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I am late to my office basically every morning. I am the owner, so I get away from it as long as we don't miss a client deadline.
However, I did miss a deadline a couple of weeks ago and had to tell the client why. I was returning from lunch as a passenger in one of my designer's truck. We were sitting at a red light to make a left hand turn. There was a girl on foot waiting to cross the street. Normally I wouldn't have paid any attention, but she was listening to headphones and doing a little dance while smiling at people that passed. As I watched her, the driver yells "holy crap", I hear brakes and crunching...and then a truck enters my field of vision, goes up on the curb and hits the girl I was watching while going at least 30 miles an hour. She flies up in the air, legs above her head, hits a wall and disappears on the other side of the truck. The truck hits a fire hydrant, knocks it a good fifty feet and it puts a small hole in a brick wall. He then gets back on the street and keeps going until he comes up on the cars blocking his way at the red light at the end of the block. We were able to make the turn into our office and get out to see the aftermath. It was horrible. Lots of abrasions, blood coming out of her nose and when the paramedics got there they said she had broken ribs and a perforated lung. They said she might not make it...but I found out later that she did. We had to talk to few police officers and give written statements to the investigators.
Too much detail? Does that always make it sound like a lie?
Regardless, the client said "is that why Charleston was closed for four or five hours?" And I had news reports to back me up. It was all true.