These f*ckers need to be on one of the bombs we drop!
These f*ckers need to be on one of the bombs we drop!
thats f**ked up
A guy in one of my classes told me about this...damn it makes me f**king mad!!!
yeah thats fucked up, people like that just simply suck ass
you just made me feel stupid now...Originally posted by The Juice Man
yeah thats fucked up, people like that just simply suck ass
tolinka--im sorry bro how did i make yo feel stupid???? im lost help me
Originally posted by The Juice Man
tolinka--im sorry bro how did i make yo feel stupid???? im lost help me
WTF? I meant to post this on the othe post....partyboy's post...WTF is it doing here????![]()
i dunno bro, ur best bet is to pull ur head out of ur ass, take a deep breath and smell that disgusting smell cause ur head was just up ur ass a moment a g o ..hehhehehehe im just playin bro, im bored dont mind sorry ill shut up
excuse me mother fucker what the fuck did you just fucking say???ill fucking kick ur front fucking teeth in you mother fucker and shit down ur fucking throat, you cock sucker mother fucker....hahahahah
FUCK COUNT: 8 fucks in one reply wow inpressive...
im sorry about my profanity, it wont happen again........tolinka ur the man, mother fucker...oooooooppsssssss hehehehe
I diidnt call you an asshole....I said asshole...s the people with the protesting sigh! so before you go and talk SHIT! check the facts! please
hey tolinka i was kidding you dick head, dont get all emotional on me...god can anyone take a joke...and i dont talk shit, i was you check the facts b4 you go ahead an ACUSE me!!!!!
Bro, i was jsut playing with you, sorry man i didnt think you will take it all seriouslyOriginally posted by The Juice Man
hey tolinka i was kidding you dick head, dont get all emotional on me...god can anyone take a joke...and i dont talk shit, i was you check the facts b4 you go ahead an ACUSE me!!!!!![]()
hahahahahaha bro, i gotcha........i was not serious, but it was a good response, wasn't it????
yea, back to the unnatural picture at the top of the thread, those fuckers should be beaten to death by the famlies of the men that were injured by that traitorous bastard who fragged his fellow soldiers.
I’m a person who is against the Iraq war (and any other war for that matter) and I consider myself to be as tolerant of others opinions as the next person…..But that display is just plain wrong. I mean to encourage the death of those who don’t share your opinion. Well that makes those protestors just as bad as those who make the decisions for war.
That sucks, not supporting violence by asking for my violence.
The pussy is even covering his face! So he knows that his doing wrong.
What would you guys acctualy do if they would have walked passed you with that banner?
Man id like to be there. Id stick that sign up all their asses! Even if u dont agree with the war that doesnt give them the right to ge friggin idiots!
dam that harsh
I say we wrap them up in that sign and throw them off a high bridge somewhere. That is one one of the stupidest signs I have ever seen!
I walk passed those fuckers every morning. This morning I got in this guys face and told him to throw some camo on. I really want to hurt one of these assholes....................You know what is funny, there is a rally in times square today and instead of like thousands of cops protecting our homeland they are wasting there attention on these fucking retarts.....
I just kept thinking about getting everyone from the board to get in wife beaters and have our our rally in times square, see if we can't shut those fuckers up...
Grab the nearest heavy object and smack em with itOriginally posted by palme
The pussy is even covering his face! So he knows that his doing wrong.
What would you guys acctualy do if they would have walked passed you with that banner?
As much as I am against this war, and I really am, that kind of shit is just fucked up. Same as comparing people to Hitler and other shit like that.
WTF!!!!!!!!! That's the problem with the whole fuckin' country.
NO one can express their opinions w/ o resorting to threats or violence.
There have been bar brawls over whose the best QB in NFL history.
OH,there more than free to express thier opinion but I'm more than free to hand them thier ass for doing so!!!These people don't even know what they're protesting they just see an opportunity to get on T.V.Originally posted by New GearGuy
WTF!!!!!!!!! That's the problem with the whole fuckin' country.
NO one can express their opinions w/ o resorting to threats or violence.
There have been bar brawls over whose the best QB in NFL history.
Dirty Hippies.
im with jammergsxr, i agree ill hand them a nice little fucking beating if I witnessed that shit...
Yeah, and I'll support the protestors when they start shooting each other.We support our troops when they shoot their officers
- Yeah, and I'll support the protestors when they start shooting each other.
- Grab the nearest heavy object and smack em with it
- I say we wrap them up in that sign and throw them off a high bridge somewhere.
- Id stick that sign up all their asses!
- those fuckers should be beaten to death by the famlies of the men that were injured...
- These f*ckers need to be on one of the bombs we drop!
Bros... come on... seriously... I've been quiet for a while on this but I got to say somehting... Since the start of this war, I've seen nastyness here, incitment to violence, unbelievable bigotry and constant slamming...
How are those above comments in any way or form any different than that scandalous message that idiot has on the sign?
Inciting violence because some misguided morons are expressing their opinion (however misguided and stupid it may be) takes you down to their level and is no better than the "my country right or wrong" mob mentality that put people like Saddam and the fucking Nazis in power in the first place.
In my eyes, the correct response to all those anti-war rallies would be to hold twice as big and twice as loud "We support our troops" rallies to make sure they know that even if not everyone agrees with the war, they as soldiers are supported.
People like the idiot with his sign don't even deserve to be acknowledged...
I have an idea i just came up with...
The whole purpose of protesting is to make a point right? Well sense most of the people and the govermnet oppose them, why dont we just ignore them? By stopping to show them on TV, by stopping hearing about their reasons on the radio and prevent the cops from babysiting them. They only reason they are standing there on the streets and protestin because that way they are getting attenton and every one wants to be in the centre of attention, its human nature. So if we all ignore them, they will be like" Fuck, no one listenes to us anymore, they dont give a shit..." the only thing they will left to do is to go home and watch oprah...Us arguing here and being angry with them, is exactly what they want! to cause us to have conflicts between us, to try to convince us that their ideas are right....lets just ignore em all.
You are right. If no one paid them attention that would be best. Problem is that the media loves this kind of stuff because it's good for ratings. They don't appear to have enough sense to stop sensationalizing this kind of stuff. The media is skewed towards one thing. Ratings. They don't care if they are helping to promote the most vulgar of positions. As long as their ratings go up, they are happy.
I still like my Idea better!
to tell you the truth. I've been watching msnbc and cnn, like all day since I'm a bartender, and they don't show more than 2 minutes every 90 minutes or so. they don't let them get their messages in too much so to hell with them. stop watching the local news if you don't want to see that stuff. I'm not missing it, I can tell you that much.
anyone want some freedom fries?
see that mutherfucker to the bottom right wearing a mask? what a coward.....fuck nuking iraq, we need to nuke that protest!!!
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