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Thread: flame thread.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by monstercojones1
    symatech? three hairs? alcoholic?
    Three hairs - Too much AAS
    alcoholic - i only drink because it makes you all more interesting.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I found this in Fkits diary....

    "How much I love CYCELON"


    CYC, CYC, O how i love your sack.
    You stole my heart, now i want it back.

    I will follow your bulging pects to the ends of the earth,
    On your praise alone, I base my self-worth.

    Im insecure, so i fake a girlfriend,
    but in spite of that, my love for cyc will never end.

    Please just say that Im worthy of your love
    And I will thank the heavens, and god above.

    Now dear old cyc, i know im your bitch of a whore,
    you smiled at me once and now i want more.

    so if you can find it in your heart,
    be with me, and we shall never part.

    and you said i couldnt flame...

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by symatech

    Three hairs - Too much AAS
    alcoholic - i only drink because it makes you all more interesting.
    wouldnt it be "y'all" down there in Sister/Mother land?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by monstercojones1
    what the hell is a daem anyway? and is that a pokemon in your avatar?
    daem is abbreviated for name represents how devilishly handsome i am and the avatar is devil boy from the radiskull cartoons

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    Originally posted by tolinka

    you are so pathetic by just sitting in this thread and hoping to get flamed....just so pathectic! oh and you have smelly arm pits!
    your mom said the same thing about my performance and my pits

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by monstercojones1
    I found this in Fkits diary....

    "How much I love CYCELON"


    CYC, CYC, O how i love your sack.
    You stole my heart, now i want it back.

    I will follow your bulging pects to the ends of the earth,
    On your praise alone, I base my self-worth.

    Im insecure, so i fake a girlfriend,
    but in spite of that, my love for cyc will never end.

    Please just say that Im worthy of your love
    And I will thank the heavens, and god above.

    Now dear old cyc, i know im your bitch of a whore,
    you smiled at me once and now i want more.

    so if you can find it in your heart,
    be with me, and we shall never part.

    and you said i couldnt flame...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: ..

    Originally posted by roch

    your mom said the same thing about my performance and my pits
    i find it disgusting

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by daem
    and the avatar is devil boy from the radiskull cartoons

    what is that? some wierd animated japanese porn?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Originally posted by monstercojones1

    what is that? some wierd animated japanese porn?

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by monstercojones1

    wouldnt it be "y'all" down there in Sister/Mother land?
    oooooo good one fool. you called me out. and so what if my sisters my mother...your just jealous cuz you cant get either one of em. you only wish you had a mother instead of being created out of a non sterile test tube which was a terrible experiment to create the worlds most ugly (and small ) 'human'

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    symatech...come on man...that's pretty lame...that's like a yo moma joke...

    you can do better, keep trying!

    Mr. Monkey head - nice poem about fkit!

    Tonkia - duuude, you keep trying to stir the shit...but have said nothing more than "ewww your armpits stink" I mean come on, your can do better than that... I mean yours would stink to if you worked out! But i mean you wouldnt know what it's like to break a sweat. God forbid it was having sex....and does not count if your hand is involved.

    What may you ask has you being russian to do with my call out. Well now, You should have some good old "american jokes"...I guess your just to smart to use them...I mean look what happend in Rocky

    *prepares to be completely flamed*


  13. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    monsterco that was pretty good coming from a chimp...are they still looking for you or did the brooklyn zoo sign a release form...?

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    monsterco that was pretty good coming from a chimp...are they still looking for you or did the brooklyn zoo sign a release form...?
    He's not from the zoo!

    Some PETA fruitcake "released" him from a big room with a thousand other monkeys and a thousand typewriters in it...


  15. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    but ive got a gun, keep talking shit.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Heres a poem for you.....awfull jackass

    As i was walking down the street
    I saw the Po-lice start to beat
    this godawfull sack of shit
    who goes by the name kunipshunfit

    i wandered over just in time
    to see him start to cry and whine
    as clubs and shotgun buts did fall
    upon his head i had to stall

    my instinct was to help this man
    so i grabbed a crowbar with my free hand
    i ran on over to save his life
    but soon i remembered his post tonight

    anger filled me to take his life
    so i swung down hard with all my might
    the pigs said 'shit boy whatd you do?'
    i said 'who cares lets beat this fool'

    they agreed and proceeded beating
    on kunipshun who just kept bleeding
    people around me watched and cheered
    the cops said 'lets buy you a beer'

    one pig said 'look what i have found'
    'amps and vials upon the ground'
    out of kunipshuns pocket they fell
    'theyre yours now symatech you made us proud!'

    *also prepares to be flammed*

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    symatech, symatech- sooo childish.

    let the men handle this.

    it was the night before christmas,
    and all through the house- not a sound could be heard
    except for symatech, taking off his blouse.

    and then came down upon the floor,
    his big nasty bra- and unmentionables galore.

    and then trodded in, k'fit - his lover
    to give some christmas lovin; like no other.
    they pretend to bicker, pretend to fight,
    but the truth is known... they spoon all night.

    and with snow on the ground, christmas day came,
    shut the HELL UP, you're both so lame.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by monstercojones1
    symatech, symatech- sooo childish.

    let the men handle this.

    it was the night before christmas,
    and all through the house- not a sound could be heard
    except for symatech, taking off his blouse.

    and then came down upon the floor,
    his big nasty bra- and unmentionables galore.

    and then trodded in, k'fit - his lover
    to give some christmas lovin; like no other.
    they pretend to bicker, pretend to fight,
    but the truth is known... they spoon all night.

    and with snow on the ground, christmas day came,
    shut the HELL UP, you're both so lame.
    *shakes head* bro, i would of taken the flame in stride except that was even lamer than MY poem. This is by far the worst poem ever.

    if i may quote eminem

    'k dawg heres what you should do
    go home get a penicl, write some shit down make it suspensfull, AND DONT COME BACK HERE TILL SOME REAL SHIT HITS YOU...fuck it you can take tha mike home wit you."


  19. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I posted this over in some other thread about shaving but... I figured it would fit nicely into the flame thread. Why can't any of you guys figure out how to shave? It's not hard. Always complaining about razor burn... if that hurts you guys... then you're not the bad asses you make yourselves out to be.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    peam, why dont you girls learn to shave everythinggggg regularly. or wax or something...

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    maybe SOME of us DO know how...

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    there you go peam just for you angel im sorry

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    thank you

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by peam
    maybe SOME of us DO know how...

    i know some do, in fact most do. its just the few lazy ones make you all look bad.

    by the way, is it true that women think Fkits is a huge dork? i heard it from a few good sources...

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Well, I'm not lazy... and yes... Fkits is a dork but I like guys that are a little goofy. Not saying that I like Fkit!!! He knows I don't.

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    fkit happens to be an awesome hott ass dork.....

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Ha no flames on that one.. That shows that we are all in agreement...thank you guys I win I win you lose hahahahaha

    Josh: 1

    Anaboliclameflamers: 0

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    symatech, symatech- sooo childish.

    let the men handle this.

    it was the night before christmas,
    and all through the house- not a sound could be heard
    except for symatech, taking off his blouse.

    and then came down upon the floor,
    his big nasty bra- and unmentionables galore.

    and then trodded in, k'fit - his lover
    to give some christmas lovin; like no other.
    they pretend to bicker, pretend to fight,
    but the truth is known... they spoon all night.

    and with snow on the ground, christmas day came,
    shut the HELL UP, you're both so lame.
    You big hairy ape!, you got mad skills with the poems...however;

    Once upon a midnight dreary; while I pondered stoned and dreary
    I happend to glance
    down at the road to see this hairy ape walking in pants
    He looked up and he looked down
    next thing i know he started to pound; his meat that is
    he couldnt beat that twiss'ler of a dick
    because the poor lil' ape couldnt find his prick!

    Dazed and confused, he started to flee
    next thing you know he started to see
    K'Fit laughing at the poor and confused little ape
    but all he could do was stand and gape
    For he knew his deca gave him the limp noodle
    now he couldnt even get laid by a poodle!

    Poor bastard should have taken some test
    then he'd be able to give that poodle his best!
    One day you'll learn
    Till then you'll be burned

    Dont fuck with the best;
    you are just a little pest!
    I'll swat you with my hand and send you cryin
    wishin that you were not dyin!

    *yeah i know i suck at poems...but it was a first attempt!*


  29. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Monster - You must admit to everyone once and for all that your avatar is a direct reflection of your love for the movie Planet of the Apes. The sad part is that your love for the movie is not as strong as your sexual fantasy for Mark Wohlberg.

    I am unclear though as to why you would start a thread like this. Especially after getting whooped by some frat boys not to long ago.
    Is it that you are one of those guys that likes abuse? Maybe you are one of those that gets off on having the hooker you baught for the night jump up and down on your nuts in heels.

    You sick bastard.


  30. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Diesel that was lame get a life dude you came from nowhere obviously and the fact that you are nobody makes it even worse. it was an honest attempt to be recognized but the fact that nobody likes you overturns your ambition...take it as a loss and go cry in front of the mirror while asking yourself "why can I not break 300 lbs" and then realize maybe its b/c you spend too much time trying to get recognized on a thread of which you had no place being in...loser....ha

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Damn I had to re-read your post again because i felt sorry for you ...Im not sure who is more pathetic you are CYC

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    Seems no one has noticed FKits new title - its been there for a day or two - well, I guess no one looks twice at him anyway

  33. #73
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    aaaahhh.......I just noticed that.......that's a shame you have to use your super powers to tap your ego up a bit....ill play along just for you old man....." i want to be like cycleon he is the best actor ever too bad he got caught spanking in a theater but i sure would still like to be like him" lol actually it kinda has a ring to it......its like saying.......all yee people.....take heed to my child....and accept him for who he is---the man. So I will be the son and you are my I have to die to save the board for their sins?

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    Diesel that was lame get a life dude you came from nowhere obviously and the fact that you are nobody makes it even worse. it was an honest attempt to be recognized but the fact that nobody likes you overturns your ambition...take it as a loss and go cry in front of the mirror while asking yourself "why can I not break 300 lbs" and then realize maybe its b/c you spend too much time trying to get recognized on a thread of which you had no place being in...loser....ha
    Touche my friend.

    However, I am not sure whether to congratulate you on finally having an original thought that Cyc did not lend to you or pity you because you obviously rode the short bus when you were in grade school.


  35. #75
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Hey now buddy; I still ride the short bus is something wrong with that? huh huh huh punk? my mom said it was for the special kids...that means im special and obviously you are not..ha

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    OMG..this is funny! Nice poems guys. Keep going...this is entertaining.

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    Mental Institution
    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    Hey now buddy; I still ride the short bus is something wrong with that? huh huh huh punk? my mom said it was for the special kids...that means im special and obviously you are not..ha
    I take it that they have not finished the electric shock treatment yet?

  38. #78
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by Cali
    OMG..this is funny! Nice poems guys. Keep going...this is entertaining.
    OMG WTF Cali!?! you call that a flame? cmon now everybody knows that women lay down the most ego destroying flames of all. Every guy in here will agree. but so far your letting your sex down....i dont see how you could show your face...well...your avatar in here again...

    *is in disbelief that he's about to post this because sure enough cali will retailiate and syms ego -whats left of it after this thread will be completely gone*

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Damn I can't believe i'm just reading this thread now. This is freaken hilarious! Those poems had me laughing out loud!!! Some nice shit! However, you are ALL lame!!!


    symatech - stop staring at the mirror man, you keep picturing yourself as a muscular guy, but you are just a fat ass slob who drinks too much bear, chokes his kid every chance he can get, and never gets no pussy from his wife!! And your stuck at that shitty plant, and you just know your the one who is actually after your boss, cause your a "flaming homo"

    fkit - you wish you could be cyc cuz he has 36 thousand some odd posts, and you envy him, and everytime he changes around your info, you juz love it, cuz you know this is cyc's way of showing you his true love for you! and you have to put a pic of your girlfriend instead of yourself, cuz you know you would look ridiculous in that cowboy hat, and you are no where nearly as hot as she is, u just got lucky

    kunip - you wanted to feel so important, u juz had to become the lounge lizard, even though you probably pay someone to keep those jokes coming each day, and you desperately wanna reach a higher status, and that green lizard is actually what you really look like, u also envy cyc, like all the other lamers here, wanting everyday to be with him, wishing u could walk in the mall holding his hand

    cyc - you need your "supermod" status so everyone likes you, and you think your gandalf, keeping everyone safe from the evil flame monster, and you say your wherever your necessary, but your not necessary at all
    and you so wish I really was a pony, cuz you got a sick beastiallity fetish wishing you could barry your bone in some animal like me, you'd pretty much hit anything these days
    (yeah i know your gonna own my ass even worse now, but how much worse can it get from my little pony princess)

    monster - your an ape, you smell, and your probably scared of guns, not only are you a monkey, but you like to dress up in little girls clothings and have little tea parties with all your animal friends, what people DON'T know is that is actually a picture of your girlfriend in your avatar, and it's surprising she is hotter then you, but, your jealous of her cuz she has the real GUNS in the relationship, while you, have spagetti arms, and a little monkey cock like the poem says

    roch - what kind of a lame ass pose is that, you couldn't find anything better? are you trying to show people your sexy armpit hairs? are you going to grow them down to your ass? for a world record or something, your too much of a pussy to do a REAL manly pose! but what people don't realize is that that is not you posing, it's actually you with your hands up when the cops busted your ass for impersinating a body builder, walking around topless in the night, scaring people with your lame "pose"

    daem - your no daemon, if you saw a daemon, you would probably shit your pants and run back to your mommy and ask her to quickly put the tv back onto the cartoon channel so you can watch some more tiny toons, and colour in your colouring book

    red - what is red ketchup? you don't look like the pic in your avatar, nor will you ever, you think your a bad ass like the guy, with the red hair and all, but you are a lame canadian just like the rest of us canadians, you never even been to a real gym before

    paem - us guys would learn how to shave properly, if you learned how to shave your mustache properly, and why do you girls get so lazy you shave your legs like once a week, do it everyday!! and the pit hairs, gross! how do you surf with the hairy legs? do you keep the legs hairy so people will think it's a guy surfing instead of a girl

    pain - you WISH you could drive in a car like that, but u can't, nor will you ever, u can't even fit in it since your so damn fat! and what the hell is with the nasty yellow banana colour, it looks like shit, what do you really drive? one of those "made to look" like fancy cars, even though it is only run by a lawnmowing motor. you probably don't even have a lisence, and you try to pick up girls on the tricycle that you ride, telling them they can sit on your lap while you peddle them to paradise

    mammoth - your no mammoth, your small, you got no muscles, and you really gotta stop fantasizing about mammoths, and you probably like to feel their long trunks, pretending it's an over sized "...."

    those poems sucked ass, here is a real poem for you all:

    Roses Are Red
    Violets Are Blue
    You All Suck At Flaming

    ((Note: I flamed everyone I saw in this thread, assuming you are here, means you were in for it ))
    Last edited by Terinox; 04-01-2003 at 05:48 PM.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    this is the best you guys can do?

    smelly jokes?

    we let a flame thread stay and all you guys can do is SMELL each other?

    i'm joking of course.............go ahead and have a blast with this, but like M.C. said, keep it FAIRLY clean ok? youre doing a great job so far..........

    peace IFL79

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