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  1. #1
    PurpleOnes's Avatar
    PurpleOnes is offline Associate Member
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    My thoughts on teen sensation bodybuilders

    I'm currently 18 and I'm natty, waiting until 24-25 to start juicing. Meanwhile focusing on learning as much as I can about nutrition, training, mental aspect and steroid cycling.

    One thing that bothers me little bit and I want to share it with you guys. Thease so called ''teen sensation bodybuilders'' , that weight over 200 pounds, have gyno already and pretty much train like shit. Thats not all , I myself beliave in hard
    work inside and outside of the gym. By that I mean training smart and heavy with good form, lifting without ego and focusing on contracting muscle rather than just banging out the weight. Thing that pisses of me the most is that thease jucing teens don't even work real jobs to pay for their cycles , they either do camshows, that are pretty gay or they rely on their rich parents. You may ask why I'm thinking like this? The reason is that I'm used to work for everything I have, I appreciate every thing I get and besides I don't have rich parents that can buy everything to me. I'm not trolling or hating on thease kids , I'm just saying that they are making huge mistake in long term. I'm just expressing my feeling towards this subject and thank you for reading
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 08-22-2011 at 02:25 AM.

  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    Cool story bro.

  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    Worry less about what everyone else is doing, and more about yourself.

  4. #4
    PurpleOnes's Avatar
    PurpleOnes is offline Associate Member
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    Yea I know , I was just wondering if someone feels the same.

  5. #5
    auslifta's Avatar
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    flying from the ashes
    Achievements only feel good when you work for them

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Concentrate on yourself and dont waste any enegry on what others are doing

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    when i was 18 everyone was into the rave and rec drug scene, thats all died off now and these days AAS seem to be the 'designer' drug of choice for youngsters

  8. #8
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    i cant stand it when i run into young adults who talk about doing steroids and they dont know anything about it.

    its crazy when i mention pct and say nolvadex and they say yeah gnc has novadex. damn morons.

  9. #9
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    A have a budy who is a genetic freak! he started competing at 16 and tore it up! won first place natural until he got to level 3 (there are three levels) were he couldnt crack top 3 because all the other guys were on at 18 he hopped on a cycle of test and blew up! the kid not only won junior division but he placed third over all against guys that were twice his age! Then he started playing around with diffrent cycles and stayed on for about a year and tore it up even more! he was placing 1st and 2nd in every show and he sponsored by a well known supplement 20 he was burnt out! the kid had no life out side of bodybuilding, and had been running high doses of gear for over a year...out of the blue he quit it all....he stoped taking sauce, he stoped bodybuilding, he stoped lifting ect ect ect for about 2 years he didnt do shit! it took him a long time to get back to normal! now hes back into bodybuilding again and Im guessing he is on sauce but hes older now and better able to balance life.

    One time when I asked him why he just quit gold turky he said it wasnt funny anymore and he was missing out on life. He told me he had no balance, had lost his gf, lost all his real friends, and even lost his job near the end because he put bodybuilding above that as well.

  10. #10
    PurpleOnes's Avatar
    PurpleOnes is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    A have a budy who is a genetic freak! he started competing at 16 and tore it up! won first place natural until he got to level 3 (there are three levels) were he couldnt crack top 3 because all the other guys were on at 18 he hopped on a cycle of test and blew up! the kid not only won junior division but he placed third over all against guys that were twice his age! Then he started playing around with diffrent cycles and stayed on for about a year and tore it up even more! he was placing 1st and 2nd in every show and he sponsored by a well known supplement 20 he was burnt out! the kid had no life out side of bodybuilding, and had been running high doses of gear for over a year...out of the blue he quit it all....he stoped taking sauce, he stoped bodybuilding, he stoped lifting ect ect ect for about 2 years he didnt do shit! it took him a long time to get back to normal! now hes back into bodybuilding again and Im guessing he is on sauce but hes older now and better able to balance life.
    One time when I asked him why he just quit gold turky he said it wasnt funny anymore and he was missing out on life. He told me he had no balance, had lost his gf, lost all his real friends, and even lost his job near the end because he put bodybuilding above that as well.
    I liked that story very much, thanks.

  11. #11
    TBrah's Avatar
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    there are 3 kids that come to mind that go to my gym and I don't see anything wrong with what theyre doing. Theyre bigger than most of the adults that go there, I know one of them personally and he gets girls all the time. I know the one kid works for a contractor and I used to pay for everything myself. Maybe you're just jealous?

    comprimises and prioritys, gotta figure out what is important to you and what you're willing to trade
    Last edited by TBrah; 08-22-2011 at 11:47 AM.

  12. #12
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleOnes View Post
    I'm currently 18 and I'm natty, waiting until 24-25 to start juicing. Meanwhile focusing on learning as much as I can about nutrition, training, mental aspect and steroid cycling.

    One thing that bothers me little bit and I want to share it with you guys. Thease so called ''teen sensation bodybuilders'' , that weight over 200 pounds, have gyno already and pretty much train like shit. Thats not all , I myself beliave in hard
    work inside and outside of the gym. By that I mean training smart and heavy with good form, lifting without ego and focusing on contracting muscle rather than just banging out the weight. Thing that pisses of me the most is that thease jucing teens don't even work real jobs to pay for their cycles , they either do camshows, that are pretty gay or they rely on their rich parents. You may ask why I'm thinking like this? The reason is that I'm used to work for everything I have, I appreciate every thing I get and besides I don't have rich parents that can buy everything to me. I'm not trolling or hating on thease kids
    , I'm just saying that they are making huge mistake in long term. I'm just expressing my feeling towards this subject and thank you for reading
    If that's not hatin on a group I dont know what is. That said, I agree with the majority of what you wrote. Many of these kids never learn how to grow or diet without the assistance of chemicals. For every Lee Priest there are a thousand more who dont ever make a splash in the this sport and have a lifetime of health issues to show for their recklessness. Stick with your beliefs.

  13. #13
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I have yet to meet a successful bodybuilder at any level who doesnt use...I know a few guys who claim they are natural because they have sponsors but they arnt.

  14. #14
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    People getting "wellness and health" confused with "bodybuilding" here...

  15. #15
    PurpleOnes's Avatar
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    I'm not jelous , I care more about my health and my life. Thease are just my thoughts and thats all. I was just saying that if every teenager who juices , could backup with his plans and do some research. They would have so much less problems in future.

    Most of thease kids do not know anyting about cycling and they beliave what their friends tell them ( who often don't know anything too). In my opinnion it is so damn risky beliave what others say to you about dosages and cycles , if you haven't done any research yourself.

    I personally don't feel jelous, because I'm using period of 18-25 smart. I'm researching about dieting, training , I'm strenghtening my mind , I research here about cycling and steroids in general. To top it off I'm going to get a good profession as personal trainer instead of sitting at home and doing camshows. To end this message I would want to say that I feel like I'm making better choise in a long term.
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 08-23-2011 at 04:27 AM.

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