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Thread: Joke of the Day 03/30/03

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York

    Joke of the Day 03/30/03

    Joke Of The Day:
    A couple are driving along the freeway and the husband, who is driving, is complaining about everything. The heat, the long drive, the bad drivers, the country, etc. His wife is getting tired of his depressing talk, so she says to him: "One more complaint and I'll cut your penis off with my pen-knife". About half an hour later, he starts complaining again and before he could blink his wife pulls out her knife, slices the guy's dick off, and throws it out the window. Driving behind the couple's car is a family of three: husband, wife, and 8 year old daughter. The penis lands on their car's windshield, and the father, in an absolute panic (as he doesn't want his daughter to see the penis), quickly turns on the windshield wipers (to get the dick off the windshield, and out of view of his daughter). The observant daughter asks, "Daddy, what was that?" Her father, still in a panic, says, "Oh, it was only a . . .uh . . . butterfly". "Must've been a big butterfly," replied the daughter. "Did you see the size of its dick?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Thats a good one.


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