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Thread: Prostitution is common?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    personally I wouldn't pay for sex, but I don't see anything wrong with prostitution... If 2 consenting adults want to have sex and 1 is willing to pay for it... why not? Its the females choice and if she wants to sell her services for money then why shouldnt she be allowed to? Granted I am talking about women 18+ who are willing, not minors or women forced in to it. That said, I would look down on the woman and if I knew the guy I'd give him shlt about it.

    I don't feel the government should be allowed to infringe on an adult womans choice if it is not hurting anyone else, it may not be ethical but it shouldn't be illegal. Same goes for government trying to make laws on abortion, but thats another topic.

    Women want to be pampered/spoiled.. not all, but many... You take a girl out to dinner, buy her flowers, buy her dinner, buy her drinks and/or take her out to clubs/bars/plays whatever you do.. Buy her jewelery n presents if it takes a while, and all along the guys underlying motivation is to get laid... so whats the difference? its probably cheaper to get a hooker...
    You never paid for dinner after bringing a girl out?
    You never paid for fuel to get her from A to B?
    You never bought anything for her?

    Time = money

    Saying you weren't indirectly paying money to have sex is a flawed argument

    Escorts cuts out the bullshit and gets straight to the point

    The most common type of people that use escorts are middle aged men who work full time
    There wife has zero interest in spreading her legs once she has had her child
    The man has to open his sexual frustration valve before the pressure builds up too much and he explodes

    Healthier than living a double life trying to feed a second attention whore that you just want for sex
    Which you have to pay for with not only your money (indirectly) but your own emotional health as well to keep her from ruining your life due to her attention problems

    Last edited by PK-V; 08-12-2011 at 05:14 PM.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Going on a normal date, dinner, drinks, movie or whatever could indicate a potential relationship. Two people get to know one another, and attempt to enjoy each others company. If you happen to have sex afterwards, then so be it. If not, well maybe she's a keeper and theres always time for another date. How many guy do you know paid a prostitute for sex, fell in love, and had a wonderful marriage and relationship?
    You never saw "Pretty Woman" ? duuh...heheheh

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    You never paid for dinner after bringing a girl out?
    You never paid for fuel to get her from A to B?
    You never bought anything for her?

    Time = money

    Saying you weren't indirectly paying money to have sex is a flawed argument

    Escorts cuts out the bullshit and gets straight to the point

    The most common type of people that use escorts are middle aged men who work full time
    There wife has zero interest in spreading her legs once she has had her child
    The man has to open his sexual frustration valve before the pressure builds up too much and he explodes

    Healthier than living a double life trying to feed a second attention whore that you just want for sex
    Which you have to pay for with not only your money (indirectly) but your own emotional health as well to keep her from ruining your life due to her attention problems

    This is one terrible fvcking argument. The only people who compare taking a girl out to dinner and buying a prostitute are more than likely trying to justify their own actions. Let me say this again, A LOSER, not an unhappily married man, will go out and pay for sex. Do you know how many fvcking desperate losers I see spend thousands of dollars a night on women that work at the strip club I bounce at? Wayyyy tooo many. Simply because they do not have the confidence or personality to go on a normal date. A lot of you people on this forum are way too soft and do not live outside of your "bubble." I remember making a comment in another thread about drug addicts being scumbags, and everyone jumped on my back defending them. Now I am belittling professional whores and everyone is offended. What's next? You guys gonna go around and pat every child molester on the back and give him a high-five?
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 08-12-2011 at 05:39 PM.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    You never saw "Pretty Woman" ? duuh...heheheh
    I saw American Gigolo

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    most can be cured with anti-botics
    lmfao! great attitude man! Dont give up til you give out

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    This is one terrible fvcking argument. The only people who compare taking a girl out to dinner and buying a prostitute are more than likely trying to justify their own actions. Let me say this again, A LOSER, not an unhappily married man, will go out and pay for sex. Do you know how many fvcking desperate losers I see spend thousands of dollars a night on women that work at the strip club I bounce at? Wayyyy tooo many. Simply because they do not have the confidence or personality to go on a normal date. A lot of you people on this forum are way too soft and do not live outside of your "bubble." I remember making a comment in another thread about drug addicts being scumbags, and everyone jumped on my back defending them. Now I am belittling professional whores and everyone is offended. What's next? You guys gonna go around and pat every child molester on the back and give him a high-five?
    I have to say that drug addicts and child molesters are not even close to the same thing. "aint no f!uckin ball park neither" -samuel l jackson. You cant even compare the two tho bronzer. Drug addicts can be rehabilitated chomos cant. Chomos should be stabbed on sight and taken off the earth. I understand your frustration but i guess when youve been in others shoes its easier to have empathy

  7. #87
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    May 2009
    i hate it when people compare prostitution to a date, buying a girl a drink at a bar, or marriage. naturally a date may cost money. going out to things can cost money. she doesnt benefit financially from it. its not like your agreeing to take her to a movie if she has sex with you. what kind of prostitute does that? if there is one its because shes weird. buying a girl a drink is not a guarantee of getting laid. going to a hooker and giving her money and telling her what you want is. if you cannot differentiate between the two then...well i dont know what to say about you. what is buying a girl a drink at a bar? a gesture more or less. its a chance at letting her know you wanna talk to her. if she has sex with you that night its because she liked you not because she deposited the drink you gave her. a girl bought me a drink. i went home with her. i did this because she was good. not because i got a drink. maybe you never had a girl buy you a drink before. your missing out. comparing prostitution to marriage? wow. if your comparing hookerism to marriage then you have some real lack of society knowledge. so what is it about marriage that compares? is it because your buying food? is it the rent that is the exchange for sex? now days many wives also work. whos the prostitute now? you get married because you love each other and think you found the right person to spend your life with.

    dont compare us to your shitty lifestyle.
    Last edited by crazy_rocks; 08-12-2011 at 08:41 PM.

  8. #88
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    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 08-13-2011 at 12:05 AM.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    This is one terrible fvcking argument. The only people who compare taking a girl out to dinner and buying a prostitute are more than likely trying to justify their own actions. Let me say this again, A LOSER, not an unhappily married man, will go out and pay for sex. Do you know how many fvcking desperate losers I see spend thousands of dollars a night on women that work at the strip club I bounce at? Wayyyy tooo many. Simply because they do not have the confidence or personality to go on a normal date. A lot of you people on this forum are way too soft and do not live outside of your "bubble." I remember making a comment in another thread about drug addicts being scumbags, and everyone jumped on my back defending them. Now I am belittling professional whores and everyone is offended. What's next? You guys gonna go around and pat every child molester on the back and give him a high-five?
    To assume others are soft because they don't share your views is idiotic at best. Also why do you feel the need to belittle other people? Does it make you feel better about your own shortcomings?

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    This is one terrible fvcking argument. The only people who compare taking a girl out to dinner and buying a prostitute are more than likely trying to justify their own actions. Let me say this again, A LOSER, not an unhappily married man, will go out and pay for sex. Do you know how many fvcking desperate losers I see spend thousands of dollars a night on women that work at the strip club I bounce at? Wayyyy tooo many. Simply because they do not have the confidence or personality to go on a normal date. A lot of you people on this forum are way too soft and do not live outside of your "bubble." I remember making a comment in another thread about drug addicts being scumbags, and everyone jumped on my back defending them. Now I am belittling professional whores and everyone is offended. What's next? You guys gonna go around and pat every child molester on the back and give him a high-five?
    Bronzer so your in your early 20's and may be mature for your age. I, like you when I was in my 20's was very quick too judge and I was one angry S.O.B. I saw prostitutes and sluts as dirty,skanky fvking nasty. I looked as addicts as pathetic. People on welfare were pieces of sh*t. I could bust my ass and pay my taxes and support their lazy ass. I viewed steroids as cheating,no dick,raging douchebags. (The uneducated stereotype)

    I could go on and on. My point is I got 16 years on you. In 16 years it has given me more time to meet more people and see their situations. In 16 years more time I got the opportunity to see more of lifes pain and beauty. I have made many more mistakes and just got to experience life as shit just happens. I could not see why people do what they do, why? Because I had not experienced it. Maybe I'm just more humble now. I think in 15 more years of pain and beauty u will become more humble and I guarantee your views will change on the same subjects that u so strongly feel about now. You will see more why people do the things they do.

    As far as jumping on your back, it's not so much defending others as it is to help u see the other side of the coin. Though my words some time come off as harsh. I don't always say the right things but mean well. Take no offense.

  11. #91
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ worded beautifuly!

  12. #92
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    Never really saw the appeal of having sex with a women and paying for it I wouldn't feel right. So would never do it to be honest.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    so from this post we can see that all women are prostitutes?? some just have long term contracts with a hell of a early termination clause in the contract??
    That pretty much sums it up.
    It's the oldest business in history.

  14. #94
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    here is a question to bronzer........if u kill a prostitute u will still get charged......cause u are so gung ho about it so lets just agree to we get this over with. Howman times u got laid before and afer the porn star you dated

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    Bronzer so your in your early 20's and may be mature for your age. I, like you when I was in my 20's was very quick too judge and I was one angry S.O.B. I saw prostitutes and sluts as dirty,skanky fvking nasty. I looked as addicts as pathetic. People on welfare were pieces of sh*t. I could bust my ass and pay my taxes and support their lazy ass. I viewed steroids as cheating,no dick,raging douchebags. (The uneducated stereotype)

    I could go on and on. My point is I got 16 years on you. In 16 years it has given me more time to meet more people and see their situations. In 16 years more time I got the opportunity to see more of lifes pain and beauty. I have made many more mistakes and just got to experience life as shit just happens. I could not see why people do what they do, why? Because I had not experienced it. Maybe I'm just more humble now. I think in 15 more years of pain and beauty u will become more humble and I guarantee your views will change on the same subjects that u so strongly feel about now. You will see more why people do the things they do.

    As far as jumping on your back, it's not so much defending others as it is to help u see the other side of the coin. Though my words some time come off as harsh. I don't always say the right things but mean well. Take no offense.
    Agreed, it's funny how your point of views and opinions change with time, education and experience. I love the examples I have seen comparing if someone were to pay for an average prostitute over 10 years time vs being married, what you spend and getting divorce. It's like 4x cheaper to just go with the prostitute. LOL

    I remember when I was younger also thinking there is no way I would ever xxx but at the same time I never really though less of someone who would because everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do but dont judge until you have been there or walked a mile in their shoes so to speak. Bottom line, never say never.

  16. #96
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    Houston, TX
    girl bangs dude for money - has boyfriend on the side WHORE SLUT USELESS SCUM

    girl bangs dude for money ON FILM - anybody can watch it anytime on the jizz hut or whatever - bangs a 22 year old on the side... BRAG ABOUT IT


    some guys try to get escorts to like them - some escorts probably get boyfriends from it too ... some guys also get escorts to like them, and then they somehow get her to pay THEM (defineimp)

    working girls are not always going to be suckin cock behind a dumpster, or advertising on although those are two facets of the industry... i think the high class ones hang out in high class places and talk with guys for a while and then it comes up... or they just get passed around in high dollar circles (woman as currency - but NOT sex slavery..more like oh yeah if you sign a deal with us of course she'll give you a rim job)

    these are guys who probably work a lot of time and for them it is a matter of convenience, if you had unlimited money - spending $5000 on a "whore" would not be a big deal. And what if she was hotter than 99% of other girls? With no BS baggage beforehand...and no worry of BS baggage afterward? Honestly, you would be a loser not to take advantage of that...IMO
    Last edited by domeyeahaigh; 08-14-2011 at 02:53 AM. Reason: reduce length

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Agreed, it's funny how your point of views and opinions change with time, education and experience. I love the examples I have seen comparing if someone were to pay for an average prostitute over 10 years time vs being married, what you spend and getting divorce. It's like 4x cheaper to just go with the prostitute. LOLI remember when I was younger also thinking there is no way I would ever xxx but at the same time I never really though less of someone who would because everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do but dont judge until you have been there or walked a mile in their shoes so to speak. Bottom line, never say never.
    I have been close to being married, circumanstances changed things. I will definitely take this into consideration before I finally pay for a wedding. Divorce rate is terrible,,too pricey and dicey for me. Good to see u around LB.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    here is a question to bronzer........if u kill a prostitute u will still get charged......cause u are so gung ho about it so lets just agree to we get this over with. Howman times u got laid before and afer the porn star you dated

    Porn Star was the 9th woman I slept with. I don't just fvck anything (like the average male does). I am picky; a woman has to be attractive for me to sleep with her. And, I haven't slept with anyone since her. What is the point of this irrelevant question?

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    To assume others are soft because they don't share your views is idiotic at best. Also why do you feel the need to belittle other people? Does it make you feel better about your own shortcomings?
    I think I am slightly better than some one who walks the streets, and sucks dick for a pack of cigarettes.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh View Post
    girl bangs dude for money - has boyfriend on the side WHORE SLUT USELESS SCUM

    girl bangs dude for money ON FILM - anybody can watch it anytime on the jizz hut or whatever - bangs a 22 year old on the side... BRAG ABOUT IT


    some guys try to get escorts to like them - some escorts probably get boyfriends from it too ... some guys also get escorts to like them, and then they somehow get her to pay THEM (defineimp)

    working girls are not always going to be suckin cock behind a dumpster, or advertising on although those are two facets of the industry... i think the high class ones hang out in high class places and talk with guys for a while and then it comes up... or they just get passed around in high dollar circles (woman as currency - but NOT sex slavery..more like oh yeah if you sign a deal with us of course she'll give you a rim job)

    these are guys who probably work a lot of time and for them it is a matter of convenience, if you had unlimited money - spending $5000 on a "whore" would not be a big deal. And what if she was hotter than 99% of other girls? With no BS baggage beforehand...and no worry of BS baggage afterward? Honestly, you would be a loser not to take advantage of that...IMO
    Sleeping with a porn star= every man's fantasy. Very very very few men have the opportunity.

    Paying for sex= EVERYONE has this opportunity.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I think I am slightly better than some one who walks the streets, and sucks dick for a pack of cigarettes.
    Why would you measure your self worth by others? If you feel good about yourself, no one else should matter.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I think I am slightly better than some one who walks the streets, and sucks dick for a pack of cigarettes.
    What streets do you walk...I've got a carton of cigarettes for ya.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    Why would you measure your self worth by others? If you feel good about yourself, no one else should matter.
    Because I have no problem pointing out the unproductive pieces of shit in our society. Keeping make excuses for the trash.

  24. #104
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    ^^That is what I see and put up with every night working the door at a Strip Club. Gutter trash. That is a real documentary. I have an issue with the one Spanish whore every other week (She tries to steal customers out of the strip club and offer them blow jobs for less than the cover charge at the strip club) I almost knocked her fvcking teeth down her throat two weeks ago when she threatened to hit me me her heel. "This is America, this is a free country, I can say whatever I want, You can't tell me what to do." Only a matter of time until you guys read about me in the newspaper....
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 08-14-2011 at 04:16 PM.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    Never really saw the appeal of having sex with a women and paying for it I wouldn't feel right. So would never do it to be honest.
    x2. An interesting question would be how many people on this forum have actually paid for sex. But, I don't think we would get 100% honest answers, so it's pointless.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Because I have no problem pointing out the unproductive pieces of shit in our society. Keeping make excuses for the trash.
    If you hate it so bad get a better job. An education would help as well.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    If you hate it so bad get a better job. An education would help as well.
    I maintained a 3.5GPA last semester 18 credits, worked 40 hours a week, and also maintained a nice physique and will most likely be going state police by December at 22 years old. I'd be willing to bet I am a little more educated than some street walker. Keep saving your pay checks though and go out and buy some pvssy! That's what the world is all about, working hard all week, and dropping every last dime on some whore, right?

  28. #108
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    I'm hearing a wee bit of cynacism. Maybe time for a small vacation, just sayin....

  29. #109
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    No point in debating someone who is so well rounded and educated then. Enjoy the limited view of life from some shlt hole club in Jersey.

  30. #110
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    It's ironic how we get on some of the most off the wall subjects and some still find a way to get bent out of shape. Life is too short to carry around all that anger baggage. Let it go and you'll be better off for it. You need the serenity to accept the things you cannot change...

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    x2. An interesting question would be how many people on this forum have actually paid for sex. But, I don't think we would get 100% honest answers, so it's pointless.
    My 25th birthday in Myrtle Beach my gf got an escort for a 3 some. Some how i still had to pay though

  32. #112
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    bro ^^^ sounds like a good time man. A good story for around the camp fire sometime.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    My 25th birthday in Myrtle Beach my gf got an escort for a 3 some. Some how i still had to pay though
    Very nice story. You gotta pay to play my friend. Which one was better?

    p.s. I know I am not supposed to feed the trolls but sometimes I can't help myself.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    Very nice story. You gotta pay to play my friend. Which one was better?

    p.s. I know I am not supposed to feed the trolls but sometimes I can't help myself.
    At 35 posts since 2008, you barely feed the forum let alone any trolls....

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    At 35 posts since 2008, you barely feed the forum let alone any trolls....
    I figured I should learn more before contributing. Better to give no information than bad.

    I could just post the same questions that get asked everyday on this forum to get my count up.
    Last edited by amnkeefe; 08-14-2011 at 08:28 PM.

  36. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I maintained a 3.5GPA last semester 18 credits, worked 40 hours a week, and also maintained a nice physique and will most likely be going state police by December at 22 years old. I'd be willing to bet I am a little more educated than some street walker. Keep saving your pay checks though and go out and buy some pvssy! That's what the world is all about, working hard all week, and dropping every last dime on some whore, right?
    Lets establish some facts about you before we talk about hookers please.

    And excuse me for being so brash but I just can't imagine what is going through the heads of some of our older members as they read all this garbage from you.
    So you're 22, have a 3.5GPA (in which we'll just assume you're credible and not lying about)... yet at 22 HAVE YOU EVEN GRADUATED YET? Its not a huge deal if you haven't, lets just hope you're at least a junior by now.

    Oh btw I got a bachelors in business at 21 then a masters in law @ seton hall when I was 27. Currently employeed as a business lawyer.
    And since we're listing GPAs here I graduated on the deans list with a 3.8 *cumulative GPA*. Not just one semester.
    Which raises another obvious point here. Very few people actually care what your GPA "last semester" was. Do you plan on putting that on your resume when you graduate? Because I was going to originally ask what your cumulative GPA was, but the fact alone that you hid that most relevant detail doesn't make me sit so well on the idea that you may actually tell us the truth. So scrap that idea.

    Most importantly, a GPA means very little when you get older. Its almost like saying "I can rehearse my ABCs" when you leave elementary school. In fact, I can't tell you how many college kids I've seen graduate over a 3.5 that have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. My brothers GF is one of those people. Can you guess who else is one of those people?

    Some more facts about you:
    You are a bouncer, in NJ of all places (no offense NJ citizens). But you basically get paid to clean guido vomit off the floors as you drag some beligerent asshole out the front door of a bar (no wonder why you are the way you are). REALITY CHECK BRAH, you're in just as shitty if not worse a profession than an escort/hooker. At least they make more money than you we can at least guarantee that.. and that they are a lot prettier too. Fvck, I'd rather stick my dick in some aids invested crackhead than listen to you mumble another insecure word about how cool you think you are.

    If I could make a list of professions most likely associated to a low IQ. A bouncer would be like 2 notches above a prostitute. Think about it. A steroid using bouncer in NJ would be like 1 notch above.

    A steroid using bouncer from NJ that likes to use "last semesters" GPA as proof that they are not actually an idiot... well lets just leave that one alone for now. But I'm sure people can do the math.

    Now lets take one more look at your logic.
    You tell us you're not stupid because "one day I will be a cop" (like that isn't funny enough). Although you are not actually even a cop yet, and we also don't know if you've even graduated college. So let me tell you something I learned in law school that I'm not sure they taught you in bouncer school. Prostitution is perfectly legal in Nevada where its regulated. No disease, no crack, no bitches walking the street or however you put it. The only thing that makes prostitution turn into that ugly shit is the illegality of it in other states. So I'm sure you must think pretty low of music pirates too. Anyway, the important point here is that less than 12% of "prostitutes" are the kind you see walking the streets. Especially now that CL has become the US's number 1 largest virtual pimp. You may find that in large populated urban cities, but the other 9trillion hookers tend to be regular clean cut, educated women that you might see in a library, or a supermarket... or even a college like the on you are still in!!! Wow bet you never knew that one huh kid?

    The same school you go to is very likely infiltrated with women who sell sex for money.
    Theres even a good chance you've already dated one or that you're mother was one. Because these women don't wear neon signs on their head that say "I'm a filthy hooker". The large majority of them practice safe sex, brush their teeth, brush their hair, shower like you do, have a computer, and I'd even be willing to bet that they are less judgemental than you.

    I've met tons of guys in my life that have used escorts and prostitutes. I can't even recall one that Id consider a "loser". Most of them actually got escorts BECAUSE they were winners, not losers. They had full time jobs, jobs that generally paid great and allowed them to actually pay for escorts in the first place (not sure how much a bouncer gets paid), and they didn't want to deal with all the fake bs that comes along with dating. But then for you to turn around and say "I ****ed a pornstar!! I'm cool" Wow what a lewser. that really just sealed the deal of how little common sense you have.

    You do know what the only difference between a porn star and a hooker is?

    Thats right a videocamera. You still stuck your cock in some raging whore that sold her body for money in the same exact way a prostitute does. So for you to sit here and make fun of not only prostitutes, but the men who use them... really shows what kind of immature moron you really are.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    Lets establish some facts about you before we talk about hookers please.

    And excuse me for being so brash but I just can't imagine what is going through the heads of some of our older members as they read all this garbage from you.
    So you're 22, have a 3.5GPA (in which we'll just assume you're credible and not lying about)... yet at 22 HAVE YOU EVEN GRADUATED YET? Its not a huge deal if you haven't, lets just hope you're at least a junior by now.

    Oh btw I got a bachelors in business at 21 then a masters in law @ seton hall when I was 27. Currently employeed as a business lawyer.
    And since we're listing GPAs here I graduated on the deans list with a 3.8 *cumulative GPA*. Not just one semester.
    Which raises another obvious point here. Very few people actually care what your GPA "last semester" was. Do you plan on putting that on your resume when you graduate? Because I was going to originally ask what your cumulative GPA was, but the fact alone that you hid that most relevant detail doesn't make me sit so well on the idea that you may actually tell us the truth. So scrap that idea.

    Most importantly, a GPA means very little when you get older. Its almost like saying "I can rehearse my ABCs" when you leave elementary school. In fact, I can't tell you how many college kids I've seen graduate over a 3.5 that have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. My brothers GF is one of those people. Can you guess who else is one of those people?

    Some more facts about you:
    You are a bouncer, in NJ of all places (no offense NJ citizens). But you basically get paid to clean guido vomit off the floors as you drag some beligerent asshole out the front door of a bar (no wonder why you are the way you are). REALITY CHECK BRAH, you're in just as shitty if not worse a profession than an escort/hooker. At least they make more money than you we can at least guarantee that.. and that they are a lot prettier too. Fvck, I'd rather stick my dick in some aids invested crackhead than listen to you mumble another insecure word about how cool you think you are.

    If I could make a list of professions most likely associated to a low IQ. A bouncer would be like 2 notches above a prostitute. Think about it. A steroid using bouncer in NJ would be like 1 notch above.

    A steroid using bouncer from NJ that likes to use "last semesters" GPA as proof that they are not actually an idiot... well lets just leave that one alone for now. But I'm sure people can do the math.

    Now lets take one more look at your logic.
    You tell us you're not stupid because "one day I will be a cop" (like that isn't funny enough). Although you are not actually even a cop yet, and we also don't know if you've even graduated college. So let me tell you something I learned in law school that I'm not sure they taught you in bouncer school. Prostitution is perfectly legal in Nevada where its regulated. No disease, no crack, no bitches walking the street or however you put it. The only thing that makes prostitution turn into that ugly shit is the illegality of it in other states. So I'm sure you must think pretty low of music pirates too. Anyway, the important point here is that less than 12% of "prostitutes" are the kind you see walking the streets. Especially now that CL has become the US's number 1 largest virtual pimp. You may find that in large populated urban cities, but the other 9trillion hookers tend to be regular clean cut, educated women that you might see in a library, or a supermarket... or even a college like the on you are still in!!! Wow bet you never knew that one huh kid?

    The same school you go to is very likely infiltrated with women who sell sex for money.
    Theres even a good chance you've already dated one or that you're mother was one. Because these women don't wear neon signs on their head that say "I'm a filthy hooker". The large majority of them practice safe sex, brush their teeth, brush their hair, shower like you do, have a computer, and I'd even be willing to bet that they are less judgemental than you.

    I've met tons of guys in my life that have used escorts and prostitutes. I can't even recall one that Id consider a "loser". Most of them actually got escorts BECAUSE they were winners, not losers. They had full time jobs, jobs that generally paid great and allowed them to actually pay for escorts in the first place (not sure how much a bouncer gets paid), and they didn't want to deal with all the fake bs that comes along with dating. But then for you to turn around and say "I ****ed a pornstar!! I'm cool" Wow what a lewser. that really just sealed the deal of how little common sense you have.

    You do know what the only difference between a porn star and a hooker is?

    Thats right a videocamera. You still stuck your cock in some raging whore that sold her body for money in the same exact way a prostitute does. So for you to sit here and make fun of not only prostitutes, but the men who use them... really shows what kind of immature moron you really are.
    Let me ask you something since you seem to be obsessed and gung ho about paying for sex, Do you feel that prostitutes are just as comparable to you career wise? I'd be willing to bet that most make similar, if not more money, then you. With that being said, do you think they earn the same level of respect such as someone as educated and qualified as yourself? I'm not going to sit here and pick apart every little bit of your rant. You're probably some douchebag who has not gotten laid since the stone age, and supports prostitution, because it makes you feel less insecure about your decision to pay for sex. Have fun jerking off to internet porn and paying women to blow you the rest fo your life. You should put that on YOUR resume, it'll stick out real nicely. Was your mother a whore? Is that why you're so passionate and defensive towards prostitution? I've never seen someone defend a topic so strongly, without some sort of personal connection behind it.

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Daaammmm.....its getting dicey in here!!!!

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    Very nice story. You gotta pay to play my friend. Which one was better?

    p.s. I know I am not supposed to feed the trolls but sometimes I can't help myself.
    Since you quoted me. I'm the troll?

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Since you quoted me. I'm the troll?
    And a ugly one at that!!

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