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I'm a huge animal lover Dec, and any advice given by people here will be easier for them to dispense because they are not in your situation.
12 years and up is considered quite old for a cat or a dog, and if old age is catching up to her and compromising her way of life, are you simply prolonging her suffering? Look at it this way, imagine if you were kept in your home the last 7 months, and you barely left the place, and even the most mundane of tasks were agony...how would you feel? Again, it's easy for me to say this, as im not the one in your situation and if it were me, I wouldn't want to put one of my pets down so easily.
I remember years back having this big black cat called Boot. He was a real blokes cat, a bit of a scrapper and loved the attention of people. In the end, he was 14 years old and his back legs stopped working. It was heartbreaking to see a once, strong animal, look so weak and miserable. We didn't have any choice but to end his suffering and I had to leave the vets via back, I was in pieces that much.
It will be very, very hard to do, but if your dogs quality of life is being severely compromised, I think you need to do what is best for your dog.