Lets establish some facts about you before we talk about hookers please.
And excuse me for being so brash but I just can't imagine what is going through the heads of some of our older members as they read all this garbage from you.
So you're 22, have a 3.5GPA (in which we'll just assume you're credible and not lying about)... yet at 22 HAVE YOU EVEN GRADUATED YET? Its not a huge deal if you haven't, lets just hope you're at least a junior by now.
Oh btw I got a bachelors in business at 21 then a masters in law @ seton hall when I was 27. Currently employeed as a business lawyer.
And since we're listing GPAs here I graduated on the deans list with a 3.8 *cumulative GPA*. Not just one semester.
Which raises another obvious point here. Very few people actually care what your GPA "last semester" was. Do you plan on putting that on your resume when you graduate? Because I was going to originally ask what your cumulative GPA was, but the fact alone that you hid that most relevant detail doesn't make me sit so well on the idea that you may actually tell us the truth. So scrap that idea.
Most importantly, a GPA means very little when you get older. Its almost like saying "I can rehearse my ABCs" when you leave elementary school. In fact, I can't tell you how many college kids I've seen graduate over a 3.5 that have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. My brothers GF is one of those people. Can you guess who else is one of those people?
Some more facts about you:
You are a bouncer, in NJ of all places (no offense NJ citizens). But you basically get paid to clean guido vomit off the floors as you drag some beligerent asshole out the front door of a bar (no wonder why you are the way you are). REALITY CHECK BRAH, you're in just as shitty if not worse a profession than an escort/hooker. At least they make more money than you we can at least guarantee that.. and that they are a lot prettier too. Fvck, I'd rather stick my dick in some aids invested crackhead than listen to you mumble another insecure word about how cool you think you are.
If I could make a list of professions most likely associated to a low IQ. A bouncer would be like 2 notches above a prostitute. Think about it. A steroid using bouncer in NJ would be like 1 notch above.
A steroid using bouncer from NJ that likes to use "last semesters" GPA as proof that they are not actually an idiot... well lets just leave that one alone for now. But I'm sure people can do the math.
Now lets take one more look at your logic.
You tell us you're not stupid because "one day I will be a cop" (like that isn't funny enough). Although you are not actually even a cop yet, and we also don't know if you've even graduated college. So let me tell you something I learned in law school that I'm not sure they taught you in bouncer school. Prostitution is perfectly legal in Nevada where its regulated. No disease, no crack, no bitches walking the street or however you put it. The only thing that makes prostitution turn into that ugly shit is the illegality of it in other states. So I'm sure you must think pretty low of music pirates too. Anyway, the important point here is that less than 12% of "prostitutes" are the kind you see walking the streets. Especially now that CL has become the US's number 1 largest virtual pimp. You may find that in large populated urban cities, but the other 9trillion hookers tend to be regular clean cut, educated women that you might see in a library, or a supermarket... or even a college like the on you are still in!!! Wow bet you never knew that one huh kid?
The same school you go to is very likely infiltrated with women who sell sex for money.
Theres even a good chance you've already dated one or that you're mother was one. Because these women don't wear neon signs on their head that say "I'm a filthy hooker". The large majority of them practice safe sex, brush their teeth, brush their hair, shower like you do, have a computer, and I'd even be willing to bet that they are less judgemental than you.
I've met tons of guys in my life that have used escorts and prostitutes. I can't even recall one that Id consider a "loser". Most of them actually got escorts BECAUSE they were winners, not losers. They had full time jobs, jobs that generally paid great and allowed them to actually pay for escorts in the first place (not sure how much a bouncer gets paid), and they didn't want to deal with all the fake bs that comes along with dating. But then for you to turn around and say "I ****ed a pornstar!! I'm cool" Wow what a lewser. that really just sealed the deal of how little common sense you have.
You do know what the only difference between a porn star and a hooker is?
Thats right a videocamera. You still stuck your cock in some raging whore that sold her body for money in the same exact way a prostitute does. So for you to sit here and make fun of not only prostitutes, but the men who use them... really shows what kind of immature moron you really are.