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Thread: sleep problems

  1. #1
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    sleep problems

    Last night I woke up probably an hour after falling asleep. I dream of work which isn't to pleasant. My girl said when I got up I had a really pissed off look on my face, I ended up walking downstairs and eating some peanut butter which I just barely remember. I woke up probably 2-3 more times last night, just sitting up and laying back down. My girl also said that I talk in my sleep very clearly.

    A week ago, I got up out of bed and tried to talk to the bathroom. I was not conscious of this at all. I ended up falling half way down the stairs and somehow miraculously reaching out and catching myself on the railing. Ended up breaking my left big toe and scraping up my right shin pretty bad.

    This has been going on for quite a while. Two years ago I would just get up, walk downstairs and eat a bunch of junk food then go back to bed. Now, I'm talking in my sleep more, eating more food, and potentially getting violent.

    Has anybody else gone through a similar experience? If so how did you resolve it? I'm going to try and see a sleep specialist pretty soon. Melatonin and other otc sleep aids only put me to sleep for an hour or so, then I continue to get up, eat more food, talk in my sleep, and the cycle continues lol. Appreciate the help!

  2. #2
    CORR24's Avatar
    CORR24 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you take Ambien? I know that has made people sleep eat.

  3. #3
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    damn, that's crazy shit! you may want to try some GABA. i plan on trying some soon. do you workout hard? maybe try exhausting yourself in the evenings so that your body will want to rest. other than that, try the sleep specialist if you feel it is necessary.

  4. #4
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    It sounds to me like your sleepwalking, for which there is no cure unfortunately.

    Have you taken all the usual good sleep habits? No caffeine 8hour before bed, totally wind down etc etc

    I have a trick to stop thinking about work, write all your problems for the day in a notebook or diary, it gets stuff off your mind, spend some time really thinking about the days crap, when you have everything down do something you enjoy - read or fvck the gf jk.

    If all else fails, see the doc.

  5. #5
    army_cobra's Avatar
    army_cobra is offline Associate Member
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    Ambein is the devil. I do everything u say on that stuff. Your best bet is to see a specialist about it.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I watched a show one time on the discovery channel about the things some sleep walkers do. this one lady prepared a mini meal, complete with usingthe stove. another guy was walking laps in his house. none ofthem remembered a thing. there is a process prior to dreaming that shuts down the body's ability to mobilize, so that you can dream without a physical response. Yours seems to be somehow impaired. There is really nothing you can take OTC, or do on your own to correct this. Unfortunately, the sleep specialist will have to observe your sleep patterns to gain an understanding, and hopefully find a way to cure.

    In older times, people would literally request to be tied to their beds so that they couldnt' hurt themselves or others.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    damn, that's crazy shit! you may want to try some GABA. i plan on trying some soon. do you workout hard? maybe try exhausting yourself in the evenings so that your body will want to rest. other than that, try the sleep specialist if you feel it is necessary.

  8. #8
    amnkeefe is offline New Member
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    Sorry to hear that man. When I was on ambien I tried to smother my wife with a pillow. I held it over her face until she punched me and I just mumbled and rolled over and layer down. Have you had any head injuries?

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like tren to me........

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  10. #10
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    I have never taken tren or ambien. If I'm this bad without tren I can't imagine how my sleep patterns will be when I'm on it lol.

    Last night I slept much better although I did wake up 3 times, only once going down stairs and ate more peanut butter and some little chocolate candies with Jack Daniel whiskey in them. Not to mention I had a a vodka and cherry diet coke drink before bed to take off the edge.

    Eventually I am going to see a sleep specialist. I don't want to keep up this getting up in the middle of the night and eating peanut butter and falling down the stairs. It will make cutting a bitch lol.

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