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  1. #1
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    What's Going on guys

    I haven't been on here in about 5 or 6 months and let's just say Ive missed it lol. But anyways just an update for anyone who remembers, My wife and i are having a boy in December and can't wait. I've been working nonstop all summer so haven't had much time to get on here or even workout for that matter

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    well fvck me, i am psychic, i was just thinking that you've not been around for a bit today!!!

  3. #3
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Haha for real? I was gonna post the other day but didn't figure I would have time to get back on. But anyways how you been man

  4. #4
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Does FirstTimer get on here anymore? I looked at an old pm from him an it said his username was Flier I didn't know what was up with that

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    yeah, hes around

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Glad to see you are back. No time for the gym? If you have to choose between gym time and online please choose the gym, we miss you but you know we will be here for you when you need us or you have time.

    You think you are busy now, wait until December. LOL Go look a gbrice75's nursery pictures, just dont show your wife or she will want you to do the same and you really wont have any spare time.

  7. #7
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Haha no I've made time for the gym I'd pull my hair out if not, I just haven't been going as much because I'm working about 50hrs a week at one job then doing a partime job mowing a few yard contracts and all sorts of stuff but I still make it in there I just have lost a few lbs. But I'm about to look at his pictures, i for sure won't let her see though lol

  8. #8
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Luckily we already bought the paint and stuff to match it haha so hopefully she won't change her mind on it, but gbrice's pictures looked real nice

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    School unfortunately is never ending it seems. Continuing education in almost any field you go into if you want to stay current. I remember thinking after college I was SO happy no more school. Why the hell did I get into IT??? LOL

    Yup, gbrice did a nice job but just as his boy gets old enough to start appreciating it his wife will probably decide it needs re-done since it will be 3 or 4 years old. LOL The first time around it's more for the parents than the kid obviously but I'm sure it helps relax the kid having a cheerful, colorful and nice visual environment.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-11-2011 at 11:53 PM.

  11. #11
    Twist's Avatar
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    What do you do LB?

  12. #12
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Yes sir, well somewhat I am taking an online class this semester I got registered late and didn't have many options. But basically I'm trying to decide between two very different career paths. Nursing and finance, I love the stock market man it draws me in so much. It's One of those things that I just always want to learn more about but then again I think I would really like nursing interacting with all the people and stuff. I just don't know but I need to figure it out soon because I'm at the point at school where it's time to decide

  13. #13
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    I'm in your same boat bro. I'm in finance and I love everything that has to do with money and managing it (especially the stock market), but I could also easily go into endocrinology and love that too. I feel that health demands are only rising so there is a great market for it. It's also impossible to outsource things like nursing. But with finance you don't have to go to school for as long. I'm right there with you bro...

  14. #14
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    Finally somebody knows exactly how I feel haha, most people don't know a ton about finance so anytime I talk to them they are like eh idk I'd just do nursing. I think ever since the economy tanked everybody thinks finance is a awful field to get into is probably why. So idk man, if I go the finance route I would love being on wall street but then again I might like doing just more portfolio management.... So many decisions! Haha

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    What do you do LB?
    As little as possible. :P I worked doing IT support for a few years for a couple of stock market trading companies that had several brokers and live trading desk doing anything from user support, building PC's, Servers for trading and network troubleshooting. I then worked at a server farm for a few years with over 6000 servers monitoring, building, racking, stacking, cabling and configuring servers for MS and now I'm doing exactly what I said I would NEVER do, I work mostly with routers. Everyone at the MS data center wanted to get into routers, getting their CCNA and such. Not me, I like the physical aspect of hardware, building, troubleshooting, racking, stacking etc but as fate would have it I ended up doing what I said I would never do. LOL

    I like it now but dont love it. The job, work hours, pay is great and it gives me time to play here at AR.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Finally somebody knows exactly how I feel haha, most people don't know a ton about finance so anytime I talk to them they are like eh idk I'd just do nursing. I think ever since the economy tanked everybody thinks finance is a awful field to get into is probably why. So idk man, if I go the finance route I would love being on wall street but then again I might like doing just more portfolio management.... So many decisions! Haha
    When everyone else is steering clear, that's the best time to get in. From everything I've read getting into wallstreet is hard, very hard. If I stay finance (which I am 90% going to do) I will try to get into an ivy league school and do my MBA. Stanford is close so that is an option I would like to work with. Finance is super competitive but it's the best major if you are a business major. In order to pass the tests you have to know the material. Unlike marketing or another business major where you can graduate without actually knowing how to do things (like market products). Finding internships is proving hard though. Everyone wants experience and with only basic accounting and basic finance courses taken you aren't really prepared to do the jobs anyway. Companies seem to want interns who are more like employees just without the pay. It's all who you know right now. Great time to be in school and not looking for paid work! Keep at it bro. If you find anything helpful let me know and I will do the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    As little as possible. :P I worked doing IT support for a few years for a couple of stock market trading companies that had several brokers and live trading desk doing anything from user support, building PC's, Servers for trading and network troubleshooting. I then worked at a server farm for a few years with over 6000 servers monitoring, building, racking, stacking, cabling and configuring servers for MS and now I'm doing exactly what I said I would NEVER do, I work mostly with routers. Everyone at the MS data center wanted to get into routers, getting their CCNA and such. Not me, I like the physical aspect of hardware, building, troubleshooting, racking, stacking etc but as fate would have it I ended up doing what I said I would never do. LOL

    I like it now but dont love it. The job, work hours, pay is great and it gives me time to play here at AR.
    I was never very good with computers. Right now I got this shitty problem where my class has all the assignments for microsoft access but I have a mac so I'm screwed. It's good that you have job you don't hate that pays well. That's more than most can say.
    Last edited by Twist; 09-12-2011 at 12:25 AM.

  17. #17
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    As an option to keep making money since I have a baby but still get my foot in the finance world I applied at Edward Jones. I have a phone interview scheduled for tomorrow but I'm not counting on it but it would be nice. The bad thing is ive heard your more of a salesman with them. But either way it would be something to get me started.

    I don't have the best grades in all my prerequisites all th basic stuff which I'm worried would hurt me in trying to get into a MBA type program or anything. Vanderbilt is close so I'd look into their school there but I am sure I will do alot better in my actual finance classes. I've got add and that makes the boring classes 10 times harder lol but on the plus side you can't break my focus when it comes to finance type stuff. As long a I'm really interested I do real well

  18. #18
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    Well that's your talking point. "Wasn't too interested in many of the classes and just kind of went through the motions. Took a finance class in my xxx year of college and that's when... "

    How far along are you? I'm like 1 year from graduating with my bachelors.

  19. #19
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    Well I am only 19 lol but I have about 40 hours completed so I am at that point where I need to decide for sure on my major so I'm not taking pointless classes and wasting money. I am in anatomy and physiology this semester but I'm planning on hopefully making a good grade in it so it won't hurt my gpa then taking finance classes from here on out hopefully unless I need a few more prereqs. I cut alot of bs and got right to the classes I needed. So I'd say I have about 2 years left before I can graduate. I will probably take some summer classes if I need to also.

  20. #20
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    Also do yOu all know of any good online schools? The ones around here don't have the best programs if you want to do finance so I was thInking about trying to go to one but idk

  21. #21
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    Careful with the online schools. I saw a study on them recently that showed most of them charge 2x what a typical school would and many are not recognized as legitimate schools, non accredited and dont help at all with job search or any other problems that may arise.


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    PM me if u need help with anatomy/phys...

    I love school, just gettin in further and further debt :-)

    and im now addicted to coffee...

  23. #23
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    Yea lovebyts that's what I was worried about. I would rather use a normal university but one that just how a solid base of online classes so I can keep working you know. But we will see I might be able to go to a local one. And thanks for the Offer lemonada I might be taking you up on it

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Yea lovebyts that's what I was worried about. I would rather use a normal university but one that just how a solid base of online classes so I can keep working you know. But we will see I might be able to go to a local one. And thanks for the Offer lemonada I might be taking you up on it
    Not a problem, I would hate to see a member get burned on something like that, or anything. LOL I always enjoyed classes but I am not disciplined enough to do it online.

  25. #25
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    Edward Jones is a great company and the pay is fantastic if you make it.. Back about 5 yrs ago I worked for them for almost a yr.. but you're right, it's basically a sales job. The company more or less tells you what funds/companies to push and while you can pick whatever, it's highly frowned upon to go against the grain...
    Worst part is, it's mandatory to go door to door selling yourself/"meeting people"... You have to meet approx. 25 "quality contacts" per day n document their address/conversation so corporate can check up on you.. And it's mandatory to wear a suit/tie at all times while going door to door.. sux man, people assume your a bible salesman and most aren't very happy IF they answer.. After I was fully licensed they made me do this almost full time, quit within a week
    On the flipside, after 2+ yrs of doing this everyday you probably should have a client base n won't have to do it again n within 5 yrs the avg broker makes 105k per yr, with some guys easily clearing a mil..

  26. #26
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    Wait.....u got married???? and knocked her up? or u got married cause you knocked her up...werent you 18 or something? mr. Sexpert....

  27. #27
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Glad to see you back. Stick around a while.

  28. #28
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    Thanks for the info jasc I'm not getting my hopes up but I do think I would enjoy working for them after a little while. I'm young... But I'm hoping that won't keep them from going forward when they find out. I have to fill out the employment application now, the phone interview went pretty well today I think though but a local EJ guy told me basically they won't hire me because I'm young and not a college grad yet or anything. But I always like proving people wrong lol.

    And calgarian lol I thought you knew the scoop but yea I'm 19. And yes I did get her pregnant but no that's not why I married her. I had planned on marrying her before this ever happened so it just kinda sped the process up is all lol.

    Thanks tigershark I'm planning on gettig back on here more I like it

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Thanks for the info jasc I'm not getting my hopes up but I do think I would enjoy working for them after a little while. I'm young... But I'm hoping that won't keep them from going forward when they find out. I have to fill out the employment application now, the phone interview went pretty well today I think though but a local EJ guy told me basically they won't hire me because I'm young and not a college grad yet or anything. But I always like proving people wrong lol.

    And calgarian lol I thought you knew the scoop but yea I'm 19. And yes I did get her pregnant but no that's not why I married her. I had planned on marrying her before this ever happened so it just kinda sped the process up is all lol.

    Thanks tigershark I'm planning on gettig back on here more I like it
    Well belated congratulations and do us a favor, prove everyone wrong or at least the statistics and dont let it go sideways and get a divorce. Sounds like you have a pretty solid head on your shoulders and moving in the right direction so keep it up and make sure she has your back and you hers because you will both need it. It's never an easy ride; there are always bumps, pot holes and a few canyons in the road of life.

  30. #30
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    Thanks man, and we both plan on beating the statistics. We both have the mentality of divorce isnt an option and I think that will really help

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