  16. #16
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you said 54 not 104 . At 54 i could be TR's kid
    One of many I'm sure as he's an ole whore dog from way back. They say he was really something before the days of electricity.

  17. #17
    PitMaster's Avatar
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    So basically he just gave u a free pass to cycle whenever you want, If you still do is another thing. That's some good head room to work with. He's proly on trt himself that's why he can relate and doesn't see the need to make it such a painful process for u. Lucky dog!

  18. #18
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Crikey thats awesome we are so backward here in Australia we need docs like that lol....

  19. #19
    stpete is offline Banned
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  20. #20
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    So i needed to find a new genral practitioner. I went last week and saw the nurse practitioner. Told all my problems plus my hrt. She say come back next week i'll meet with the Dr., do some bloodwork and if My T is low they will give me a script.
    So i go today. Meet the Dr. personality is awesome. First name basis. He is dropping the f-bomb all the time. So i tell him about the trt. He asked if i was taking cyp, i said yes at 200mg every 2 weeks. He goes here's a script for a year at 200mg every 10 days. Have fun. He goes ill never check your test level again i don't really care what they are as long as you feel good. he will just monitor other levels for side effects, ie liver prostate estro.
    Can you pm me his name? I'm in Miami and my gp is a moron.

  21. #21
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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  22. #22
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    One of many I'm sure as he's an ole whore dog from way back. They say he was really something before the days of electricity.
    Electricity? You kids and your tech! I don't keep up with that new fangled shit! =)

  23. #23
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Electricity? You kids and your tech! I don't keep up with that new fangled shit! =)
    lol Yeah I forgot gas lamps were in vogue back then.

  24. #24
    ShadowWarrior646 is offline New Member
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    my Dr just ran a serum or serm/sarm check and then had a receptionsit call me to say everything's fine and sent me a bill for nearly 400$.

    Then again I was only 23 and trying to figure out what the hell was up with me feeling like crap and having mood swings. High blood pressure. Too much BS..

  25. #25
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
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    So in american if your doctor does a test and says your T levels are low they can prescribe you steroids legally? Thats awesome.

    Does anyone know if that can be done in the UK?

    EDIT: Also I read elsewhere on forums I should get bloodwork done before taking steroids because that will give me vital information, does anybody know how I get that done in UK and how much it will cost?


  26. #26
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    So in american if your doctor does a test and says your T levels are low they can prescribe you steroids legally? Thats awesome.

    Does anyone know if that can be done in the UK?

    EDIT: Also I read elsewhere on forums I should get bloodwork done before taking steroids because that will give me vital information, does anybody know how I get that done in UK and how much it will cost?

    Yes to the first question. However, it seems these days that most regular family doctors in the US will only put you on creams and jells like Testim, or Androgel for fear of the big bad wolf knocking at his door (DEA). What's crazy is both the creams and the shots are schedule 3 drugs so it doesn't matter. But they are afraid of losing their license to practice and why lose their license over just a few patients who are on trt. So yeah it is legally prescribed to people with low T but it is more freely administered through Endocrinologists. Someone else will have to chime in on the UK issue though.

  27. #27
    Mr Tick's Avatar
    Mr Tick is offline Associate Member
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    Dammit im moving to Fort Lauderdale!!! Dude thats great news!! Glad u got a good doc.

  28. #28
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    My guess and this is only a guess would be to call around to different doctors in your nearby community and ask if they prescribe testosterone shots for men with low-T and if they do just make an appointment.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Tick View Post
    Dammit im moving to Fort Lauderdale!!! Dude thats great news!! Glad u got a good doc.
    You guys are making me envious. Now I want to move to Florida so I can get in on all those drive thru clinics. I could drive thru McDonalds then drive thru and pick up my gear all while in the comfort of my truck. Sweet.

  30. #30
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You guys are making me envious. Now I want to move to Florida so I can get in on all those drive thru clinics. I could drive thru McDonalds then drive thru and pick up my gear all while in the comfort of my truck. Sweet.
    come on down. I'm sure you can find some good men in south beach too

  31. #31
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    I've heard nothing but great things about South Beach. It's on my list for next year. I've never been to a white party yet. I'll have some bucks to spend since I'd be going solo. Looking forward to those party favors. They say the snow report for South Beach is Powder Packed Powder.

  32. #32
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Nice for you Gixx.. I plan on taking my next set of blood results to the doc I went to when I got my physical for trt. Smokin hot female bodybuilder doc. She competes in like body competitions.. i forget what they are called..not body building kinda like swimsuit contests but for fit/bodybuilding females..Anyways when I told her why i needed the physical she was all interested.we had a long conversation about HGH.. IMO she was a little to knowledgeable to not have 1st hand experience. Anyways be nice if she does the same for me..TRT clinic is killin me with the prices/processing fee/shipping fees..Congrats on your victory...

  33. #33
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    So in american if your doctor does a test and says your T levels are low they can prescribe you steroids legally? Thats awesome.

    Does anyone know if that can be done in the UK?

    EDIT: Also I read elsewhere on forums I should get bloodwork done before taking steroids because that will give me vital information, does anybody know how I get that done in UK and how much it will cost?

    family docs, endo, uro's usually testosterone only and and AI and hcg POSSIBLY...not deca , anavar , winnie, hgh, etc.

    anti aging clinics somehow dabble in those latter compounds....i still hear of rx's for deca, var, winnie....i believe its usually compounded.....GH ofcourse if u got the dollars

  34. #34
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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