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  1. #1
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    This is what's up, girl related again....

    Ok before any of u brings this up forget about the stripper or the receptionist...This is totally different way different, about two months ago imet this girl (friend of my niece) she came to my house and well there was something in the air...I didn't talk to her that day but later that week she send me a massage true Facebook and we been talking since then. A couple weeks ago she was asking me if I would kick it with her and what not, she tells me she's not a virgin no more that she drinks and smoked in the past, how she likes to have friends with benefits instead of a relationship, it seems she wants to act looks like she's totally into me, yep I just used the word totally into me, what am I waiting for right, by the way she's totally not ugly, nice face and lips but here comes the catch she's 17........................................
    She's 17 and wants to kick it, by the way I am 31 and not getting any younger...I told her that if she was older I would't have a problem dating her and I thought that was the end of that but last night while online we started chatting again and well let's just say that it is not. That's what up, y can't I find someone around my age who is not a stripper who has no kids or divorced?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
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    That's a slippery slope man, not sure where your from but messing with minors is a bad idea!

  3. #3
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    That's a slippery slope man, not sure where your from but messing with minors is a bad idea!
    I know that's why we're just talking online, we are not discussing anything sexually either but still the age difference, age of concent is 16 here.

  4. #4
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    she's 17? unless you are 25 or less leave it alone.Especial since she is a friend of your niece. JMO

  5. #5
    Livinlean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocketbattleship2b View Post
    she's 17? Unless you are 25 or less leave it alone.especial since she is a friend of your niece. Jmo

  6. #6
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    Im sure you can find someone a little closer to your age who will provide the same type of relationship. Young girls are immature and inexperienced not worth it. Id cut her loose before you end up with abuncha regrets just my two cents.

  7. #7
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pocketbattleship2B View Post
    she's 17? unless you are 25 or less leave it alone.Especial since she is a friend of your niece. JMO
    I should of done that from the beginning but I never thought it would escalade to this, she told me not to tell her anything, but still wrong. Now whenever she comes to the house she stares way too much and always wants to be close to me, even at 25 still wrong cause she is still consider a minor I think.

  8. #8
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    You said age of consent in your area was 16 that is why I didn't just say stay away unless you like jail. You know it is not a good idea, so just make excuses to leave the house when she comes around and stop all other contact with her.

  9. #9
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Your a dirt bag...shes a child, still a teen and you 31. Im 24 and I wouldnt even date a 17 year old. Yeah she might be good looking but theres many many many! good looking WOMEN in the world why would you pray on a teen age girl who isnt even mature enouph to make rational discussions...clearly since she thinking of sleeping with a 31 year old.

    Bottom line its wrong.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Your a dirt bag...shes a child, still a teen and you 31. Im 24 and I wouldnt even date a 17 year old. Yeah she might be good looking but theres many many many! good looking WOMEN in the world why would you pray on a teen age girl who isnt even mature enouph to make rational discussions...clearly since she thinking of sleeping with a 31 year old.
    Bottom line its wrong.
    You wrong, I never said anything about dating this girl, just because I answered her massages doesn't mean anything, I never thought it was a crime to be nice. If I was thinking in kicking it with this girl I wouldn't post here, believe me. Is just funny that a 17 year old can have a crush or whatever towards a 30 year old. I think you overreacting over nothing, perhaps you're jealous.

  12. #12
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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  13. #13
    PitMaster's Avatar
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    I have a friend who was in his mid 20's was hanging around a minor..She wouldn't leave him alone. All over him. He finally gave in and had sex with her. She cried rape and here it is years later and after sometime in jail he's still on a bracelet and house arrest...

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_m63 View Post
    You wrong, I never said anything about dating this girl, just because I answered her massages doesn't mean anything, I never thought it was a crime to be nice. If I was thinking in kicking it with this girl I wouldn't post here, believe me. Is just funny that a 17 year old can have a crush or whatever towards a 30 year old. I think you overreacting over nothing, perhaps you're jealous.
    if you werent thinking about it you wouldnt have put what the age of consent is.

    I'm a few years older then you and my niece is a few years older then yours. I would never talk to her friends. It's creepy any way you put it.

  15. #15
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    I agree with all of u....I appreciate freedom too much to screw up for a piece of a$$.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    man thats nice.

  17. #17
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    predator alert! This guy gonna end up on dateline nbc...

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    Is english your second language Eddie?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    Is english your second language Eddie?
    no, "not getting laid" is

  21. #21
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    she's your neice's friend? how old is your neice? and if you started banging her friend, your neice will obviously find out. So will the rest of the family.

  22. #22
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    so whats your question?

    all I got from that was...17.... she reached you threw FaceBook....she hits on old men (sorry but next ta 17 , 30ish IS OLD) ....she somehow convenced you that wanting to sleep around is the "mature" thing (for a 17 year old) and she parties (well the 17 year old child says she stopped...lmao)...

    ummm again whats your question?
    I think you knew while typing this that is sounds wrong and creepy, add too the mix family and and its no longer a question.

    so at 30 your sapposed to be the adult (?) act like it and tell the CHILD strait out that whats going on is completly inappropriate and you no longer feel comfortable in her presents, than avoid the CHILD.

  23. #23
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_m63 View Post
    I know that's why we're just talking online, we are not discussing anything sexually either but still the age difference, age of concent is 16 here.
    this just made me vomit in my mouth a lill bit

    **seriously you knew this? or researched it? or consider it even relevent? WOW...
    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 08-21-2011 at 12:45 AM. Reason: when off on a little rant than showered the sckeeveis off me from the heebeey-geebies and wrote a calmer version

  24. #24
    Twist's Avatar
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    17 year old girls are complete morons and you will have nothing to talk about with her ever because your interests will never align. She is also crazy. Save yourself some trouble and get a prostitute to get your rocks off

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    17 year old girls are complete morons and you will have nothing to talk about with her ever because your interests will never align. She is also crazy. Save yourself some trouble and get a prostitute to get your rocks off
    Hell to the no, no prostitutes for me my man...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    so whats your question?
    all I got from that was...17.... she reached you threw FaceBook....she hits on old men (sorry but next ta 17 , 30ish IS OLD) ....she somehow convenced you that wanting to sleep around is the "mature" thing (for a 17 year old) and she parties (well the 17 year old child says she stopped...lmao)...
    ummm again whats your question?
    I think you knew while typing this that is sounds wrong and creepy, add too the mix family and and its no longer a question.
    so at 30 your sapposed to be the aunt (?) act like it and tell the CHILD strait out that whats going on is completly inappropriate and you no longer feel comfortable in her presents, than avoid the CHILD.

    This is good and you are right, but as stated before my intentions were never serious I thought I was friendly but now I think she took it the wrong way and assume that I wanted to kick it as well. I should just close my stupid fb account...

  27. #27
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    no, "not getting laid" is
    Neither I get laid whenever I want to.

  28. #28
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    flying from the ashes

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  32. #32
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post

  33. #33
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    Don't do it dude, one of my best friends, younger than you, carried on a very long relationship with a girl that age and now he's sitting in jail. Been there since May of last year. We all told him to quit, like we are telling you, and he wouldn't listen to us and said "Nah man...she's cool, she knows whats up". Well turns out she decided being "cool" meant telling ALL of her friends. As teenagers do, she got into an argument with one girl, and that one girl ran and told her mom, etc etc.

    Bad news man. If you need some young ass go down to South America or something.

  34. #34
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Doesn't matter how mature they attempt to present themselves, they're not....and yea, sick.....

  35. #35
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    jesus! everytime you post i get more convinced you need professional help

  36. #36
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Well one of my girlfriends is 24 years younger than me ...... the other is 32 years younger than me and oddly enough both their ages added together add up to my age! And the difference of their ages from mine also add up to my age!

    Confused? I'm not.

  37. #37
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_m63 View Post
    Neither I get laid whenever I want to.
    right!!!!!! is not getting laid BTW

  38. #38
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    jesus! everytime you post i get more convinced you need professional help
    i m with u on this

  39. #39
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    Guy is a weirdo, check his post history. This is just sinking to an all time low

  40. #40
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    Guy is a weirdo, check his post history. This is just sinking to an all time low

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