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Thread: Who's Smarter? YOU BE THE JUDGE

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    finaplix legend

    Who's Smarter? YOU BE THE JUDGE

    Last edited by basskiller; 09-05-2006 at 01:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada
    Some good points.. but let's look at this conversely...

    Just because you have a degree doesn't mean your smart. Just because you don't have one doesn't mean your stupid.

    Most of those actors make more money and live a better life than those educated fools...who's smarter?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Excellent, excellent post, not so much for the listing of academic credentials (all of my profs at school who are vehemently opposed to the war effort have degrees upon degrees, not to mention likely authored the textbooks that today's young scholars of the same vein as cheney and bush are reading....and, if i recall, my 8th grade SAT score was better than Bush's actual SAT....all of which means NOTHING) but rather because of the indictment of the left's silence during the Clinton administration. At least Chomsky and others have the guts to be super-critical regardless of who is in office, unlike the actors you list who only cry foul when there's a republican in office...except for Moore, who, before the Oscars, I regarded as a fairly intelligent chap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i agree with you basskiller. Who cares what these entertainers think?? They should keep doing what they get PAID to do and that is ENTERTAIN!!! oh yeah MICHAEL MOORE IS A JACKASS!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Boston area
    LOL, I like this post.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Beutiful Post Basskiller. I do however agree with some of Biggreen's comments b/c I personally graduated from an academically prestigious university with several idiots. A degree doesn't mean everything, but it is a failry good determination of scholastic apptitude. The fact that the Bush Administration has so much more information than your average Hollywood actor is certainly a compelling argument that they have a pretty good reason for doing what they are doing. And now that we are over there, we should support our troops to the fullest.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Wherever necessary
    wow! I never realised that so many actors and actresses actually had a high school diploma! more educated than I thought.

    Got Gear? - having a degree certainly does not prove that you are smart at all - but it sure does prove that you are able to stick with somehting for as long as it takes - both college and military are 4 year commitments - when have you ever seen the drama queens commit to anything? 16 marriages later btw: nothin against u

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    Ima tell you Cycleon is impressing me more and more every day with his insight...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    that was a great fucking post basskiller!!!
    Got gear---sorry bro but ur so wrong

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Nice to finally see a post from you again Bass.

    Got Gear? Sorry bro your outnumbered here. Money in no way means your are smart. I wish these "Caleb's" would stick to acting. Most of all I wish George Clooney would join operation human shield. Then the Navy could shove a tomahawk up his ass.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Ahhhhhh my friend........ I hate to be the bearer of bad news but education is no indicator of intelligence.... There are plenty of "Educated" people who unfortunately are social morons........
    Although the people you have listed above may have distinctive educational backgrounds, they are still human and open to making errors like the rest of us.....

    I have one more major disagreement to voice....... U listed the Chief of Staff as having graduated from Yale University and that alone should give him the credibility of being – as you put it “smarter”. Although I would hate to take away from Bush’s Achievements, I do however, believe that he accomplished little on his own.

    Bush comes from a very distinguished family who has a lot of, shall we say “pull” at Yale University. I doubt very much that his acceptance into Yale had to do much with his academic achievements, which he proved to the world on camera during in his election campaign and especially after inauguration as being very deficient by his demonstrated lack knowledge of foreign affairs, foreign leaders (the guy didn’t even know Canada’s Prime Minster!!!!!!—Were your fucking neighbours for fuck’s sake bro) and his “dream world” economic policies that have sent the US in a downward spiral that almost mirrors that of 1990’s yet seemed to yield the results seen in the early stages 1930s depression – Take my word on one this bro, I’m an Economist.

    He is another thing… We have a show up here in Canada called “Talking to Americans”. Believe me when I say that your jaw would have dropped when they interviewed Bush and he couldn’t answer questions that the average D- student in Canada (or the average B- student in the USA) could have easily aced (ps. In case U were wondering, yes we Canadians are smarter – and I’m not just saying that – Its been proven many, many times ).

    Oh yeah one more thing --- I’m not the only one who thinks that Bush’s intelligence, shall we say burns less brightly then most: Appox. 85% of US social commentary TV shows (example: Talk shows) have at least made fun of his, um, brilliance at least more than once… After being elected many World leaders described Bush as being, “not the sharpest tool in the shed” . leaders like that of China, France, Russia and even the US’s closest ally : England.

    As for the rest of the Cabinet, I have no criticism concerning their backgrounds --- They are obviously self-made individuals who got where they were largely through their endeavours and not b/c of mommy and daddy’s influence.

    But with that said a team is only as strong as its weakest link…. Can U guess the weakest link in this picture?

    Finally your comparison of Actors and policy makers make (in my opinion) very little sense…. A bad idea is still a bad idea no matter who comes up with it. Another point: Jimmy Carter (who is arguably one of the world’s best leaders) was an Actor and the president of the United States, oh and guess what? So was Ronald Regan. So my point is bro: Don’t put down the Actors. Besides can you imagine how bland your evenings would be if they weren’t on the screen to entertain U?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    PLEASE. You do realize that our economy has a WHOLE lot more to do with Greenspan than Bush. Greenspan has been in office for nearly 20yrs now. Besides, the market can't rise forever; after a while, people decide to pull their money because they've made so much already. Also, we were never actually in a "recession." Lots of idiots use that term without actually knowing what it means. Anyway, I'm glad no one leaves it to Canadiens and Frenchmen to police the world; hate to see what that would look like. You sound like the fat Dixie Chick bro, and just like her, you'll be eating your damn words when we come across "weapons of mass destruction," as CNN so likes to call them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    DAMN, you beat me to it...LOL...i got this same e-mail and just posted it....i will NOT delete my post though....the more the merrier...LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by JP1570
    PLEASE. You do realize that our economy has a WHOLE lot more to do with Greenspan than Bush. Greenspan has been in office for nearly 20yrs now. Besides, the market can't rise forever; after a while, people decide to pull their money because they've made so much already. Also, we were never actually in a "recession." Lots of idiots use that term without actually knowing what it means. Anyway, I'm glad no one leaves it to Canadiens and Frenchmen to police the world; hate to see what that would look like. You sound like the fat Dixie Chick bro, and just like her, you'll be eating your damn words when we come across "weapons of mass destruction," as CNN so likes to call them.

    So well put....couldn't have said it better myself

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Ecko Now in Ontario
    JP1570. Alan Greenspan is the head of the US Federal Reserve NOT ECONOMIC POLICY in the US. Greenspan Answers to Congress and to a lesser extent Bush. The Economy is powered by two machines : Monetary and Fiscal polices.

    Greenspan influences the Monetary machine as the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the country's money supply.

    Can U guess who influences the other machine? Yep. That’s right, BUSH.
    And Your economy as a whole is more influenced by Fiscal policy than monetary policy. Because Fiscal policy has a faster and more present effect on ANY Economy than Monetary policy.

    By the way: I know what a recession means... And since I am an Economist (with Univ, Degree to prove it), I can confidently say that yes the Economy is in a recession... ( Ps. I think you might have confused the term with a depression - which the economy is not yet in but after this war and a couple more Years of BUSH might very well be in)

    QUOTE BY JP1570."Besides, the market can't rise forever; after a while, people decide to pull their money because they've made so much already." ---- No offence bro but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. -- Are U trying to tell me that after a while people are going to say no to money especially in the capitalistic society that thrives on greed of which both U and I live in?

    As for the Dixie chick comment --- Come on bro That really hurts. I mean I hate country. Why couldn't U say Ol' Dirty Bastard or Emeniem? I would have taken that a lot better than "fat Dixie chick" .

    Finally, U are right I too would hate to see Canadians trying to police the world. After all we Canadians would hate to create tension, jealousy and resentment from the our neighbour the US because we would do better job then them

    Case in point: I never become more prouder than when I see an American with a Canadian Flag on their backpack as they trek across the many countries of the World. -- Before u post again ask your self why this is the way it is?
    Last edited by ECKO 747; 03-26-2003 at 02:20 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    BTW, this e-mail was actually written by a producer in Hollywood, not "PhyzEd" as Basskiller stated....but nonetheless a profound work

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by ECKO 747
    Finally, U are right I too would hate to see Canadians trying to police the world. Afterall we Canadians would hate to create tension, gealousy and resentment from the our nieghbor the US because we do better job then them

    no, what would be nice is if you canadians learned to spell the word "jealousy" and "neighbor"....

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Thanks for the editing note Big Rush. I’ll fix the mistakes immediately.
    Last edited by ECKO 747; 03-26-2003 at 02:23 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Trust me bro, I'm well versed on monetary and fiscal policy. I would like to think AG answers to Congress, but I don't think he really does so much. I understand how government spending can affect the economy adversely, and I also understand how AG and Bush can work against each other. (I have a goddam econ degree alright) Anyway, without getting too far into Aggregate supply and demand and the fed's open market policy, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the FED has MUCH more to do with the economy than the Pres. Also, to think that the past few yrs are not correlated to the 10yrs before them is faulty reasoning. Clinton is just as much at fault as Bush.

    You're right about the Dixie Chick thing though - Too far is too far and I went too far there

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada
    Originally posted by RON
    Got Gear? Sorry bro your outnumbered here. Money in no way means your are smart. I wish these "Caleb's" would stick to acting. Most of all I wish George Clooney would join operation human shield. Then the Navy could shove a tomahawk up his ass.

    Lol... buy no means am I saying that these yo-yo's are smarter. I was just pointing out that it could be looked at differently.

  21. #21
    chinups Guest
    LOL! This is some funny shit. I fucking hate these actors. Shut up and act so we can look at your tits...... I am down with JP1570 and the American movement............

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Bush may not be the brightest bulb, but you know what I would have voted for Colin Powell and you know damn well Mr. Bush is only taking the advice of his peers. Colin's a very very smart man, and knows more than most about what's going on around the world. Trust me!
    2ndly, who gives "Hollywood" the clout to be more meaning full than anyone of us? They're people that know how to pretend better than us! Most are great at what they do, but you know what they know SHIT about IRAQ! If they knew anything they would KNOW that Saddam is just as evil as Hitler! So all in all if it was the 30's they'd be saying "Oh, Adolf isn't bad we shouldn't go and help out the Pol's, french (who would be speaking German if it wasn't for us those THANKLESS PR*CKS!), and mostly the Jews!" Basically, don't help because the Hollywood Elite won't make as much money as they would without war? I hate to say it, but after 9-11 I think most of the Hollywood did the charity thing as a promo! Sad! Very Very Sad!
    Unfortunately, Even Idiots have the right to Speak.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Wherever necessary
    There will be no personal attacks on anyone here -

    juice man - make sure that doesnt happen again

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    "it isn't pollution that is harming the environment. It's the impurities in
    our air and water that are doing it"
    --George W. Bush--

    Sorry....I just couldn't resist

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    president bush was smart enough to surround himself with the best.....

    when youre in a position of that much importance, youre only as good as the people around you.
    actors should stick to what they do in a fantasy world where everything is as good as it could be.
    as far as i'm concerned you dont have to be real smart to catch a lucky break, and wind up making millions.
    hell, all i'd have to do is hit the lottery........

    peace IFL79

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Got Gear?
    Some good points.. but let's look at this conversely...

    Just because you have a degree doesn't mean your smart. Just because you don't have one doesn't mean your stupid.

    Most of those actors make more money and live a better life than those educated fools...who's smarter?

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????

    I guess that makes Brad Pitt a genius. Let's put Vin Diesel in the White House. What in the world are you saying? Are you implying that celebrities may be smarter because they have more money?Let's give Pam Anderson Condaleeza Rice's job because she's so rich that she must be smarter than Einstein?

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