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Thread: What brand jigsaw should I buy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey

    What brand jigsaw should I buy?

    This may go down as the most random thread in history, but as should be evident by the fact I had that thought and still proceeded to post it, I don't give a fawk!!!!

    So my old jigsaw broke and i'm ready to buy a new one. I'm a tool junkie, power tools, hand tools, love it all. I can't make up my damn mind! I'm a big Dewalt guy and most of my power stuff is Dewalt, but you know, it's an expensive brand and GB junior will be here in less than 2 months, so...

    Makita? Hitachi? Bosch? Ryobi? Cheap stuff like Skil? Or just go all out and get the Dewalt because I effin' deserve it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I never buy cheap tools. I only want to buy them once. I bought my Porter Cable-Tiger Saw about 6 years ago. It ran about 150-175. It's a lil heavy. The handle can be rotated 360 degrees for tight spots and ease of use. I think I bought the most powerful one that was made at the time. I don't know if they still make it and how good the quality is. Worth a look! This thing kicks serious ass.

    I always buy tools that are Industrial strength and can take a beating. I don't want that weekend warrior crap. I always thought Dewalt was weekend warrior crap, but things may have changed. I've never had to replace any my tools yet and my SKILLSAW wormdrive is 10 yrs. old.

    If your interested I can see If I can get the model no. and give you specs on torque and rpm.
    Last edited by PitMaster; 08-05-2011 at 05:26 PM. Reason: added

  3. #3
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    Dirty South, GA Coast
    i have two older one whose air flow created to keep the moving parts cool actually BLOWS UP SAW DUST RIGHT IN MY EYES......i have a newer dewalt in which the design was corrected to blow down at the cutting point to clear dust away from your line (while not blinding you with your own dust) ...just something to keep in mind...i honestly don't know how the former design made it through R&D....i'd go to home depot or where ever and hold them in your hands and compare features and ergonomics...been too long since i bought one (5 years) to give any opinions on new models

  4. #4
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    I never buy cheap tools. I only want to buy them once.
    I agree 1000%. This is usually my rationale whenever I buy almost anything, especially stuff that's going to take a beating. My father in law buys the cheapest shit and it ALWAYS breaks - big surprise!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    I bought my Porter Cable-Tiger Saw about 6 years ago. It ran about 150-175. It's a lil heavy. The handle can be rotated 360 degrees for tight spots and ease of use. I think I bought the most powerful one that was made at the time. I don't know if they still make it and how good the quality is. Worth a look! This thing kicks serious ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    I always buy tools that are Industrial strength and can take a beating. I don't want that weekend warrior crap. I always thought Dewalt was weekend warrior crap, but things may have changed.
    Interesting! I definitely wouldn't consider Dewalt weekend warrior level... often used and well respected in the trades, at least where I come from. Now Black & Decker or something like that... another story!

    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    I've never had to replace any my tools yet and my SKILLSAW wormdrive is 10 yrs. old.

    If your interested I can see If I can get the model no. and give you specs on torque and rpm.
    Sure mate, would appreciate that! No rush or anything. In the meantime, i'll check out ebay and craigslist to see what I can find

    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    i have two older one whose air flow created to keep the moving parts cool actually BLOWS UP SAW DUST RIGHT IN MY EYES......i have a newer dewalt in which the design was corrected to blow down at the cutting point to clear dust away from your line (while not blinding you with your own dust) ...just something to keep in mind...i honestly don't know how the former design made it through R&D....i'd go to home depot or where ever and hold them in your hands and compare features and ergonomics...been too long since i bought one (5 years) to give any opinions on new models
    WTF, that's crazy (re: blowing up)! I've kinda been digging this Makita that I played with at the store. I like Hilti too, gotta check one out but Home Depot/Lowes never has em'.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i have a milwaukee sawzall that i've put through hell and back. I'd recommend that brand

  6. #6
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    Are you redoing your bathroom

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Are you redoing your bathroom

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    This may go down as the most random thread in history, but as should be evident by the fact I had that thought and still proceeded to post it, I don't give a fawk!!!!

    So my old jigsaw broke and i'm ready to buy a new one. I'm a tool junkie, power tools, hand tools, love it all. I can't make up my damn mind! I'm a big Dewalt guy and most of my power stuff is Dewalt, but you know, it's an expensive brand and GB junior will be here in less than 2 months, so...

    Makita? Hitachi? Bosch? Ryobi? Cheap stuff like Skil? Or just go all out and get the Dewalt because I effin' deserve it?
    Bosch makes the best jigsaw if you compare it to similar models of other brands. But you can't go wrong with Makita or Dewalt either unless you're gonna get the cheapest model they make.

    Dewalt definitely isn't "weekend warrior crap".

    Leave Milwaukee to their sawzalls - that's all they're good at but they are the best.

    Porter Cable is over priced home owner grade crap with an inflated price tag.

    Ryobi could be torn apart by a toddler in about 30 seconds or by dropping it 1 time from 4 feet - complete garbage.

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    In all honesty i think of Dewalt as black and decker in black and yellow packaging.

    Bosch 1590 or a makita 4350 or 4351 imo ....
    Not too expensive and damn good saws ....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Bosch makes the best jigsaw if you compare it to similar models of other brands. But you can't go wrong with Makita or Dewalt either unless you're gonna get the cheapest model they make.

    Dewalt definitely isn't "weekend warrior crap".
    As far as their skill saws are concerned, their plastic, lightweight. Made for a boy! Skillsaw(not Skil) all metal, heavy, Torques soo hard when fired up u better hold on when cutting one handed. I even bought into their xrp drill/hammer drill, plastic 300 bucks, unbalanced heavy. Had to go rent a hammerdrill for anything bigger than an 1/8" bit. Setting lag bolts just couldn't happen.

    Leave Milwaukee to their sawzalls - that's all they're good at but they are the best.
    Decent sawzall, I agree. Still priced a lil high not as much as Porter Cable. Doesn't have as much torque as my Porter Cable (Tiger saw) or the flexibility. Sawzall lighter.

    Porter Cable is over priced home owner grade crap with an inflated price tag.
    Porter Cable saws....Junk. All brands junk unless it's all steel. Be a man get a wormdrive. I wouldn't trade my reciprocating saw for a whole kit of dewalt toys.

    Ryobi could be torn apart by a toddler in about 30 seconds or by dropping it 1 time from 4 feet - complete garbage.
    Yeah those are last minute Xmas gifts for someone u don't care about.

  11. #11
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    The Model number for the Porter Cable is 747 Tiger Saw..I'll have to get back to u on the rest the specs..Lost the book. God I Haven't taken it out of the case in awhile..I might have to dry hump that beauty and give it some love..It's sexy.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    This may go down as the most random thread in history, but as should be evident by the fact I had that thought and still proceeded to post it, I don't give a fawk!!!!

    So my old jigsaw broke and i'm ready to buy a new one. I'm a tool junkie, power tools, hand tools, love it all. I can't make up my damn mind! I'm a big Dewalt guy and most of my power stuff is Dewalt, but you know, it's an expensive brand and GB junior will be here in less than 2 months, so...

    Makita? Hitachi? Bosch? Ryobi? Cheap stuff like Skil? Or just go all out and get the Dewalt because I effin' deserve it?
    My bad... I just caught this. Are you looking for a Jigsaw or a reciprocating saw?
    I got so wound up talking bout tools this blazed by me.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Are you redoing your bathroom

    Extra padding for your comfort.

  14. #14
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    Nothin like a padded toilet seat.. they may not look the best or be the most sanitary, but damn does it feel nice to sit on...

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